Growth ☺️ Flashcards
Determinants and % of growth
- fetal
- infantile
- childhood
- adolescence
Uterine environment - 30% (fastest)
Nutrition, insulin - 15%
GH, T3,4 - 40%
GH, sex steroids - 15% (fusion of epiphyseal plates)
Normal weight gain
- when to check weight
- closer monitoring
Some birth weight lost but regained over 5 days(loss of fluids but feeding well)
- Tracks 1 centile
- Loss due to acute illness regained
- birth
- D5
- 8wk, 12-16wk, 1year
If closer monitoring needed
- once a month before 6months
- once every 2 months before 1 year
- once every 3 months after 1 year
When should you monitor more closely
Below 0.4/above 99.6th centile
Above midparental range
Faltering growth
- <9.8 and falling by 1 centile
- 9-91 and falling by 2 centile
- 91< and falling by 3 centile
- <2 for age
How would you measure height
- under 2 year olds
- over 2 year olds
- midparental height and range
Under 2 year olds (crown heel length)
- naked, lying down on board
- heels at 90, support head at Frankfort plane
Over 2 years old (stadiometer)
-heels at 90, head at Frankfort plane
- mean of heights
- +7 for boys, -7 for girls
- boys +-10
- girls +-8.5
How would you measure weight
- under 2 years
- over 2 years
How would you measure head circumference
Under 2 => no nappy, no clothes
Over 2 => nappy off, clothes on
Head circumference, up to 2
-frontooccipital, 3x, mean
What else would you need to ask about in a history
Consumption (amount, frequency)
Higher caloric demand (due to illness)
- Prader Willi
- Downs
-growth catch-up by 4 if premature
Sleep patterns
-GH pulses at night
-deprivation, neglect
What are the possible reasons for short stature
Skeletal Familial/idiopathic IUGR/SGA, poor catch-up if premature Constitutional Endocrine => short, fat Chromosomal Psychological deprivation Inflammatory/chronic disease => thin, short
What is premature thelarche, pubarche/adrenarche?
How would you manage this
Thelarche at 6-24months
Adrenal puberty in 6-8years
Often in Asian, African American
Self limiting
- presentation
- investigations
- management
45XO, no puberty
Neck webbing Low set ears, hairline Craniofacial, dental abnormalities Short stature AI Renal, CV defects
Bone age
Coeliac, TFT
GH treatment
Late puberty
- definition
- investigations
- management
No pubertal dev
- female 14+
- male 15+
Physical exam
X-ray of non dominant hand for bone age
Constitutional delay
Self limiting but refer to specialist if no change
Coeliac disease
- presentation
- investigations
- management
Tiredness, anaemia
+ve AB, jejunal biopsy
Wasted bottom, round tummy
Response to gluten
Bone age
GH stimulation test
Gluten free diet
Tracking premature development on growth chart
Why do centile values change at 4
Start and endpoints of puberty charts
4 conditions with specific growth charts
Note down values
Draw line back to chronological age up to 1 year
Specific growth charts
Centiles move down, gravity pulls height down
Adult height predictor method
Use height centile to predict adult height
How would you use the BMI centiles
Uses height and weight centiles to calculate BMI centile
<2nd - undernutrition/small frame/low muscle mass
25-75th - healthy
>91 - overweight
>98 - obese
In what conditions would you use GH
GH deficiency Turner XO Prader Willi SGA, poor catch-up CKF => GH resistance SHOX deficient Noonan