GUT Male Anatomy and Radiology (ClinMed & Commentary)) Flashcards
What muscles make up the Levator ani?
- Iliococcygeus
- Pubococcygeus
- Puborectalis
What are all the muscles and structures in the Deep Perineal Pouch?
- External urethral sphincter
- Opening of urethra
- Deep transverse perineal m
- Deep perineal pouch lies inside the perineal membrane

Pelvic Fossa contents
- Many blood vessels & nerves in area
- Puboprostatic ligament = analagous to supportive ligament in females

What are the muscles and erectile tissues of the penis?
- Corpora Cavernosum (2)
- Corpus Spongiosum (attached to the Perineal Membrane)

Bladder Anatomy

Internal Bladder Anatomy

T/F: Urethral Catheterization will be gender specific?
What part of the urethra is surrounded by erectile tissue just below the Deep perineal pouch, is thin, angled, and vulnerable to injury?
- Spongy urethra

The Prostatic Urethra curves slightly ___?
During filling of the bladder what state are the detrusor m and internal and external sphincters in?
- Detrusor = relaxed
- Internal sphincter = contracted
- External sphincter = contracted
During filling of the bladder what is each muscle’s control mechanism?
- Destrusor = sympathetic (B2)
- Internal sphincter = sympathetic (a1)
- External sphincter = voluntary
During emptying of the bladder what state are the detrusor m and internal and external sphincters in?
- Detrusor = contracted
- Internal sphincter = relaxed
- External sphincter = relaxed
During emptying of the bladder what is each muscle’s control mechanism?
- Detrusor = parasympathetic (M)
- Internal sphincter = parasympathetic (M)
- External sphincter = voluntary
Spermatic Cord contents
- Ductus (Vas) deferens
- Pampiniform Plexus
- Genitofemoral n
- Sympathetic and visceral afferent nn
- Course of inguinal canal
- Inguinal rings
The Pampiniform Plexus function
Heat exchanger
What muscle does the Genitofemoral N go to?
Cremasteric muscle
The Tunica vaginalis is comprised of what 3 layers?
- Parietal layer (outter layer)
- Cavity
- Visceral layer
What is the arterial supply of the penis?
Via Internal Pudendal AA –> branches to Dorsal A –> Perineal AA –> branches to Deep A & penile erectile tissues
*Remember PDPD - (Erectile Dysfunction)
What is the venous anatomy of the penis?
Dorsal V –> Prostatic Plexus –> Vesicle Plexus –> Internal Pudenal VV –> Internal Iliac VV
The Testicular AA arises from?
Abdominal Aorta (to scrotum via inguinal canal)
The Cremasteric AA comes from the ___ ___ to the Inferior Epigastric AA
External Iliac AA
Arterial supply of the scrotum is via?
Perineal AA
Venous anatomy of the scrotum
- Drains via Testicular VV –> Internal Iliac –> Internal Saphenous
- *drainage via multiple systems - think Plexes
- Venous drainage can go into inguinal area - lymph nodes in that area
* you’re TIIIS‘ing out the blood
Lymphatics: Deep perineal drainage via ___ ___ vessels into Internal Iliac nodes
Internal Pudendal
Lymphatics: Superficial drainage via ___ ___ vessels mainly into Superificial Ingunal nodes
External Pudendal
Lymphatics: Glans penis into both ___ & ___ nodes
Deep Inguinal & External Iliac
Parasympathetic fibers come from what nerve roots via the Pelvic Splanchnic nerves?
Parasympathetic fibers from the Pelvic Splanchnic nerves go to?
- Inferior Hypogastric Plexus
- Deep Perineal pouch
- Perineal Membrane
What do the parasympathetic fibers from S2-S4 via the Pelvic Splanchnic nerves stimulate?
- Erection - vasodilation of Internal Pudenal A to corpora cavernosa & spongiosa
- Bladder contraction
What nerves can a prostatectomy destroy, causing impotence?
Parasympathetic fibers (S2-S4) - Pelvic Splanchnic nerves & Hypogastric Plexus
Sympathetic fibers are carried by what nerves?
- Sacral Splanchnic nerves
- Superior Hypogastric Plexus
Sympathetic fibers from the Sacral Splanchnic nerves & Superior Hypogastric plexus go to?
Hypogastric nerve to the Inferior Hypogastric Plexus
Contraction of the Internal Urethral Sphincter in men and smooth muscle contractions of reproductive tracts are stimulated by what nerves?
Sympathetic fibers carried by Sacral Splanchnic nerves
Somatic Afferent (sensation) from the penis is via the ___ and ___ nerves
Pudenal and Perineal nerves (S2-S4)
What type of neuro fibers does the Prevertebral Plexus carry?
- Sympathetic
- Parasympathetic
- Visceral Afferent
What Dx should you be thinking of if a patient has painless hematuria?
Bladder Malignancy!
What is the most common tumor of the urinary tract?
Bladder malignancy
Bladder malignancy is most common in what decades of life?
sixth & seventh
Where is bladder cancer most commonly located?
2/3 superficial
*1/3 are multifocal
Bladder malignancy will invade the bladder wall then invade local structures such as?
- prostate
- rectum
- uterus, ureters
- lateral pelvic walls
Bladder malignancy invades local structures via?
Internal iliac lymph drainage and nodes
Posterior Urethral Valves: an obstruction can occur 2/2 to congenital membranes at the junction of the ____ and ____ urethras
posterior and penile
*Associated with VUR
Pre-natal Hydronephrosis on fetal ultrasound is 2/2 to?
vesicoureteral reflux
On ultrasound of a fetus what does a thickened bladder wall and bladder trabeculations indicate?
Pre-natal Hydronephrosis
T/F: the Posterior Urethral Valves are true valves
False: not true valves but a fold of tissue - a membrane
The majority of prostate cancers are in what zone?
- Peripheral Zone (70%) - surrounds proximal urethra
- Transitional Zone (20-30%) - posterior, surrounds distal urethra
- Small amt in Central Zone - surrounds ejaculatory duct
Prostate cancer is typically found in peripheral portions of the prostate and is ___
The Anterior Fibromuscular Stroma (AFS) is ____
aglandular (without glands)

The New Classification of prostate zones
On photo:
- A = Seminal Vesicles
- B = Peripheral Zone
- C = Penile Urethra

In BPH, central areas of the prostate enlarge involving the urethra. Hyperplasia of both ___ and ___ elements occurs.
stroma and glandular
(most of the growth is in the Transitional Zone)
Carcinoma of the prostate arises from ___ tissue and is thus called an adenocarcinoma
What classification system is used for adenocarcinoma of the prostate?
Gleason Classification
*Dr. Witwer said there won’t be any test questions on this but to just know that there is a loss of architecture, a lot of nuclei, and differing shapes in prostate malignancy
Cancer of the prostate has a predilection to metastasize to?
There is an increased incidence of ____ in undescended testes (cryptorchism)

What is on your DDx for a painful testicle and/or scrotum?
- Epididymitis
- Orchitis
- Epididymo-orchitis
- Testicular Torsion
- Vericocele
- Hernia w/i scrotum
*Note: Use Duplex Doppler US to look for blood flow in the testicle and/or epididymus!
What will you expect to see on Doppler US for epididymitis?
- enlarged
- heterogeneous
- hypervascular
- poss w/ reactive hydrocele
A large epididymus and diffuse increased blood flow on Doppler US of the testicle indicates what Dx?
What is the bell clapper deformity?
Where the tunica vaginalis surrounds most of the testicle

A large, avascular, hypoechoic testis on Doppler US is indicative of what Dx?
Testicular Torsion
Increased blood flow to the epididymis and normal flow to the testis on Doppler US is indicative of what Dx?
Venous drainage of the testis is via the ____ ____ that runs within the Spermatic Cord
Pampiniform Plexus
A varicosity of the Pampiniform Plexus is a ___
Distended veins showing bidirectional flow in the veins of the testicle on Doppler US is indicative of what Dx?
BPH most commonly arises in what zone?
Transitional Zone
The Ischiocarvernous muscles (adjacent to the Ischiopubic rami) enclose the ___ ___
Corpora Cavernosum - which become the top portion of the penis
The Bulbospongiosus muscle encloses the ___ ___
Corpus Spongiosum - which becomes the lower portion of the penis
What structure of the penis encloses the urethra which comes from above?
Corpus spongiosum

The prostate is a gland, glandular elements secrete substances that are conducive to the survivial of?
What do the Seminal vesicles produce?
Seminal fluid that helps the sperm survive
The sperm come from the testicles, via the ___ ___ to the ejaculatory duct
Vas deferens
When the sperm are in the ejaculatory duct what do they mix with?
Seminal fluid from the Seminal vesicles
Ejaculation is mediated by what nervous system?
The arteries to the gonads, testicles, and ovaries are from the ___ ___ and the venous drainage is from the ___?
- Abdominal Aorta
- Inferior vena cava
- This is because the ovaries and testicles embyrologically arise from just below the kidneys
What portion of the prostate enlarges, involving th urethra with obstruction?
- Periurethral portion
- There is primarily enlargement of the stromal elements of the Transitional Zone of the Prostate
Testicular malignancy is associate with what type of cells?
Germ cells (ie sperm progenitors)