Growth and Development Flashcards
Give a generic list of growth measurement techniques?
Height/Sitting height Length (<2yrs) Head circumference Comparison with parent height BMI
Why might sitting height be useful?
Spinal radiotherapy - causes spine to not grow properly
What age is head circumference measured and how?
Forehead and occipital prominence
Which growth chart is used in the uk?
WHO standards <4
UK90 >4
What is bone age measuring?
Looking at long bones and round bones of hand for distortion/growth
Outline the Tanner method for puberty staging?
B 1-5 (breast) G 1-5 (genitals) PH 1-5 (pubic hair) AH 1-3 (axillary hair) T 2ml-20ml SO
What is testicular maturation?
Measuring testicle size with a Prader Orchidometer
How is a testicular orchidometer used?
Black beads for pre-pubertal size
15+ for post-pubertal size
What history is taken for growth?
Birth weight/gestation PMH FH/SH/Schooling Systematic enquiry Dysmorphic features
What assessment tools are used for growth?
Height/length/growth Growth charts MPH + Target centiles Growth velocity Bone age Pubertal assessment
What factors influence height?
Age/Sex/Race Nutrition Parent height Puberty + skeletal maturity Health/disease/disorders
What are the 3 stages of normal growth?
What is the pattern of infantile growth?
Starts very fast and slows down rapidly towards childhood
What is the pattern of childhood growth?
Starts moderately fast from 4+ and slows down to 11-14
What is the pattern of pubertal growth?
Sharp rapid burst at puberty which then drops down to standstill at ~20yrs
When does testicular growth take place in puberty?
Right at the start
When does penile growth take place in puberty?
Just after the start before maximum growth
When does advanced growth take place in puberty?
At the peak of growth rate
When does facial hair growth take place in puberty?
Towards the end of puberty
When does breast budding take place in puberty?
Start of puberty
When does early breast development take place in puberty?
At the peak of growth rate
When does menarche take place in puberty?
Towards the end of puberty
What are the most important stages of puberty?
Breast budding
Testicular enlargement
(earliest signs of puberty)
At what Tanner stage does breast budding take place?
Tanner Stage B2
At what Tanner stage does testicular enlargement take place?
Tanner stage G2 - T3-4ml
What effect does obesity have on pubertal development in girls?
Taller, earlier (end height the same)
What signs are indicative of growth disorders and referral?
Extreme short/tall Height below target height Abnormal height velocity Hx chronic disease Obvious dysmorphia Early/late puberty
How is abnormal height velocity detected?
Crossing of centiles on charts
What are the common causes of short stature?
Constitutional (delay of growth and puberty)
Pathological causes of short stature?
Chronic illness (JCA/IBD/Coeliac) Undernutrition Iatrogenic (steroids) Psychosocial Hormonal (GHD,hypothyroidism) Syndromes
Which syndromes can cause short stature?
Turner syndrome
Prader-Willi syndrome
Noonan’s syndrome
When is puberty early and late in a boy?
Early <9yrs
Delayed >14yrs
When is puberty early and late in a girl?
Early <8yrs
Delayed >13yrs
What is Constitutional delay of growth and puberty?
More common in boys
Family history in dad/brothers
Bone age delay
What are the causes of delayed puberty?
CDGP Gonadal dysgenesis Chronic disease Impaired HPG axis Peripheral
What are the causes of early breast development?
Infanctile thelarche
Thelarche variant
True central precocious puberty
What are the causes of early secondary sexual characteristics?
Exaggerated adrenarche
Precocious pseudopuberty
What are the causes of early PV bleeding?
Premature menarche
What is central precocious puberty?
Early puberty Growth spurt Advanced bone age Idiopathic in girls (pituitary imaging) Underlying cause in boys
What is the treatment for central precocious puberty?
GnRH agonist
What is Precocious pseudopuberty?
Gonadatrophin independent
(Low levels of LH/FSH)
Abnormal sex steroid hormone secretion
Early secondary sexual characteristics
How is a birth with ambiguous genitalia managed?
DO NOT GUESS SEX Multi-disciplinary Exam of gonads/organs Karyotype Exclude Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
What is congenital hypothyroidism?
Found in newborn screen
1 in 4000
What causes acquired hypothyroidism?
Autoimmune (Hashimoto’s) thyroiditis
FH of thyroid/autoimmune diseases
How does acquired hypothyroidism present?
Lack of height gain
Pubertal delay
Poor school performance
How is overweight defined?
BMI >85th centile
SD >1.04
How is obesity defined?
BMI >97.5th centile
SD >2
How is weight assessed?
Mass + BMI Height Waist circumference Skin folds Hx
When is obese abnormal?
What symptoms must you be aware in the obese child?
Suggestive of Syndromes,
Hypothalamic-pituitary pathology
Endocrine issues
What are the common causes of obesity?
SIMPLE OBESITY Drugs Syndromes Endocrine disorders Hypothalamic damage
Which drugs increase the risk of obesity?
Antithyroid drugs
Sodium valproate
Which syndromes increase the risk of obesity?
Pseudohypoparathyroidism Type 1
Which endocrine disorders increase the risk of obesity?
Hypothyroidism Growth hormone deficiency Glucocorticoid excess Hypothalamic lesion (tumour/trauma/infection) Androgen excess Insulinoma Insulin resistance syndromes Leptin deficiency
Endocrine causes of obesity typically present with what?
Growth failure
Syndromes causing obesity typically present with what?
Learning difficulties
Hypothalamic causes of obesity typically present with what?
Loss of appetite control
What are the 4Ts of childhood diabetes?
Toileting more
How do you respond in suspected childhood diabetes?
Prick test
[Glc] > 11mmol/L
What is the red flag symptom for diabetes in a child?
Return to bedwetting and day-wetting
What other factors are suggestive of diabetes under five?
Nappies heavier than usual Blurred vision Candidiasis Constipation Recurring skin infections Irritability
What are the symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis?
N&V Abdominal pain Ketotic breath Drowsiness Rapid/deep respiration Coma