Guyton And Hall Physiology Review Questions Flashcards
Generally speaking, what is capable of reversing bronchorestriction induced by asthma?
The pleural pressure of a normal 56-year-old woman is approximately -5 cm H2O during resting conditions immediately before inspiration (i.e., at functional residual capacity [FRC]). What is the pleural pressure (in cm H2O) during inspiration? A) +1 B) +4 C) 0 D) -3 E) -7
E) -7
Intrapleural pressure and pleural pressure are synonymous
The value is actually -8cm H20!
What muscles assist with forced inspiration?
External intercostals
(They all open up the chest)
What two muscles are employed in force expiration? Which muscle does the majority of the work?
Rectus abdominus
Internal intercostals
Rectus abdominus is the major worker
A 22-year-old woman has a pulmonary compliance of 0.2 L/cm H20 and a pleural pressure of -4cm H20. What is the pleural pressure (in cm H20) when the woman inhales 1.0 liter of air?
A.) -6 B.) -7 C.) -8 D.) -9 E.) -10
d.) -9
Because the compliance is 0.2L/cm H20, it should be clear that a 1.0 L increase in volume will cause a 5cm H20 decrease in pleural pressure (1.0L/0.2L/cm H20 = 5.0 cm H20), and because the initial pleural pressure was -4 cm H20 before inhalation, the pressure is reduced by 5 cm H20 (to -9 cm H20) when 1.0 liter of air is inhaled
What is the equation for compliance?
delta V / delta transpulmonary pressure