Growth: history of thought Flashcards
3/4 notes
economic theory
mathematically rigorous way of telling a story
how had quality of life increased until 1800s
what did malthus set out to find
explanation for apparent lack of economic growth
three assumptions of malthus model
- aside from labor, the main factor of production is land
- everything that is produced is consumed
- higher levels of consumption lead to increased fertility
goods that are not consumed =
capital in use
implication of malthus model
since finite resource must be shared among a country’s population having more people is bad
what was the malthusian trap
with increase in population output decreases because land decreases
what was solow aware of that nalthus was not
aware of the extraordinary period of growth that followed industrial revolution
solow’s world view
capital centric worldview
four assumptions of solow model
- aside from labor the main factors of production of capital and tech
- each period country must choose what fraction of output to consume and what fraction of output to save in form of capital investment
- higher levels of savings lead to faster growth in capital stock
- tech improves each period
solow thinks that tech advancement ____ lead to sustained improvements in quality of life
what is the key difference between land and capital
land is finite but capital amount is not fixed
where does technology come from
universities, private sectors (for profit) and government
what is romer’s worldview
technology centric worldview
three assumptions of romer model
- aside from labor, the main factors of prod. are capital and tech
- each period a country must choose what fraction of its labor force to dedicate to producing physical output vs new tech
- higher levels of R&D lead to faster tech advancement
result of romer model
high population = faster tech advancement, which allows for faster capital accumulation and increased per capita output and consumption
implication of romer model
despite the fact that finite resources must be shared among a larger population may be good for everyone quality of life
summarize malthus assumption/result
-higher consumption leads to higher population growth
-tech advancement does not sustainably improve people’s QOF
summarize solow assumotion/result
-factors can be used to produce consumption or investment goods
-capital accumulation and tech advancement jointly imply sustained economic growth
summarize romer assumption/result
-factors can be used to produce consumption/investment goods or new tech
-not only does population growth not constrain QOF but it actually serves as the main engine of growth (via tech advancement)
solow graph
(+) indirect feedback loop
romer consumption path graph
essentially grow forver
two types of growth
extensive and intesive
factor driven growth via increased use of capital and/or labor
tech driven growth via increased efficiency of our use of capital and/or labor