GS4 Flashcards


materialistic vs moral values


Modern societies are focussed on economic growth, profits, consumption which demand a single minded dedication to materialistic values of accumulation, competition
so when faced with a crucial choice of materialism vs morality, a majority of them tend to chose materialism
why ?
Members of globalised societies are obsessed with success in personal and professional life
majority of them conceive success in narrow terms of wealth accumulation
moreover they believe that, they can rise up the social ladder and gain social status and prestige not by upholding morality but by accumulating more and more.
so accumulating tangible material wealth is being pursued at any costs , even at the cost of basic moral values of justice, equity,fairness that are essential for a modern civilised existence.
eg: Politics: criminalisation of politics, as good people no winnability to win elections, not enough funds.
eg: IR: more powerful USA,China, because of material wealth not high morality.
eg: corporate sector : sub prime lending prices in USA, for easy money
eg: bureaucrats collude with corrupt to gain wealth.
when these narrow materialistic notions of success trumps morality, the society pays the price, in the form of rising inequality, widespread degradation of environment, social unrests and wars between nations.
there is a minority driven by values and high principles of moral conduct which they uphold in both personal and professional life.
they are the ones who demonstrate passionate commitment to public service.
not guided by ephemereal material wealth nor of status or position.
when faced with choice of material wealth vs following moral principles, they are ‘intrinsically motivated’ to follow a path of morality because that gives them a sense of meaning and purpose in life.
value social relationships and treat everyone as an end in themselves, not merely means for furthering their ambitions
fight for social justice, work towards distributing fruits of development to all and speak truth to power.
make public services effective, fight the scourge of corruption and make the world a better place to live.
misfortune of the present generation is that as society we tend to value materialism over morality. our inability to value intangibles clear reveal the failure of our educational system.
so it is urgent to reset our misguided priorities. never a call to shun materialism in all its forms. what we need is a well founded balance.
while moral values, shall help us set the direction of our progress, material wealth shall provide us with necessary resources to make it a reality for all. our educational system should be revamped to instill this priority in our future genrations.

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Aptitude and foundational values for civil services- impartiality, non partisanship , objectivity
d30-Politicisation of bureaucracy


politicisation of bureaucracy implies
appointments,transfers, postings and promotions of bureaucracy is based on political criteria rather than the criteria of merit
advice offered and decisions made by bureaucracy is done to advance short term political gains of their masters and not on objective criteria based on merits of the case
eg: en masse transfer of higher bureaucracy when a new government takes over
diversion of public funds to the ministers constituency for petty beutification works
it is antithetical to the idea of political neutrality of civil service(idea of max weber)-a foundational value
states that the bureaucrats must give objective advice to the ministers based on the merits of the case without fear or favour.
causes of politicisation of bureaucracy
Mutual incentives of politicians and bureaucrats
helps politicians to advance short term political interests against long term public interests
helps bureaucrats to get plum postings , promotions and transfers without proving their merits and efficiency
unholy nexus between corrupt bureaucrats and politicians-collusive corruption
lack of a rigorous and objective performance appraisal system to base career advancement of bureaucrats -exploited by unscrupulous ministers and inefficient bureaucrats.
lack of security of tenure for bureaucrats- fear of inconvenient and attractive postings
criminalisation of politics needed a bureaucracy that will help them to return favours to their campaign donors
increased arbitrariness in bureaucratic transfers and postings post emergency
rising materialism and values of acquisitiveness across the board.
consequences of politicisation of bureaucracy
politicisation undermines benefits of political neutrality
erosion of public confidence in the non political character of public service
erosion of confidence of ministers in the loyalty of their bureaucrats
loss of morale of civil servants, as their promotions will be based not on merit but on their loyalty to the political masters.
enhances the scope of corruption as the powerful bureaucrat and politician will cover up each other’s unholy acts
professionalism, competency, and effectiveness of bureaucracy compromised when political loyalty overrides administrative acumen.
outcome achievement of social welfare shcemes, ease of doing business get affected as postings are not based on competency
IAS couples amassing huge wealth
2nd ARC says that
there is a need to safeguard the political neutrality and impartiality of the civil services
onus for this lies equally on political executive and civil services
aspect should be included in the code of ethics for ministers as well as code of conduct for public servants
on transfers and postings
rigorous systems of performance appraisal(PMES by 2nd ARC) to form the basis of transfers and postings
independent civil services board to recommend transfers and postings
security of tenure to be guaranteed for crucial posts as said in the supreme court verdict on the PIL field by TSR Subrahmanium and others
need to reinstate the culture of political neutrality in order to transform our bureaucracy into a competent professional force capable to meet the challenges of globalisation as well as advance the cause of social justice.

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work culture (d27)


work culture refers to the
sum total of attitudes , values and behaviours of individuals in an organisation
towards their duty , attention to productivity, efficieny, and effectiveness , concern for quality of service rendered to the clientale etc.
citizen centric administration is a good governance approach placing citizens at the core of the administration
aims to achieve a transparent and accountable system that will be responsive to the needs of the people by functioning in an efficient , equitable and effective manner
a positive work culture with loyalty to organisational goals, concern for quality service delivery with an empathy for the weaker sections will help realise a citizen centric administration imbued with ethos of service to the citizen
eg: include DMRC,Election Commission of India
negative work culture -lack of citizen centricity
Indian bureaucratic machinery especially at its middle and lower rungs is not known for its positive work culture and consequently for a citizen centric administration
display a negative work culture with features like
lack of clarity on organisational goals
lack of sense of mission and purpose but considers the job as a burden
lack of professionalism, punctuality and promptness
red tapism rigid conformity to rules hindering outcomes
status quoist with a secretive nature of functioning
all these negative features has led to an administration which the 2nd ARC characterises as unresponsive, insensitive and corrupt.
colonial hangover in these systems makes bureaucrats arrogant and citizens are held at the mercy of the officials.
positive work culture -citizen centricity
positive work culture is being created by
clear communication of organisational vision and mission through citizen’s charters
improved performance appraisal system (performance monitoring and evaluation system )
accountability for the results through the Results Framework Document
E-governance initiatives making governance hassle free while increasing transparency
participative initiatives for citizens
grievance redressal mechanism through Sevottam model
social audit mechanisms
all of these contribute to making administration more responsive to the needs of the citizens.
the pace of improvement in the work culture and our advance towards citizen centricity needs to be accelerated
create a personnel managment system that rewards performance and punishes non performance as recommended by 2nd ARC across all levels of bureaucracy
need to institutionalise citizen’s charters across all departments with greater citizen participation
training and awareness generation among officials to adhere to the spirit of RTI act. It should not be treated as an unnecessary interference to their work but as a mechanism to serve citizens better
linking career advancement with citizen centricity will help institutionalise a responsive and goal oriented work culture, which is crucial for better delivery of social welfare initiatives and timely achievement of sustainable development goals.

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d46-conscience for ethical decision making


as public servants are vested with management of public resources and as their decisions can have significant impact on the lives and livelihoods of ordinary citizens
ethical decision making is crucial in the larger public interest
conscience- our inner voice of right and wrong is an important source of ethical guidance for public administrators along with the laws, rules etc
conscience/voice of conscience means
deeply held moral principles and our awareness of them
our inner motivation to act according to these moral principles
it is our inner moral compass of what is right and what is wrong
create a moral obligation to do the right thing and create negative feelings of guilt fear, shame etc if we dont follow it
eg: gandhi withdrawing non cooperation movement when it turned violent
public servants leaving state accommodation on the very day of their retirement.
conscience its positives
conscience is
influenced by our family , upbringing , self reflection, education society, religion and philosophical learning
if one has imbibed the right principles in life, it serves as the voice of the reason
voice of conscience as an ethical guidance
will do the right thing even in legal vacuum
granting welfare support to genuine beneficiaries without adequate document under own discretion
will do the right thing even when no one is looking, as our motivation is internal
bureaucrats who repay travel costs incurred for private expenses
it helps us withstand external pressures
bureaucrats doing the right thing even when politicians threaten them with punishment transfers
help us be empathetic, compassionate democratic
conscience -its limitations
it is not consistent
as voice of conscience is subjective and it varies from person to person
it is not reliable when we have inner conflicts, ethical dilemmas
judge sitting over judgement of his/her relative
government doctor unwilling to do abortion as its is against his/her conscience
conscience can be manipulated
nazi germany manipulated the conscience of public servants to hate jews
so conscience due to its subjective nature cannot be the sole criterion for ethical decision making but it can be a useful one in tandem with other sources of ethical guidance like laws, rules, constitutional norms etc.

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d42-Social influence and Persuasion


social influence for changing gender bias
Gender biases and stereotypes has prevented women from access to health, education , nutrition, economic resources , sources of livelihood etc and thus curtailed their oppotrunities in social, political and economic spheres.
unequal opportunities a moral problem
violates equality and liberty-prevents women from rising up to their fullest potential
lack of access to resources affect their agency and ability to live a life of dignity
women in unpaid work -women as means to ease up of life of others rather than as ends in themselves-denying their opportunities for gainful employment
wage inequality and glass ceiling at work place -undermines self respect and goes against norms of awareness
lack of empowerment of women —intergenerational disadvantages.
unequal opportunities- an economic problem
“ if women were to participate in the labour force to the same extent as men, national income could increase by 5 % in the US, 9 % in Japan, and 27 % in India” -Christine Lagarde - IMF chief
equal opportunities for women
boost economic growth
India’s GDP could increase by $ 1 trillion if it narrowed the gap between male and female participation, in the labour force by 25% (currently , its over 50 %) -report by International Labour Organisation
enhance quality of human capital
better health, education, and skilling opportunities for women
quicker poverty alleviation and reduction of inequality
if more women are made part of workforce
opens up a huge market
if women who constitute half the population earns expendable income.
social influence vs law
lack of opportunities for women primarily stem from the retrograde patriarchal attitude against women
so to ensure equality of opportunity for women, these attitudes need to change
laws, social influence, and persuasion are strategies to achieve this change
social influence occurs when a person’s emotions, opinions, or behaviours are affected by others
it can be achieved through awareness campaigns including celebrities -vidya balan starrer campaign against open defecation
though laws exist to ensure gender equality and justice , it has not worked effectively , so social influence is projected as a better strategy than law to bring attitudinal change because
unequal treatment of women often starts from family, where the reach of law is poor, but social influence can raise awareness of both men and women-help impart gender equal attitudes to next generation
most of the gender prejudices or stereotypes are religiously sanctioned, where the law is of limited effectiveness
Initiatives like Bhumimata Ramragini Brigade for women temple entry
effectiveness of law depends on its effective enforcement
in deeply patriarchal societies law enforcers too hold these attitudes limiting the law enforcement
eg: refusal to file FIR on rape complaints, PCPNDT act banning female foeticide. equal pay for equal work
social influence initiatives like selfie with daughter campaign or no toilet no bride campaign will make both emotional and a rational appeal to the people thus bringing gradual sustainable change in their behaviour
so information education communication (IEC) component must be included in all government initiatives and legislations to bring attitudinal change and complement law to enhance and effectivenes

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d51-foundational values for civil service


Need of empathetic and people friendly bureaucracy
Administrative apparatus in both developing and developed societies of the world is dealing with constantly changing environment -social , political , economic spheres.
on one side the forces of globalization , liberalisation are changing national economies in unprecedented ways , yet on the other the state is challenged to the extreme over questions of inclusivity , and sustainability
bureaucracies world over thus aims
to become an effective facilitator and enabler of market forces so that the forces of globalisation work for them.
equally importantly it aims
to build grassroot communities where even the marginalised sections like women, tribals can share the fruits of these developments
aims to undertake targeted efforts to reduce poverty, inequality, and hunger, all by utilising the environment in a sustainable manner.
if empathy is about being able to accurately hear out and understand the thoughts , feelings and concerns of others,
an empathetic bureaucracy is one in which both its staff and procedure are aligned to understand and respond to the needs of the citizens especially the weaker sections.
people friendly bureaucracy is one which is instilled with passion for serving people with special care for the marginalised and disadvantaged.
it is about being approachable , welcoming, caring and rising above all bias while interacting with people
an empathetic and people friendly bureaucracy
both at the policy making level and at the implementation level, will ensure that the special needs of the marginalised are taken due care and the weaker sections will not be used as mere means to promote the interest of a majority
case study
when such a bureaucracy undertaken development related land acquisition , they will ensure that all the affected communities are consulted, their consents are taken proper social and environmental impact assessments are made. before causing their loss of livelihood, their due compensations will be provided , make sure that they get training and adequate support to find alternative livelihoods and rebuild their communities
but on the other hand , a traditional bureaucracy that is neither empathetic nor citizen centred
they wont be driven by a passion for public service
to maximise their benefits , they collude with criminal nexuses and fail to give voices to the voiceless
eg:an un-empathetic bureaucracy in India has been responsible for not rehabilitating majority of the tribals displaced for development.
an 8 year old died of hunger in Jharkhand as they didnt receive their rations as it was not linked to AAdhar
empathy for others moves us into action.
an empathetic bureaucracy will be moved to act in creative and courageous ways to solve the pressing problems of society.
based on mutual trust they will forge effective links with civil society and private businesses. this helps them to leverage these resources for promoting public interest.
eg:Compassionate kozhikode initiative in which civil society and local businesses were roped in by the collector to ensure zero hunger.
an empathetic bureaucracy will follow an enlightened objectivity in decision making.
not mere blind following of rules, but will interpret rules in the light of public interest and from the perspective of the antyodaya
by being transparent in their decision making and holding themselves accountable at all times for their actions, they remain an antidote to corruption.
seeking public opinion during policy formulation like the my gov initiative
collectors sparing a single day every week for hearing the grievances of citizen’s directly.
well functioning sevottam grievance redressal systems are all examples of an empathetic and people friendly bureaucracy.
empathetic and people friendly bureaucracy is most necessary in developing countries like India, as poverty prevents a majority of our citizens from accessing essential services like health , education, nutritional support etc from the market
to have such a bureaucracy in place or to make our present one more empathetic and people centred
the bureaucracy should reflect the cross section of our populace
the number of dalits, women, backward sections in our bureaucracy should match with their share in the population or even more,
at all levels especially at the local bodies level, the bureaucracy must be guided by the people’s own represenatives
technology like Aadhar must be suitable leveraged to guarantee quality services to all.

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