ANC Flashcards
How many conceptions per year int he UK?
Which is the only age group not to decreased in conception rates?
> 40 y/o
How many abortions in the UK per year?
Which vitamin should you not take too much of?
Vit A
How many mg of folic acid should you take. When should you start and stop taking it?
Every day before your pregnant
Until you’re 12 weeks pregnant
6 reasons to take a higher dose folic acid
You/your babys father has NTD You/your babys father have FHx NTD You have DM You've had previous pregnancy affected by NTD You take anti-epilepsy meds You take ARV Dx for HIV
Which other vits/mins should you take/include in your diet pre-conceptually?
Vit D
Vit C
What is the Healthy start scheme?
Provides vouchers to pregnant women + families
When does the Booking Screen take place?
Before 10 weeks
Who does the Booking Screen?
The midwife
What is the aim of the Booking Screen?
To ID any RF that might indicate need for > surveillance
Components of examination in The Booking Screen
W + h –> BMI
Palpating uterine size abdominally
Investigations undertaken in the Booking Screen (7)
FBC Haemoglobin electrophoresis Blood group + ab screen Antibody screen Screening for BBV CO USS
Which component of FBC is normally raised in pregnancy?
What 2 components of FBC are we most interested in @ Booking screen?
What could a rising antibody titrate at booking indicate?
Fetal anaemia
What 4 BBV are routinely screened for @ Booking?
Hep B
What can high CO levels –>
Small baby
Cot death
What is the USS at booking looking at?
Fetal viability
Gestational age
ID/exclude multip
Nuchal translucency
How to estimate due date?
Add 9 months + 7 days to 1st day of LMP
Advise on exercise in pregnancy?
Safe to continue but easier to strain a mm because of increased progesterone levels
How to wear seatbelts in pregnancy?
Above/below month
Why avoid these foods in pregnancy? Soft cheese Unpasteurized milk + cheese Uncooked fish Chill-cook meals
Listeria –> miscarriage or stillbirth
Why avoid these foods in pregnancy?
Unwashed fruit/veg/salad
Raw/rare meat
Unpasteurized milk
Toxoplasma –> miscarriage, still birth or LT disability
Why avoid these foods in pregnancy?
Uncooked egg
Salmonella/food poisoning –> ppt premature labour
Define antepartum haemorrhage
Bleeding from genital tract after 24 weeks gestation
Common causes APH (3)
Undetermined origin
Placental abruption
Placenta praevia
Rarer causes APH (3)
Incidental genital tract pathology
Uterine rupture
Vasa praevia
Prevalence placenta praevia
Define placenta praevia
Where the placenta is fully/partially implanted in the lower uterine segment
What are the 2 main types of placenta praevia?
Minor placenta praevia
Major placenta praevia
What is minor placenta praevia?
Placenta is low, doesn’t cover internal os
What is major placenta praevia?
Placenta lies over internal os
Risk factors for placenta praevia (7)
Previous C section High parity Maternal age >40 Multiple pregnancy Prev placenta praevia Hx uterine infection Curettage to endometrium after miscarriage/termination
Clinical features placenta praevia
intermittent painless vaginal bleeding
Uterus usually not tender on palpation
Baby on examination in placenta praevia?
Baby often in breech + transverse lie
Foetal head high + not engaged
What must you NOT do in placenta praevia
Perform a VE
What is placenta accreta
If placenta implants in previous C section scar
What is placenta percreta
If placenta penetrates uterine wall into surrounding structures e.g. bladder
What investigations would you do for placenta praevia?
Which is for definite diagnosis?
USS ** definite diagnosis
FBC, clotting, cross-match, G+S
Management P.praevia
A-E Scan @20W If minor - repeat @ 36W If major - repeat @32W If bleeding - Admit Steroids if <34weeks C-section @ 39W
Prevalence placental abruption
What is placental abruption?
Where part/all placenta separates from wall of uterus prematurely
What are the 2 main types of placental abruption?
What is revealed placental abruption
Bleeding –> drains through cervix –> vaginal bleed within uterus –> clot retroplacentally
What is concealed placental abruption?
Bleeding remains within uterus –> clot retroplacentally. Can still –> systemic shock
RF: Age <18 (2)
Hypertensive disorders
RF: Age >38 (4)
Fetal chromosomal abnormality
Stillbirth after 40 weeks
Hypertensive disorders
RF: Weight @ booking - <45kg
RF: Weight @ booking - >100kg (4)
Hypertensive disorders
Impaired glucose tolerance
Shoulder dystocia
RF: Primaparous
RF: Grandmultiparous (>4) (5)
Anaemia IUGR Malpresentation Unstable lie PPH
RF: Previous removal placenta (3)
Recurrence retained placenta
P. praevia
RF: Previous C-section
Placenta praevia
RF: Prev baby >4kg
Shoulder dystocia
RF: Hypertension
Hypertensive disorders
RF: Insulin dependent DM (6)
Miscarriage Stillbirth Congenital anomaly Macrosomia Shoulder dystocia Neonatal hypoglycaemia
RF: Epilepsy (5)
Cardiac abnormalities Palate abnormalities NTD Haemorrhage disease of newborn Labile drug levels
RF: Thyroid disease (2)
Maternal thyroid storm
Neonatal hypo/hyperthyroidism
RF: Recurrent UTIs (2)
Premature labour
RF: Psychiatric disorders
Acute exacerbation in post natal period
RF: Anorexia nervosa
RF: Cone biopsy
Cervical incomptency and midtrimester miscarriage
RF: Genital herpes
Neonatal herpes encephalitis
RF: Diabetes
Impaired glucose tolerance
RF: Domestic violence (4)
Physical injury
Depression + suicide
Premature labour
RF: Cigarettes + cannabis (4)
Neonatal respiratory distress
Cot death
Childhood asthma + ear infections
RF: Alcohol - >4 units /day
Foetal alcohol syndrome - cardiac defects
RF: Alcohol >8 units/day
Foetal alcohol syndrome - abruption
RF: Cocaine (4)
Premature labour
Cot death
RF: Amphetamines (3)
Palate abnormalities
Cardiac abnormalities
MSK + cardiac abnormalities
RF: Barbituarates
Neonatal withdrawal
RF: Smoked heroin (4)
Neonatal withdrawal
RF: Injected heroin (3)
Hep B
Hep C
RF: Methadone
Neonatal withdrawal
RF: Assisted conception (3)
Multiple pregnancy
Premature labour
RF: Recurrent antepartum haemorrhage
RF: Multiple pregnancy (7)
Miscarriage Chromosomal abnormality Hyperemesis Premature labour Anaemia IUGR PPH
RF: Fibroids (2)
Unstable lie/obstructed labour if in lower segment uterus
For what reasons would an early pregnancy scan be carried out? (3)
If there has been:
Hyperemesis gravidarum
What is the most accurate way to date a pregnancy on USS?
C-R length between 6-12w
What is the most reliable way after 14 weeks to date a pregnancy?
Biparietal diameter
What measurements on USS are used to estimate fetal weight?
Head circumference
Abdo circumference
When is nuchal translucency carried out?
11-13 w + 6
What may Incr NT reflect?
Heart failure
Chromosomal abnormalities
When is the anomaly scan undertaken?
What does the anomaly scan involve looking at?
Skull shape Internal structures Abdo, spine, arms legs Heart Face and lip
What does the doppler USS measure?
Blood flow in uterus, placenta and fetus