Guess the drug (autonomic nervous system version)) Flashcards
I am a drug that inhibit the rate limiting step of synthesis of Ach
I am a drug that block Ach release while my brother causes the release of Ach
Spider venom (black widow)
I am an enzyme found in plasma but I don’t play a significant role in termination of Ach effect
I am a drug that inhibit the movement of Ach into the vesicles
An alkaloid present in poisonous mushrooms
How many muscarinic subclasses do we have
5 (only 3 being functionally characterized)
M1 receptors are on——-
M2 receptors are on——-
M3 receptors are on ——-
Gastric parietal cells
Cardiac and smooth muscle
Bladder, exocrine and smooth muscle
T or F
drugs with Muscarinic act can’t stimulate nicotinic receptors
at high concentration they do
Muscarinic receptors are G-coupled receptors with — or —- being excitatory ( G–) while —– being inhibitory (G–)
G coupled
M1 and M3 Gq
M2 inhibitory (Gi)
nicotinic receptors are —–gated —- that have (rapid\slow)—– action
ligand gated ion channels (Na+ or Ca2+)
I am a drug that block the nicotinic receptors at the ganglia level while my brother blocks it at the level of neuromuscular junction
I am an alkaloid, stable to hydrolysis by AChE, uncharged used mainly in ophthalmology
I am a poor substrate for ACHE positively charged and i have nicotinic action
I am rarely therapeutic except in the eye because of my high potency , non selective binding and long duration of action
I lack nicotinic action and not hydrolized by ACHE i have a duration of action about 1 hr
My major actions are on SMC of bladder and GI
I am primarily used as miotic for treating glaucoma or during ophthalmic surgery
From my side effects:
Cause marked diaphoresis
enter brain and cause CNS disturbances
From my usages:
tx of xerostomia
tx of open angle glaucoma
miosis and contraction of ciliary muscle
I am administered as intraocular solution or injection
I am used to treat megacolon and atonic bladder
Iam a useless drug
I am a tertiary amine that make a stable carbmaminoylated compound with ACHE then make it reversibly inactive
I am a quaternary amine that enters the CNS poorly from my uses:
gastric contractions and secretions
motor act of small intestine and colon
treating bladder atony and symptomatic myasthenia gravis
we are 4 drugs for alzheimer’s but we cant stop the disease progression one of us is hepatotoxic
from our side effects is—
galantamine, tacrine, donepezil, rivastigmine
tacrine is the toxic
GI distress
I am used to diagnose myasthenia gravis but i am a short acting agent that cause cramping for only few minutes
we are 2 drugs used to treat myasthenia gravis
neo and pyridostigmine
we are 2 drugs used as antidotes for tubocurarine
neostigmine and edrophonium
i m an intermediate acting agent used to increase intestinal and bladder motility and produce miosis and spasm accomodation as well as lowering intraocular pressure
i am used for overdoses of atropine phenothiazines or TCAs
I am a synthetic organophosphate that bind covalently to serine OH of AchE
I can reverse the action of echothiophate only before aging (loss of alkyl group)
We can reverse the actions of echothiophate
Pralidoxime and atropine
T or F
Echothiophate is the first line tx for glaucoma
only in chronic tx of open angle glaucoma
Tor F
the actions of echothiophate may last up to 3 weeks
false 1 week
T or F
Pralidoxine can penetrate CNS
It can reverse echothiophate effects except in the CNS
I am an alkaloid act both centrally and peripherally my actions last about 4 hrs while placed topically in the eye its action last for days
I have longer duration of action than atropine and greater action on CNS
I am used to treat asthma who are unable to take adrenergic agonist also used in COPD
I produce mydriasis for 6 hrs while my brother produce it for 24 hrs