GU Flashcards
Urge Incontinence S/sxs & Dx
- most common in elderly and nursing home residents
- overactive detrusor muscle → increased frequency and involuntary loss of urine
- suddent urge to urinate (pts often unable to make it to restroom)
- loss of LARGE volumes of urine with SMALL postvoid residual
- nocturnal wetting
urodynamic study → shows how well the bladder, urethra and sphincter hold and release urine
- will have increased bladder contractions during the filling phase
urodynamic study → shows how well the bladder, urethra and sphincter hold and release urine
Urge Incontinence Tx
- bladder training exercises: goal is to increase the amount of time between voiding
- limit fluids <2-2.5L/day
- avoid bladder irritants: chocolate, caffeine, acidic fruits and juices, spicy foods, and aspirin
anticholinergic: oxybutynin, tolterodine, darifenacin, solifenacin, trospium, fesoterodine)
- → reduce bladder irritability and contractility
- SEs = retention, dry mouth, constipation, nausea, blurred vision, tachycardia, confusion, delirium, contraindicated in narrow angle glaucoma
- 3rd line = botox
- 4th line = neuromodulation-electrical sim → percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation
Stress Incontinence S/sxs & Dx
Most common in women (after having multiple children)
- weakness of the pelvic diaphragm (pelvic floor) leads to loss of bladder support with resulting hypermobility of the bladder neck
involuntary loss of urine (only in spurts) during activities that increase the pressure of the abdominal cavity
- cough, sneezing, weight lifting
involuntary loss of urine (only in spurts) during activities that increase the pressure of the abdominal cavity
Dx: clinical diagnosis → rule out infx with urinalysis
- urinary stress test
Stress Incontinence Tx
- kegel exercises: 3-6 weeks of daily exercises, 200/day
- vaginal estrogens
- SEs: vaginal irritation, foul-smelling discharge, UTIs
- surgery → mid-urethral sling
- weight loss
Overflow Incontinence S/sxs, Dx, & Tx
Most commonly affects diabetic patients and pts with neurological disorders
- inadequate bladder contraction (due to impaired detrusor contractility) or a bladder outlet obstruction → urinary retention and eventual overdistention
- nocturnal bed wetting
- infrequent voiding (2-3x/24 hours)
- difficulty starting urination
- large post voiding residual volume
- Men: bladder outlet obstruction due to BPH
- Women: prolapse of bladder (Cystocele) or uterus; rarely urethral stricture or bladder neck contracture
- intermittent self-catheterization
- cholinergic agents: bethanechol to increase bladder contraction
- alpha blockers: terazosin, doxazosin to decrease sphincter resistance
Functional Incontinence S/sxs, Dx, & Tx
- occurs in pts who have normal voiding systems but who may have difficulty reaching a toilet due to physical/mental disabilities
- S/sxs: increased urinary volume and inability to urinate in a timely manner
- Dx: clinical
- Tx: scheduled voiding times
Overactive Bladder Etiology, S/sxs, Dx, & Tx
- muscles of the bladder start to contract involuntarily even when the volume of the urine in the bladder is low
- Risk factors: age, current smoking, hyperlipidemia, DM, cardiovascular and renal disease
- urgency (sudden need to urinate)
- followed by occasional loss of urine
- no leaking with coughing or sneezing
- urgency (sudden need to urinate)
- urinalysis
- post-void residual volume
- urinary stress test
- U/S
- Cystoscopy and urodynamic testing
- detrusor overactivity (overactive bladder)can be diagnosed if there is urgency or leakage with a detrusor contraction that the pt cannot suppress
- pelvic floor exercises
- anticholinergic: oxybutynin and TCAs (Tricyclic antidepressants) imipramine
Cystocele Etiology, S/sxs, Dx, and Tx
Bladder prolapse → occurs when the supportive connective tissue separating the bladder and vagina weaken
Risk Factors:
- obesity
- chronic cough
- can occur after childbirth or after lifting heavy objects
S/sxs: preceived or discovered bulge in the vagina
- difficulty getting urine stream going
- feeling of incomplete emptying
- frequency or urgency
- worsened with standing
- pelvic exam and urodynamic studies
- urinalysis
Tx: minimal sxs = no tx
- kegel exercises, pelvic floor training
- pessaries
- surgery → strengthen the support underneath the bladder
Urethral Prolapse
S//sxs urethral mass and vaginal bleeding
often associated with constipation, painless
- when the testes do not descend aka undescended testicle
Risk factors:
- premature infants (30%) vs full term infants (5%)
- most common in R testicle
- increases risk of cancer and infertility
- referral made to urology if testicles have not descended by 3 months of age
- surgery between 6months - 1 year of age (orchiopexy)
- surgery between 6months - 1 year of age (orchiopexy)
- referral made to urology if testicles have not descended by 3 months of age
Peyronie Disease Etiology, S/sxs, Dx, & Tx
buildup of fibrous hardened tissue in the corpus cavernosum → often caused by repeated injury (sex, physical activity) and genetic susceptibility is involved
- penile pain worsened with erection
- curvature of penis on erection
- interference with sexual function
- thick circumferential plaque at the coronal sulcus
- hx and penile exam
- stable, mild curvature (≤ 30 degrees) with satisfactory sexual function:
- observation = okay
- worsening curvature or sexual dysfunction:
- pentoxifylline (vasodilator & anti-inflammatory) = best if initial tx within 3 months of onset
- > 3 months of deformity?
- intralesional injection with collagenase
- >12 months and wont respond to other txs?
surgical management
surgical management
- stable, mild curvature (≤ 30 degrees) with satisfactory sexual function:
Bladder Trauma
blunt force bladder injuries usually seen with lower abdominal trauma and pelvic fractures often with MVAs
- ***always suspect bladder injury in pts with pelvic fracture and inability to void***
- bruising/edema of lower abdomen, perineum, or genitalia
- CBC, prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) → coagulopathy
- plain radiography of pelvis
- retrograde cystogram → once urethral injury has been excluded and/or foley cath is place
- intraperitoneal or large bladder rupture = surgery to close
- extraperitoneal bladder rupture = can be treated with bladder catheter and observation
- drainage of the bladder should allow for resolution of the injury within a few days → f/u with cystography to assess integrity of bladder wall
Urethral Trauma
- classic sign = blood at the meatus
- anterior urethral injuries (bulbous and pendulous) = due to direct blows, straddle injuries, instrumentation
- posterior urethral (prostatic and membranous) injuries: usually coincide with major pelvic fracture
- Less common in women (shorter urethra and is more mobile)
S/sxs: high riding ballotable (can be “bounced back and forth”) prostate on digital rectal exam (DRE)
- penile or perineal edema and/or hematoma (common in anterior injuries)
- scrotal or peritoneal ecchymosis
- retrograde urography uses cystoscopy and ureteral catheterization to introduce a radiopaque contrast agent directly into the ureters and renal collecting system
- surgical repair for urethral injuries
External Genitalia Trauma
male external genitalia: penis, scrotum, testes and ejaculatory complex
Female: vulva, vagina, and labia majora/minora and clitoris
Causes: blunt mechanisms, falls, straddle injury
penile fractures: most commonly during sexual intercourse or masturbation
- → hear “popping” or “snapping” sound
penile fractures: most commonly during sexual intercourse or masturbation
- Penile Injuries = close f/u care especially if skin was grafted
- surgery = best tx for penile fractures
- f/u hormonal studies and semen analysis with scrotal or testicular injuries
Kidney and Ureter Trauma general info and dx
- ***significant force is needed in order to injure the kidneys***
- → MVAs, Falls, Direct Blows, Lower Rib Fractures
- Kids: most common cause of renal injury = bike accidents
- adults: 75% of ureteral injuries are iatrogenic
- CT scanning with contrast
Vesicoureteral Reflux Etiology, S/sxs, Dx, & Tx
urine flow retrograde or backward from the bladder up the ureters and into the kidney
Two Types:
- primary vesicoureteral reflux: most common type → when child is born with defect at the ureterovesical junction
secondary vesicoureteral reflux:
- obstruction that causes increased pressure and backflow; most commonly caused by recurrent UTIs
At risk:
- young females with hx of pyelonephritis or recurrent cystitis → evaluate for VUR
- fever
- urine cx with E.coli
- VCUG (voiding cystourethrography) and serial U/S
- mild to moderate VUR = usually resolves on its own
- more serious = surgery
- recently diagnosed: give prophylactic abx that are administered nightly at ½ the normal dosage
Cystitis S/sxs, PE, Dx, & Tx
infx of bladder
- Most common organisms: E.coli, Klebsiella, proteus, enterobacter, citrobacter
- hematuria, dysuria, increased urinary frequency, nocturia
- no fever, chills or back pain
- urine dipstick: nitrites, leukocyte esterase
- urinalysis: pyuria (WBCs in urine), bacteriuria, +/- blood, +/- nitrites
- → but do not need for uncomplicated cystitis
- (non-pregnant woman)
- → but do not need for uncomplicated cystitis
- uncomplicated UTIs:
- trimethoprim -sulfamethoxazole (BACTRIM) x 3 days
- Nitrofurantoin x 5 days
- fluoroquinolones x 3 days
Lower UTI in pregnancy:
- nitrofurantoin x 7 days
- Cephalexin (Keflex) x 7 days
Pediatric Cystitis:
- 1st gen ceph (Keflex) for low risk of renal involvement
- 2nd gen ceph (cefuroxime) or 3rd gen ceph (cefixime, cefdinir, ceftibuten) for those with high likelihood of renal involvement
- uncomplicated UTIs:
Epididymitis S/sxs, PE, Dx, and Tx
- Men < 35 = chlamydia and gonorrhea
- Men ≥ 35 = E.coli
- dull, aching scrotal pain that gradually increases
- dysuria, unilateral scrotal pain & swelling
- (+) Phren’s sign → relief of sxs with elevation = Classic Sign
- tender scrotum on posterior
- important to r/o testicular torsion → Rapid onset, higher testis → u/s with doppler
- urinalysis & cx + GCCT → pyuria (WBCs in urine) and bacteriuria
- <35 or suspected STD: ceftriaxone IM + doxycycline
- ≥ 35 with suspected enteric organism:
- levofloxacin or double strength Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim)
Orchitis s/sxs, PE, Dx, & Tx
- Mumps = most common cuase in kids
- orchitis without epididymitis = very uncommon in adults
- S/sxs: unilateral scrotal pain
- tender, swollen testicle
- shininess of the overlying skin
- scrotal edema with erythema
- tender, swollen testicle
- r/o testicular torsion with u/s with doppler
- urinalysis with cxs: pyuria and bacteriuria with cxs positive for suspected organisms
- rest, NSAIDS, scrotal support, ice, and abx (if bacterial)
- Age <35 or sexuallya ctive post-pubertal males → tx like epididymitis
- → ceftriaxone IM + doxycycline
- Age ≥ 35 (STI not suspected) →levofloxacin