Gut (*) Flashcards
what does the digestive tract include?
The digestive system consists of the tract from the mouth (oral cavity) to the anus, as well as the digestive glands emptying into this tract, primarily the salivary glands, liver, and pancreas
what are the 4 main layers of the small intestine?
- mucosa
- submucosa
- muscularis
- serosa
what are the major stomach regions?
- cardia
- Fundus
- body
- Pylorus
how many layers does the muscularis have?
The mucosa of the stomach wall contains invaginations called _________ _____that lead into gastric glands. These structures are lined by simple columnar epithelium containing five functional cell types.
gastric pits
Throughout the ______and body regions of the stomach, the gastric pits lead to gastric glands with various cell types.
a transverse section of gastric glands would show what 3 major cells?
- Parietal cells
- Chief cells
- enteroendocrine cells
what are the inner two concetric layers of the gut?
mucosa and submucosa
what increases the absorptive area of the small intestine?
mucosa and submucosa forms circulr folds or plicae circulares
plicae circulares are covered by _______
villus contains lamina propria connective tissue with microvasculature and lymphatics are called what?
At the apical cell membrane of each enterocyte in the small intestine are located dense ___________, which serve to increase greatly the absorptive surface of the cell
The apical ends of these cells covering villi are joined and covered by a ________ _________of microvilli
brush border
The lining near the openings of the crypts contains a population of stem cells for the entire epithelial lining of the small intestine. Daughter cells slowly move with the growing epithelium out of the crypts, differentiating as what 3 things?
as goblet cells, enterocytes, and enteroendocrine cells
The villi of the small intestine contain?
blood microvasculature , lymphatic capillaries called lacteals , and both innervation and smooth muscle fibers.
Concentrated in the upper duodenum are large masses of compound branched ___________ ____________
mucous glands
The muscularis has a typical inner circular layer, but the outer longitudinal muscle is only present in three equally spaced bands, the _______ ________
teniae coli
About 90% of saliva is produced by three bilateral pairs of salivary glands?
the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands
________ ________ are typical protein-secreting cells, with rounded nuclei, accumulation of rough ER in the basal third, and an apex filled with protein-rich secretory granules
serous cells
The nuclei of ________cells, flattened with condensed chromatin, are located near the bases of the cells
The _________ -_______ are composed of columnar cells with characteristics of ion-transporting cells: basal membrane invaginations with mitochondrial accumulations
striated ducts
In the pancreas under the influence of _________, the centroacinar and intercalated duct cells secrete a copious HCO3−-rich fluid that hydrates, flushes, and alkalinizes the enzymatic secretion of the acini
what are pancreatic islets?
clumped masses of pale-staining endocrine cells embedded in the exocrine acinar tissue of the pancreas
what are hepatic lobules
- in the liver
- basic functional units of the organ
what is the portal triad?
in the liver, the peripheral vessels are grouped in connective tissue of the portal tracts and include a branch of the portal vein, a branch of the hepatic artery, and a branch of the bile duct
blood vessels in the portal triad branch as _________________, which run between plates of hepatocytes and drain into the ______ vein
sinusoids, central
RER is primarily engaged in synthesis of ________ ________ for release into the perisinusoidal space
plasma proteins
What are cholangiocytes?
Near the periphery of each hepatic lobule, many bile canaliculi join with the much larger bile canals of Hering, which are lined by cuboidal epithelial cells
what are Kupffer cells?
- specialized stellate macrophages
- detect and phagocytose effete erythrocytes