GYN Flashcards
Womens’ physiology is dominated by
blood d/t uterus since it stores blood
The Du Mai arises where ?
Bao aka
Dan Tian
Dan Tian in women is the
Dan Tian in men is the
Room of Sperm
An Extra Yang organ
The uterus is Yang because
- hollow shape
* discharging (menses, baby @ labor)
The uterus is Yin because
- stores blood
* nourishes the fetus
The vessel connecting the heart with the uterus
Bao Mai
The vessel connecting the uterus with kidneys
Bao Luo
menarche (YRS)
12.8 YRS, range 10 - 16 YRS
cycle range
21-36 days
menses last
3-7 days
ml of blood loss
30 - 80 ml
How should the blood look?
light at start => deep red at middle => pink at the end; no clots or coagulation
menopause range
50 YRS, range 35 - 55 YRS
4 Phases of woman’s cycle
- Pre-menstrual
- Menstrual
- Post-menstrual
- Mid-cycle
- Yang Qi rises,
- LV Qi mobilizes to move LV-Blood;
- Luteal phase
- NAME of phase, timeframe?
pre-menstrual phase, 7 days
In the luteal phase, what hormone is excreted?
The corpus luteum produces PROGESTERONE, which THE body needs to ripen the endometrium (uterine lining).
- LV Qi flows free
- Blood is moving
- Fall in estrogen & progesterone,
- Necrosis of layers of endometrium
NAME of phase, timeframe?
Menstrual, 5 days
- Blood and Yin are empty
- Chong & REN depleted
- Follicular phase
- Estrogen levels rise d/t FSH
NAME of phase, timeframe?
Post-menstrual, 7 days
- Blood & Yin fill up in Chong & Ren
- Ovulatory Phase
- Ovum released
- Corpus Luteum develops from LH
NAME of phase, timeframe?
Premenstrual Treatment
- Tonify Yang if deficient
* move LV Qi if stagnant
Menstrual Treatment
- Move Blood if scanty
* Stop bleeding if heavy (could be stasis or deficiency)
Post-Menstrual nourish ____in these meridians
• Nourish Blood and Yin (LV/KD)
Mid-cycle support what?
• Promote ovulation nourish Essence
material substance of menstrual blood, origin of sperm
Tian Gui
Tian Gui meaning
Tian = heavenly Gui = yin-water
Tian Gui Shui
describes seminal and menstrual fluids
Jing Shui
period water
What turns the Tian Gui Shui into blood?
KD Yang
The origin of REN, CHONG, DU Mai
bw KDs where KD Yang is
Def KD Yang causes
cold obstruction, infertility, dysmenorrhea lack sexual desire
XS KD Yang causes
XS bleeding, infertility, miscarriage
The uterus receives blood from
LV Blood def. causes what for menses
- amenorrhea
- scanty
- late
Hot Blood in the LV causes
LV Qi moves LV Blood during which menstrual phase?
Stagnant LV Blood causes
- irregular menses
- dysmenorrhea
Source of Qi and Blood
SP Yang Qi function w/uterus
ascends & raises uterus
def SP causes what to menses
menorrhagia since the SP gathers blood
Governs the Blood
What is the name of the vessel which connects the HT with the UTERUS?
HT Yang forms ______ with the ESSENCE
Tian Gui aka Heavenly Gui
What are the 3 strong emotional influences with the HT & UTERUS?
- def BL in uterus after birth => depression
- stag BL in uterus after birth => psychosis
- Emotional shock may cause amenorrhea
Governs Qi
organ w/minor influence over the uterus
What organ has indirect influence over prolapsed uterus
LU since it governs Qi
Stopping menses can be d/t which organ?
LU => sadness, grief => depletion of Qi
How is the ST connected with the UTERUS?
via Chong Mai which rises from the UTERUS up through ST30
ST30 aka
- Sea of Nourishment
- Qichong
- pouring Qi
Which channel influences breast feeding?
Fu organ source of Qi and Blood
Sea of Blood points
BL11, ST37, ST39
Controls supply and movement of Blood in Uterus
Chong Mai
Combines with REN Mai to regulate uterus, menses
Chong Mai
Empty Chong Mai
amenorrhea, scanty or late periods
Stagnant Qi or Blood of Chong Mai
Responsible for menstruation & its irregularities
Chong Mai
This vessel is related to the uterus, internal, external genitals (Cervix, vagina, vulva)
Ren Mai
Sea of Yin channel provides
Yin, Essence, Fluids
Sea of Yin (vessel)
Ren Mai
Through what vessel should you nourish Yin in terms of menopause?
Ren Mai
This vessel has influences of conception, fertility, menarche, pregnancy and menopause
Ren Mai
These vessels are almost like midnight and midday, the polar axis of the body, two branches of the same vessel one Yin the other Yang
Du Mai & Ren Mai
Du Mai extends a branch to the front of the body curling around the ______
If Yang is deficient treat ______
Du Mai
This vessel connects the Uterus with the Kidneys, Heart & Brain
Du Mai
These two vessels are the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Ovarian axis responsible for ovulation
Ren/Du Mai
Interrelates with, restrains LV Qi flow, harmonizes ascending and descending of Spleen and Kidneys
Dai Mai
Guides and supports the Qi of the UTERUS and Essence
Dai Mai
Connects with BL23 and LV13, influences post-natal
Dai Mai
If this vessel is deficient, it influences Du, Ren, Chong
Dai Mai
What is important for conception?
=> Abundant Blood, Essence
=> Healthy: KD, LV, Ren, Chong
=> Yang energy of the Gate of Live
Minister Fire has
• what form
• is related to
• provide what to form a new being
- Formless, related to water
* Provides the SPARK necessary for Essence and Blood to form a new being
Po aka
Corporate Soul
Po of the fetus is formed from the ______
mother’s Po
Which 2 items influences the hereditary constitution of the child?
- both parents’ Kidneys
* mother’s Lungs
How is pregnancy defined in TCM?
- Time of change within the body
- Abundance of Yin, plethora of Yang
- Blood is transformed into Essence to nourish the fetus
plethora means
Menopause defined in terms of the vessels and fluids
- Ren Mai (Directing) becomes deficient
- Chong Mai (Penetrating) depleted
- Tian Gui (Heavenly Gui) dries up
- Fluids in the channels are exhausted
Menopause d/t
KD def. => combined Yin & Yang def.
What happens in menopause with energy, fluids?
Chong & Ren, KD depleted of energy (essence), blood & fluids dry up
Minister fire is the source for both
Fire & Water
Yin is the material substance for
Yang is the function of
What are the LIVER patterns in women’s patology?
- LV Qi Stag
- LV Blood Def
- LV Blood Stasis
- LV Blood HEAT
LV Qi stag (women’s pathology) translates into
* Yang rising => H/A
LV Blood def (women’s pathology) translates into
- infertility
- scanty periods
- late periods
- amenorrhea
LV Blood Stasis (women’s pathology) translates into
- result of stagnant Qi
- dark blood
- clots
LV Blood HEAT (women’s pathology) translates into
- prolonged stagnant Qi
* XS type of menorrhagia
What are the SPLEEN patterns in women’s patology?
- SP Qi def
- SP Blood def
- SP Qi sinking
SP Qi def (women’s pathology) translates into
• Origin of Qi and Blood
SP Blood def (women’s pathology) translates into
• SP def not generating Blood => LV Blood def
SP Qi sinking (women’s pathology) translates into
SP Yang not holding
What are the HEART patterns in women’s patology?
- Mental/Emotional
- HT Qi Rebelling UPward … Fire
- HT Yin, Qi, Blood def
- HT Blood Stasis
- HT Blood Heat in Pregnancy
What influences have mental/emotional issues over GYN issues?
Influence over: • menstruation • pregnancy • childbirth • menopause
What means BLOOD COLD in women’s pathology?
=> cold invades the Uterus, external strike or d/t Yang Qi def => leads to Blood Stasis causing • infertility • delayed cycle • painful periods
Blood not flowing to cold hands, but women has hot flashes - Explanation?
‘Hot & Cold Syndromes in women’
=> ex. Empty-Heat may rise from Blood def
Rebellious Qi rising, causing heat, lower channel cold feet - Explanation?
‘Hot & Cold Syndromes in women’
=> Chong Mai
Overlapping deficiency of KD Yin & Yang, common in women over 40 - Explanation?
‘Hot & Cold Syndromes in women’
LUNGS in womens’ pathology play a
minor role
How are LU associated with women’s issues?
Associated with SP Qi def
What stagnates LU Qi in chest?
- Worry
- Grief
- Sadness
How is the Stomach connected to the UTERUS?
via Chong Mai
What causes morning sickness?
Rebellious ST Qi
Women’s Pathology => What Qi Pathology is seen?
- def
- stag
- sinking
- rebellious
Women’s Pathology => What Blood Pathology is seen?
- def
- Stasis
- Cold
Rebellious Qi from abdomen to chest, face
Chong Mai
Controls Uterus, fertility, conception, pregnancy, delivery and menopause
Ren Mai
Def ‘slack’ vs. XS ‘tight’
Dai Mai
All vessels involved in womens’ pathology
DU REN Chong Dai Yin Heel Yin Linking