Growth/Development/Newbros Flashcards
Increase in physical size.
Sequential process by which infants and children gain various skills and functions.
Educating parents about normal growth and development.
Anticipatory guidance
What are the two growth patterns?
Cephalocaudal: head to toe
Proximodistal: trunk to extremities
What are four theories of development and their developers? (Each measures a different component of development)
Personality: Erickson
Cognition (Piaget)
Psychosexuality (Freud)
Morality (Kohlberg)
What are some methods of developmental screening?
Parental report, demonstration during the exam, utilizing a screening tool.
Early detection means early treatment, so that growth is maximized and development is optimized. Any child who loses a developmental milestone needs an immediate full evaluation.
What are the five stages of growth and development?
Infant: birth up to 1 year Toddler: 1-3 years Preschooler: 3-6 years School-age: 6-13 years Adolescent: 13-18 years
What is the average newborn weight and length? How much do they increase by in 1 year? When does the posterior fontanel close?
Weight: 7.5lbs. Doubles by 4-6 months, triples by 1 year.
Length: 20”. Increases by 50% by 1 year
Posterior fontanel closes birth-2 months
How does the neurologic system begin to mature during infancy?
Involuntary movements to voluntary. Immature vocalizations and crying to beginning language. Reflexive behavior to purposeful movements.
Psychosocial and cognitive development in infancy?
Erickson: Trust vs mistrust
Piaget: Sensorimotor. Object permanence. Cause and effect.
Freud: Oral stage (sucking and feeding)
Gross motor skill development of infants?
2 months: raises head 4 months: rolls 5 months: no head lag 6 months: sits with help 9 months: crawls 10 months: pulls to stand, cruises 12 months: walks
Fine motor skill development in infants?
1 month: involuntary hand movements 4 months: bats at object 5 months: grasps rattle purposely 7 months: transfers object from one hand to the other 8 months: pincer grasp 9 months: bangs objects together 12 months: feeds self, pokes with finger
Sight and hearing sensory development in infants?
Sight is nearsighted. 6 weeks to 4 months is binocularity. & months is color vision and tracking.
Heating is intact at birth and acute.
Communication and language for the infant?
Communicates by crying 2 months: coos (vowels) 4 months: laughs, “raspberries” 6-7 months: babbles (consonants) 9 months: “mama”, “dada” 12 months: single words with meaning
Social and emotional development for the infant?
2 months: smiles
3-4 months: engaging interactions
6-8 months: stranger anxiety begins
8-12 months: separation anxiety begins
Height, weight, and anterior fontanel closure for toddlers?
Half of adult height by age 2. Weight gain of 3-5lbs per year. Anterior fontanel closes by 18 months.
Organ maturity and changes for toddlers?
Maturity by 24 months. Progressive brain myelinization and improved coordination. Increased colon and bladder size. Pot-bellied appearance.
Psychosocial and cognitive development in the toddler?
Erickson: Autonomy vs shame and doubt. Negativism. “Parallel play.”
Piaget: Sensorimotor and pre-operational. Imitation and make-believe. Sense of ownership. Sorts shapes and colors. Animism.
Freud: anal stage (potty-training)
Gross and fine motor skill development in the toddler?
Gross: Toddler gait, strengthened large muscle groups, kicks and throws a ball
Fine: Points, removes article of clothing, scribbles, stacks 4-10 objects
Sensory development of the toddler?
Explores the world through the senses, including mouthing.
Incomplete taste discrimination. Risk for accidental ingestion.
Communication and language development in the toddler?
Receptive language is greater than the expressive language. Echolalia, telegraphic speech, stuttering.
By 2 years: 40-50 words, 2 word sentences, points to pictures or body parts
Emotional and social development in the toddler?
Egocentrism: ritualism, individualism, negativism.
Aggressive/impulsive behaviors. Separation anxiety. Temper tantrums. Regression.
Fears: loss of parents, strangers, large animals, loud noises, the dark
How does one promote healthy growth and development in the toddler?
Routines and limits. Early learning. Promote safety: at the home (poison control), car seat and helmets, water. Promote nutrition: weaning and self-feeding, choking prevention, food jags, obesity.
Physical development of the preschooler?
Steady and slow growth. More slender with loss of baby fat. More agile and stronger. Maturity of most organ systems. 20 teeth. Bladder and bowel control
Psychosocial and cognitive development of the preschooler?
Erikson: Initiative vs guilt. Cooperative play, development of conscience.
Piaget: Pre-operational stage. Magical thinking. Active imagination. Opposites.
Freud: Phallic stage (opedipal)
Motor skills in the preschooler?
Gross: agile, constant motion, hops, runs
Fine: gripping in adult fashion, copy shapes and letters, cut, ties shoes