growth + development - infant Flashcards
Erikson’s psychosocial stage for infancy, which is 0-18 months, is
trust vs. mistrust
What 2 things 3 things are helping an infant develop that sense of trust with their caregiver?
At how many months does the posterior fontanelle close by?
2 months
Which fontanelle doesn’t close until 18 months?
the anterior fontanelle
Which Piaget stage is associated with 0-2 years old? This is when OBJECT PERMANENCE is developed!!
sensorimotor stage
At how many months should the rooting reflex disappear?
3 months
The sucking reflex should disappear at how many months?
2-5 months
The Moro reflex should disappear at how many months old?
4 months
The palmer grasp disappears between ___ and __ months.
The plantar reflex disappears by __ months.
The Babinski reflex disappears by how many months?
12 months
The step reflex should disappear by the time the infant is how many weeks old?
4-8 weeks old
True or false? By 8 months old the infant should be able to sit up unsupported.
By how many months should the infant be able to walk independently?
12-15 months
True or false? at 4-5 months the infant should be able to roll from supine to prone and from prone to supine.
Fine motor skills for an infant of 12 months old include which 2 things?
-able to feed themselves with a cup or spoon
-able to assist in dressing
At how many months does a toddler develop the pincer grasp, where they “pinch” or pick things up with their thumb and pointer finger?
10 months
At how many months should the infant be able to grasp a rattle?
5 months
-Mobile with contrasting colors or patterns
-Unbreakable mirror
-Soft music via tape or music box
-Soft, brightly colored toys
These are toys appropriate for which infant age group?
newborn to 1 month
-Bright mobile
-Unbreakable mirror
-Singing by parent or caregiver, varied music
-High-contrast patterns in books or images
These are toys appropriate for which infant age group?
1-4 months
-Fabric or board books
-Different types of music
-Easy-to-hold toys that do things or make noise (fancy rattles)
-Floating, squirting bath toys
-Soft dolls or animals
These are toys appropriate for which infant age group?
4-7 months
-Plastic cups, bowls, buckets
-Unbreakable mirror
-Large building blocks
-Stacking toys
-Busy boxes (with buttons or knobs that make things happen)
-Board books with large pictures
-Toy telephone
-Push–pull toys (older infants)
These are toys appropriate for which infant age group?
8-12 months
At how many months should an infant be double their birth weight?
6 months
At how many months should an infant be triple their birth weight?
12 months
At how many months do children start to develop their primary teeth?
6-8 months
What does it mean for a baby’s gross motor skills to develop in a cephalocaudal fashion?
this means gross motor skills develop from head to toe - they gain strength and control of their head before they can walk
At how many months should an infant be able to crawl?
9 months
True or false? at 10 months an infant should be able to pull themselves up to a standing position.
At how many months old can a baby make simple vowel sounds, laugh, blow raspberries and babble?
4-5 months
At how many months should an infant be able to say mama and dada and be able to respond to their own name?
9-12 months
How much is an expected amount of weight for a newborn baby to lose in the first week of life?
5% - 10%
but then gains 20-30 grams/ day and returns to birth weight by 7-10 days old
the average newborn is about 50cm long. Do they gain more length in the first 6 months or the last 6 months?
the first 6 months - then by 12 months they should have gained 50% of their length from their birth length
Head circumference also rapidly increases in the first 6 months of life and should increase by __cm by 1 year from birth.
Which developmental screening tool is used for children ranging from 1 month to 6 years old, to assess for developmental delays. This tool assesses communication, fine + gross motor skills, problem solving skills and personal-social skills.
ages and stages questionnaire
Which 2 anxieties do infants develop later in infancy? (8+ months)
stranger and separation anxiety
Which screening tool is only used up to 18 months?
the infant development inventory screening tool
Are the following red flags or normal findings of a 4 month old infant?
-doesn’t track objects
-doesn’t respond to loud noises or try to locate the noise
-not babbling
-eyes are crossed most of the time