ADOLESCENCE 16-18 Flashcards
When does the second brain spurt occur?
The second change begins around 17 years and continues into early adulthood
What happens to the brain at this age (16-18 years)
The frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex (area that controls logic and planning) are developing
Females attain most of their height by what age?
16 years
Boys grow until what age?
18-20 years
2 main points of brain development ted-talk video (16-18)
- This age is significant time in terms of brain development and risk taking
- Developing ability to take other people’s perspectives (empathy)
Female % fat _____ and % muscle _____
Rises, falls (body is preparing for reproduction)
Males % fat _____ and % muscle _____
Falls, rises
__________ patterns are reversed so hands and feet grow first and the trunk is usually the slowest part to grow (same shoe size for longer than same height)
Heart and lungs _______ in size
Heart rate _____
By 18 - 19 years what percentage of teens have had sex?
True or false: females are more likely than males to report having sex without using a condon
Inability to be assertive with a partner may lower ________
Condom use
Since 2003, have rates of STI (chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphillis) among youth aged 15 - 19 increased or decreased?
STI infection rates are highest among what female age group?
15 - 19 years
What is the STI infection rate among women aged 15 - 19?
18 cases per 100
The STI incidence rate in women is ___ higher than the incidence rate found in males
Teen pregnancy rate has ________ in Canada since ____
Declined, 1974
Teen pregnancies are more frequent among who?
Older adolescents and after a female leaves secondary school
How many pregnancies by 15 - 19 are terminated by abortion?
More than 1/2
What is the relationship between teen pregnancy and sexual activity
Teen pregnancy occurs more often if sexual activity started at an early age
Teen pregnancies occur most often in…
- People that were sexually active at an earlier age
- females from low SES single-parent families
- females whose mother had an early pregnancy
- females that are rejected by their peers
- older adolescents (females that have left secondary schools)
What percentage of teens report that they are still unsure of their sexual orientation?
True/false: gender is binary
More than ___ of students in grade 7-9 have used alcohol in the past 12 months
Alcohol consumption rates nearly ______ in grades 10 - 12
16 - 19 year old youth have the _____ highest rate of impaired driving charges of any age group in Canada