Growth and Development Flashcards
How old is a child who can pull to stand, say mama/ dada non-specifically, and starting to use mature pincer grasp?
9 months old
what is the most common type of craniosynostosis?
Sacphocephaly (premature fusion of the midline sagittal suture)
At what age does the parachute reflex developed?
8-9 months old
What age is a child who no longer has head lag, can lift head to 90 degrees when laying in prone position and begin to roll from front to back?
4 months old
What age is a child who can lift head to 45 degrees from exam table, socially smiles, cooing, has head lag, has palmar grasp and tracks objects 180 degrees?
2 months old
What is the average head circumference of a term newborn?
35 cm
What age does a child develop a fine pincer grasp?
12 months old
What is the best way to determine hearing loss in young children?
auditory brainstem responses
What is the likely diagnosis for a child presenting with whitish lines running across chalky brown, discolored, and pitted teeth
too much fluoride
… reflex is when an infant passively turns his head to one side and has immediate increased extensor tone of arm & leg on ipsilateral side and flexion of contralateral leg and arm
Asymmetric tonic reflex
ages 2-4 weeks until 6 months
A child who can use a cup well, scribble well, use 10-25 words, build towers of 4 cubes and identify up to 4 body parts is … old
18 months
What is the 1st permanent teeth to erupt?
1st molars (at 6-7 years old)
When does the grasp reflex disappear?
3-4 months old
At what age does voluntary grasp occurs in infants?
5 months (90%)
What shapes can a 3 year old draw?
circles and cross
What shapes can a 4 year old draw?
circle, cross and square
What is the most likely diagnosis for a pt with premature closure of the coronal sutures (brachycepahly), midface hypoplasia, proptosis, normal intelligence, and normal hands and feet?
Crouzan syndrome
What age can a child rake on object with their thumb abducted, distal thumb flexed and fingers extended?
6 months old
What is the most likely diagnosis for an infant born with hypoglycemia, macroglossia, pre-auricular pit, LGA and hepatomegaly?
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
A child who can identify 1 or more body parts, build a tower with 4 cubes, use a cup well and speak 10-25 words is … old
18 months
What is the leading cause if infant mortality between the ages of 1 month to 1 years old?
SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
What are the criteria for metabolic syndrome in children? (6)
at least 3 of the following
- BMI > 97th percentile
- TG > 110 mg/dl
- HDL < 40 mg/dl
- systolic/ diastolic BP > 90th percentile
- fasting glucose> 110 or glucose tolerance test > 140
- waist circumference > 90th percentile
What is the bacterial etiology of dental caries?
Streptococcus mutans (reduces pH of dental plaque)
At what age does the parachute (symmetrical extension of extremities when examiner allows patient to free fall from ventral plane) response develop?
8-9 months old
test equilibrium and balance
At what age can 90% of children sit without support?
7 months old
What is the “7+ 4” rule for teeth?
at 7 months, have 1 tooth
at 7+4 months = 11 months old, should have 4 teeth
at 11 +4 = 15 months old, should have 8 teeth
How do you determine how old a child is but the number of body parts they draw to make a person?
3 + 1/4 (X)
X is the number of body parts drawn
At what point can a child transition from a booster seat to a regular seat in the car?
patient is 4 ft 9 in and 8-12 years old
When does the peak height velocity occur for females?
During sexual maturity rating (SMR) 2-3, average age of 11.5 years old
When does the peak height velocity occur for males?
during sexual maturity rating (3-4), average age of 13.5 years old