Grouting Leveling and Anchoring Flashcards
What are the 3 types of levels used and which is the most accurate?
Master precision level - 0.0005 inch per foot
Precision level (mechanic/machinist level) - .005 inch per foot
Carpenters level - .020 inch per foot. Not great for levelling machinery.
What is a plumb bob used for?
To check vertical alignment.
What method of alignment can be more accurate then a plumb bob?
Wire alignment
Use piano string (.020”) with a weight on the end in a bucket of oil. This will prevent wind from moving it.
To check surface for flatness and alignment what tool would you use?
Straight edge
What is the difference between baseplate mounting and sole plate mounting?
Baseplate mounting the drive motor and the driven unit are on the same base plate.
Sole plate mounting - individual units are set on heavy steel plates set into foundation or mounted on structural steel supports.
Are wedges meant to be left under a machine?
No, use the wedges to get machine to right elevation then replace with shims and grout in.
Vibration isolators can be placed when?
When heavy vibration could be transferred to an adjacent machine.
What is the most important reference line when installing machinery?
Machine centre line
What is the mixture for cement based grout up to 4” thick is?
One part cement
Two parts sand
Three parts aggregate smaller then 3/8”
Enough water to make a thick consistency
Thin grout for filling bolt holes consists of?
One part cement
Two parts sand
Enough water so grout can be poured
Grout should be kept wet with sprays or wet sacks for how many hours?
When can cement bases grout be worked on? And when is it full cured?
It can be worked on in 7 days and is fully cured in 28 days
What is the minimum temperature to apply cement based grout?
5 degrees c
What are the advantages of polymeric grout?
Non shrinking
Impervious to moisture, chemicals, corrosion, impact and vibration.
High compressive strength
Excellent bonding properties
Can be applied down to -10 degrees c
Can be put into service less then 16 hours after placing
How much do you tighten anchor bolts after levelling and before grouting?
50 % of torque value
What happens if baseplate has voids?
Baseplate can twist underload
Foundation cracking can occur
Soft footing - machines feet do not properly support it
When levelling it is recommended to?
Raise the low points to match the highest point (datum) by shimming