Guía Textil De Los Altos De Chiapas Flashcards
En cuanto a los asuntos celestiales, ¿quién sabe?
With regard to, as for (in reference to)
Celestial affairs
Daily, everyday (done each day)
A través de
Nosotros volamos a través de Atlántico
Through (by means of)
We flew across the Atlantic
A lo largo de
A lo largo de su vida, se esforzó por cumplir su palabra
Hay tiendas a lo largo la calle
Throughout (during), along
Throughout his life, he strove to honor his word
There are stores along the street
Por lo tanto
Has incurrido en una infracción, por lo tanto vas a la cárcel
Therefore, so, thus, hence (for that reason)
You have broken the law, therefore, you are going to prison
Huipiles suntuosamente brocados
Huipiles richly brocaded
Que se superponen en capas
That are draped in layers
Los diseños se pueden rastrear hasta el periodo Maya Clásico
To track, trail (to follow the traces of)
The designs can be traced back to the Maya Classic period (A.D. 200-900)
Así como
Toca el piano así como el guitara
As well as (and additionally)
She plays the piano as well as the guitar
Así. Like this, like that
Como. Like (comparative)(adverb)
Aunque extrañádolos mucho.
Echar de menos
Echo de menos a mi amigos.
Missing them
Although missing you a lot
Echar de menos. To miss (to long for)
I miss my friends.
To put
To form/to compose
To get/to arrange
To suggest/to propose