What does ADV stand for?
Adolescent dating violence
What is the definition of adolescent dating violence?
Physical, sexual, and/or psychological violence experienced in dating and/or sexual relationships in the early and mid-adolescent periods
How can ADV be perpetrated?
Virtually or in-person
ADV is a type of ____
ACE (adverse childhood experiences)
ADV affects how many canadian youth?
Every 1 in 3
What forms can ADV be in?
Physical, psychological, cyber
Significant differences in ADV are found among what determinants?
Age, gender, race/ethnicity, immigration status, food insecurity, SES
What is ACEs?
Potentially traumatic events that occur during childhood (I.e., ages 0-17)
True or false: ACEs can only be experienced directly
False; it is direct (i.e., experiencing) and indirect (i.e., exposure or witnessing)
What are unconventional forms of ADV?
Extreme jealousy, not trusting your partner and invading their privacy, etc.
What are the physical consequences of toxic stress?
- Brain development
- immunity
- Stress-response systems
What are the psychological consequences of toxic stress?
- Attention
- decision-making
- learning
What are short-term ADV health impacts?
Chronic pain, risky behaviours (ex. drug use, risky sex), antisocial behaviours (ex. bullying), low self-esteem, eating disorders, mental illness (depression, anxiety, etc.), poor academic performance, premature mortality
What are long-term ADV health impacts?
Early death, disease, disability, and social problems, adoption of health-risk behaviors, social, emotional, cognitive impairment, ACEs
What is chronic violence?
“Violence first experienced in adolescent relationships may become chronic, and that adolescent dating violence is an important risk factor for adult partner violence”
Silence allows ________
How can we prevent ADV?
Focusing on root causes of violence