Flooding and Trickling Flashcards
Beng Lou
“flooding, bursting through,” trickle, drip, dribble”
Definition of Flooding and Trickling
A period that starts suddenly with a flood, often before proper time, and a period that continues with a trickle after the proper time.
Flooding involves heavier bleeding, quantity => Heavy Period: definition
heavy bleeding for loss during the proper time (about 5 days)
Continuous dribbling is called
Sudden flood is called
Dark blood with clots and pain is d/t
After a long time of Blood-Heat it injures which vessels?
Ren & Chong Mai
‘Continuous dripping is called ____(1) , while a sudden flood is called ____(2). Dark blood with clots and pain is due to ____(3), after a long time it injures the ____(4) and _____(5) Mai. A deficient ______(6) fails to hold Blood, Qi sinks, anger injures the ______(7) which makes Blood reckless: one must differentiate clearly, in Deficiency one must tonify, in Stasis _____(8), and in Heat clear.’
Golden Mirror of Medicine (1742)
1 - Lou 2- Beng 3- Blood-Heat 4- Ren 5- Chong 6- Spleen 7- Liver 8- disolve
When Yin is deficient and Yang in excess, there may be flooding because
excess Yang heats the blood and makes it spill from the blood vessels.
Flooding & Trickling etiology
- Emotional strain
- Major cause of Excess type bleeding in GYN
- Overwork and excessive sexual activity
- Physical overwork, chronic illness
- Childbirth
Major cause of XS type of bleeding in GYN issues
Emotional Strain
Stagnation of Qi leads to Fire, this is seen in
Emotional Strain
Overwork and excessive sexual activity weakens
LV and KD Yin (leads to empty heat)
Physical overwork, chronic illness weakens
Spleen => fails to hold blood in vessels
Childbirth => XS Blood loss weakens
LV/KD, failure to hold blood
Flooding & Trickling Pathology Patterns
- Blood Heat
- Stagnation, external pathogenic factor, diet
- Blood Empty Heat
- Qi Deficiency
- KD Deficiency
- Blood Stasis
Blood-Heat shows as
Profuse bleeding, bright red or dark red blood
Blood Empty Heat
Lesser bleeding or prolonged spotting after period
Blood-Heat looks like what? Over time it injures
- Red, scarlet blood
- Prolonged Yin def. or
- chronic Blood Full heat injures Yin
Flooding at start of period or prolonged spotting after indicates
Qi def
Pale red blood or Spleen Qi fails to hold blood in vessels could indicate
Qi def
KD Qi or Yang def affect
Chong and Ren
Chong and Ren become unstable =>
they fail to hold Blood
Ren Mai influences the
Uterus and Kidney
Yin deficiency fails to hold _____, and creates
blood, empty heat
What is causing Blood Stasis?
XS Blood loss during period, some loss after
Dark blood with dark clots causes
painful periods
Stagnant Blood obstructs Uterus blood vessels =>
New blood cannot fill Uterus, leaks out
‘Flooding is due to injury of the _______Mai. These vessels originate from the Uterus and are the Sea of channels; when they are injured their _______ and fails to hold Blood in the blood vessels and channels.’
General Treatise on the Aetiology and Symptoms of Diseases (AD 610)
Chong and Ren
Qi becomes deficient
Young girls: Flooding is due
hereditary Kidney weakness
Young women: Flooding is due
Blood heat from Liver Fire
Pre-menopausal: Flooding is due
Liver and Kidney Yin deficiency
Based on principles of stopping bleeding
- Harmonize Blood
- Treat the Root Cause of Bleeding
- Astringe
- Treat Qi
Harmonizing Blood means here
- Stop bleeding
- Eliminate stasis
- Calm Blood
- Nourish Blood
Treating Qi means
- Tonify and firm Qi
* Raise Qi
Three Steps in Treatment
- Shore Up the Flow
- Settle the Source
- Restore the Old
Shore up the flow means
stop the bleeding, treat the Baio
Settle the source means
Treat the underlying pattern causing the bleeding => treat the Ben
Restore the Old
Treating the organs involved
How to treat the organs involved
Tonifying KD
Regulating LV
Strengthen SP
Tonifying HT
Harmonize Blood: Stop Bleeding
SP 8, KD 8, KD 4, LIV 5, SP 1
Harmonize Blood: Eliminate Stasis
PC 6, SP 10, BL 17, SP 6, LIV 3
Harmonize Blood: Calm Blood
SP 6, KD 3
Harmonize Blood: Nourish Blood
ST 36, SP 6, LIV 8, CV 4, BL 20, BL 23
Treat the Root Cause: Blood heat
LI 11, SP 10, KD 2 LIV 3, LIV 2, PC 3, HT 3
Treat the Root Cause: Blood empty Heat
KD 2, LIV 3, KD 6, SP 6
Treat the Root Cause: Qi def.
ST 36, SP 6, CV 6, BL 20, BL 21
Treat the Root Cause: KD def.
KD 3, BL 23, BL 52, CV 4, KD 13
Treat the Root Cause: Blood Stasis
PC 6, SP 10, BL 17, SP 6, LIV 3
Treat the Root Cause: Cold
CV 4, ST 36, CV 6, BL 23, moxa
Astringe, herbs:
Shan Zhu Yu, Bai Shao & Di Yu (also stops bleeding)
Treat Qi
CV 6, CV 12, GV 20
Stop Bleeding:
SP 8, KD 8, BL 17, SP 10 connecting: KD 4, LIV 5
Flooding suddenly, often before the proper time, trickling of blood for long time after, bright red or dark red blood, thirst, red face, agitation, feeling of heat, dark urine, constipation
T: Red with yellow coat
P: Rapid-overflowing
Blood Heat
Treatment strategy for Blood Heat
Clear Heat, cool Blood, Stop bleeding
Point selection for Blood Heat
SP4 R, PC 6 L, LI 11, SP 10, SP 8, SP 1, KD 5, SP 6, KD 2,LIV 3, LIV 5, KD 4, LIV 1
Profuse bleeding with sudden flood, depression , irritability, moodiness, thirst, nausea, vomiting, acid regurgitation, hypochondrial pain and distention
T: Red sides
P: Wiry
LV Qi stagnation into Heat
Treatment strategy for LV Qi stagnation into Heat
Pacify Liver, move Qi, eliminate stagnation, clear Heat, cool Blood, stop bleeding
Point prescription for LV Qi stagnation into Heat
GB 34, LIV 3, LIV 14, BL 18, TW 6, PC 6, PC 7, GV 24, GB 13, SP 8, CV 6, LI 11, SP 10, LIV 1
Sudden flooding outside the time of period or trickling long time after, fresh red blood, watery, mental restlessness, feeling of heat in the evening, malar flush, scanty dark urine, dry stools
• T: Red, no coat
• P: Floating empty, or Fine rapid
Blood Empty Heat
Treatment strategy for Blood Empty Heat
Clear Empty Heat, cool Blood, nourish Yin, stop bleeding
Point prescription for Blood Empty Heat
LU 7 R, KD 6 L, KD 2, LIV 3, KD 5, SP 1, SP 6, SP 8, CV 4, LI 11, SP 10, LIV 1,
Period is hesitant, starting and stopping, may start again as a flood or may trickle after, pain before the period, blood dark with clots; abdominal distention, dark complexion
• T: Bluish-purple or Reddish purple
• P: Choppy or Wiry
Blood Stasis
Treatment strategy for Blood Stasis
TX: Invigorate Blood, eliminate stasis, stop bleeding
Point prescription for Blood Stasis
SP 4 R, PC 6 L, LIV 3, TW 6, LIV 1, SP 8, ST 30, SP 12, SP 10, SP 6
Bleeding which could be either scanty or abundant, bleeding on mid-cycle, blood sticky, yellow brownish discharge appearing before bleeding starts, no clots, feeling of heaviness, dragging sensation in lower abdomen, burning pain in lower abdomen, joint pain, oppression of chest, irritability, scant-dark urine, burning on urination, vaginal discharge
T: Sticky yellow coat
P: Slippery
Damp Heat in the Uterus
Treatment strategy for Damp Heat in the Uterus
Clear Heat, resolve Damp, cool Blood, stop bleeding
Point prescription for Damp Heat in the Uterus
GB 41 R, TW 5 L, LI 11, SP 10, SP 8, SP 1, KD 5, SP 6, SP 9, CV 3, BL 22, BL 32
Flooding at start of period, stops and goes on trickling after, pale and watery blood, pale face, tiredness, slight dizziness, no appetite, loose stools
T: Pale, scalloped
P: Weak
Spleen not Holding Blood
Treatment strategy for Spleen not Holding Blood
Tonify Qi, strengthen the Spleen, nourish Blood, stop bleeding
Point prescription for Spleen not Holding Blood
CV 6, CV 12, ST 36, SP 6, BL 20, BL 21, GV 20, SP 8
Prolonged bleeding with a trickle for long time after, periods late, blood pale, feeling cold, sore back , cold limbs, pale complexion, weak knees, pale urine
T: Pale and swollen
P: Deep and Weak
KD Yang def.
Treatment strategy for KD Yang def.
Tonify, warm Kidneys, consolidate Ren & Chong Mai, stop bleeding
Point prescription for KD Yang def.
CV 6, BL 23, CV 4, ST 30, KD 7, ST 36, SP 6, KD 13
Rx to Raise Qi, consolidate Chong: SP 1 moxa cones, BL 20, SP 6, GV 20, CV 6, CV 4
Trickling after period, late cycle, fresh red, watery blood, dizziness, tinnitus, weak knees, feeling of heat in evening, night sweat, hot flushes, malar flush, mental restlessness
T: Red without coating
P: Floating empty
KD Yin def.
Treatment strategy for KD Yin def.
Nourish Yin, strengthen Kidneys, stop bleeding
Point prescription for KD Yin def.
CV 6, BL 23, CV 4, KD 3, ST 36, SP 6, KD 2, KD 13, KD 10, LU 7 (R), KD 6 (L),