ANC p3 Flashcards
What is breech particularly associated with
% babies breech at term
% babies breech at 32w
% babies breech at 28w
What are the 3 types of breech position
Extended/frank breech
Flexed/complete breech
Footling breech
What is Extended/frank breech
Hips = flexed
Knees = extended
feet adjacent to fetal head
What is flexed/complete breech
Flexed @ hips + knees
What is footling breech
Flexed @ hips + knees /ffet present to maternal pelvis
Uterine causes of breech (4)
Uterine malformation
Placenta praevia
Fetal causes of breech (5)
Prematurity Macrosomia Polyhydramnios Twin pregnancy Abnormality
How is the diagnosis of breech made (4)
Head felt on examination
Fetal heart auscultated @ higher level
VE to confirm
If any doubt - USS
What % of breech is not diagnosed until labour
How can breech PS in labour
Meconium stained liquor
3 main DDx breech
Oblique lie
Transverse lie
Unstable lie
3 main Mx options breech
Vaginal breech birth
What is ECV
Manipulation of fetus to cephalic presentation through maternal abdomen
ECV success rate primip
ECV success rate multip
Complications ECV (5)
Transient fetal heart abnormalities Placental abruption PROM Cord prolapse Intracranial haemorrhage
C/I ECV (4)
Recent APH
Ruptured membranes
Uterine abnormalities
Previous CSC
When is Vaginal breech birth C/I
When baby is in footlong breech
Specific manouvres for vaginal breech birth (3)
Flexing fetal knees (for delivery legs)
Lovsett’s manouvre
Mauriceau-Smellie-Veit (deliver head by flexion)
Lovsett’s manouvre breech
Rotate body + deliver shoulders
Def preterm labour
Between 24-37w
What % of deliveries are pre-term
Neonatal complications of pre-term (5)
Mortality Cerebral palsy Chronic lung disease Blindness Minor disabilities
Maternal complications of pre-term labour (3)
CSC used >
Illness/ death
RF pre-term (10)
Prev Hx Low SE class extremes maternal age Short interpregnancy interval Renal failure/DM/thyroid disease Pregnancy complications STIs CV prev cervical surgery Uterine abnormalities
Infections that can –> pre-term labour (4)
Offensive liquor
Neonatal sepsis
Preventing pre-term labour
Cervical cerclage Progesterone supplementation Infection Tx polyhydramnios Tx medical disease
Methods of cervical cerclage for preventing preterm labour (3)
1 - 12-14w (elective)
2 - cervix scanned reg + sutured if signif shortening
3 - Rescue suture
How to Tx polyhydramnios to prevent preterm labour (2)
Need aspiration = amnioreduction
NSAIDS - reduce fetal urine output
Hx suggesting pre-term labour (4)
Painful contractions
Cerivcal incompetence
Ix - preterm labour (6)
Check lie + PS fetus VE to confirm dilated cervix TVS cervical length CTG/USS Vaginal swabs CRP (check for chorioamnionitis)
Mx pre-term labour
Steroids betw 23-34w Delay delivery w/ tocolysis Detect + prevent infection MgSO4 4g IV <12h prior to deliver Transfer to level 3 facility Deliver vaginally if can Paediatrics on site DO NOT CLAMP CORD FOR 45s ABx for delivery b/c incr risk GBS
Why give steroids in pre-term laboru
Reduce perinatal morb/mortality
+ Incr pulmonary maturing
E.g.s of tocolysis
Oxytocin antagonists
Why give MgSO4 in pre-term labour
Rupture of membranes <37w
What % of pre-term deliveries have PPROM
Complications of PPROM (4)
Pre-term delivery
Infection - chorioamnionitis or funiculitis
Cord prolapse
Pulmonary hypoplasia + postural deformities
Gush of clear fl + further leaking
Pool of fl in post fornix on speculum = diagnostic
What NOT to do O/E PPROM + why
Don’t VE
Don’t want to intro infection
Ix PPROM (6)
'Point of care' test USS - reduced liquor HVS FBC, CRP Lactate (Id. sepsis) CTG
Mx PPROM (4)
Admit + give steroids
Close surveillance
If gestation 34-6w –> delivery
Use prophylactic erythromycin
Def premature ROM
Rupture of membranes >1h prior to onset of labour occuring 37w or > gestation
What % pregnancies have premature ROM
How is diagnosis of premature ROM made
sterile speculum + maternal Hx
Mx premature ROM (4)
Monitor signs chorioamnionitis
ABx if GBS isolated
W+W 24hrs
IOL + delivery if >24hrs
Def prolonged pregnancy
> 42w gestation
Who is more likely to have a prolonged pregnancy? (2)
Risks of prolonged pregnancy (3)
Increased risk stillbirth
Neonatal illness + encephalopathy
Foetal distress
Mx prolonged pregnancy - 41-42w (3)
If dont want IOL - daily CTG monitoring
Sweep cervix
Mx prolonged pregnancy if CTG = abnorm
What is ruptured vasa praevia?
Fetal BV run in membranes in front of presenting part
Due to velamentous insertion
Can rupture when membranes rupture –> massive PPH
PS ruptured vasa praevia
Painless moderate vaginal bleed @ROM
Severe foetal distress
Causes of bleeding - 1st trimester (3)
Spontaneous abortion
Ectopic pregnancy
Hydatidiform mole
Causes of bleeding - 2nd trimester (3)
Spontaneous abortion
Hydatidiform mole
Placental abruption
Causes of bleeding - 3rd trimester (4)
Bloody show
Placental abruption
Placenta praevia
Vasa praevia
Def anaemia 1st trim
Hb <110g/l
Def anaemia 2nd/3rd trim
Hb <105
Anti-anaemia changes in pregnancy (3)
Incr prod RBC
Incr FE absorption in gut
Decrtransferrin hence Incr TIBC
‘Pro-anaemia’ chanes pregnancy (4)
Incr plasma vol –> haemodilution
Decr Se Fe
Decr Se ferritin
Incr renal clearance folate
RF Anaemia in pregnancy (5)
Haemoglobinopathies Incr maternal age Low SE status Poor diet Anaemia in prev preg
CF anaemia in pregnancy (5)
Dizzy Fatgigue Dyspnoea Asymp Pallor
DDx - microcytic anaemia (<76 MCV) (3)
Sideroblastic anaemia
DDx - normocytic anaemia (4)
Anaemia chronic disease
Marrow infiltration
Haemolytic anaemia
DDx macrocytic anaemia (5)
B12 Folate defic Alcohol Reticulocytosis Hypothyroidism
Ix anaemia of pregnancy
+ further Ix if suspecting haemoglobinopathies/Fe/B12 defic
Screening for pregnant women for anaemia?
ALL women @ booking + 28w
Can also check at 34w
If multip: addiitional betw 20-28w
Mx IDA in pregnancy
200mg ferrous sulphate tds
Mx macrocytic anaemia b/c folate in preg
5mg folic acid o.d.
Mx B-thalassaemia in preg
Folate + blood transfusions as req
Mx Sickle cell in pregnancy
Folate + Fe
Iron rich foods to eat in pregnacy
Folate rich food to eat in pregnancy
Raw greens
What is fetal fibronectin and what does it mean
Protein released from gestational sac
High levels = related to early labour
Sickle cell appearance of chains
2 alpha + 2 s chains
Maternal complications sickle cell disease (3)
Painful crises
Foetal complications sickle cell disease (4)
Mx Sickle cell in pregnancy (3)
5mg folic acid
Rx - specialist haematologist
4 alpha thalassaemia mutations - outcome
Death in utero (Barts hydrops)
3 alpha thalassaemia mutation - outcome
Lifelong blood transfusions req
PS beta thalassaemia in pregnancy
Chronic anaemia that worsens in pregnancy
Mx beta thalassaemia in pregnancy
Folic acid
USS x 4 weekly