Groups & Movements Flashcards
Reformers aimed @ combating liberalism & skepticism & regaining dignity, purity, & zeal of earlier lives. They wanted to prove the divine origin of the Church & protect the Church from the state. Also called the Tractarian Movement. Occurred in the Anglo-Catholic Revival.
Oxford Movement
A group of British writers in the 1950’s & 60’s who demonstrates a particular bitterness in their attack on bourgeois, outnumbered values. From Leslie Paul’s -The –, protagonists are often antiheroes.
Angry Young Men
A group of American writers born around 1900, who served in the 1st WW & reacted against certain tendencies of older writers in the
Lost Generation
A group of 16th century (1558-1603) Elizabethan poets, dramatists, scholars, & perhaps some nobility. They were led by Sir Walter Ralegh & included Christopher Marlowe, George Chapman, & the mathematician Thomas Harriet. They studied natural sciences, philosophy, & religion & were suspected of being atheists.
School of Night
Name for the followers of Wycliffe, who inspired a popular religious reform movement in England. Their worldly aims were self-sacrificing religion.
A derogatory title applied to a group of 19th century British writers including Keats because of their alleged poor taste in matters such as diction & rhyme. Keats & others so referred to were poor & sometimes not accepted by the elite. - is a derogatory term for the people of a lower class.
Cockney School
A group of American writers of the 1950’s & 60’s in rebellion against what they conceived of as the failure of American culture (loose structure & slang diction). It included Ginsberg, Kereac, Burroughs.
Beat Generation
A group of critics who see a literary work as a series of existential expression of the author’s individual consciousness. The consciousness is revealed through the act of reading.
Geneva School
Scottish writers whose work dealt idealistically w/ village life in Scotland. Included J.M. Barrie & Ian McClaren. Also called “cabbage garden.”
Kailyard School
A rather short-lived focus of British literary activity in the mid 1950’s w/ emphasis on normality, regularity, practicality, stoicism, traditionalism, & solid middle class virtue rather than flamboyant heroics in substance & style. Included Philip Larkin & Kingsley Amis.
Began w/ the establishment in 1848 of the - Brotherhood by Rosset, Hunt, & Millaiz, a protest against the prevailing conventional method of painting. There was absolute truth in everything, it was all elaborated & it all came from nature. They used pictorial elements, symbolism, senuosness, & attention to minute details. Fleshy school.
Pre-Raphaelite Movement
A highly ornamental style, modeled after -, the Roman orator noted for his prose rhythms. It is rich & full of figures of speech.
A group of 18th century poets who wrote long poems on death & immortality. They tried to get an atmosphere of pleasing gloom. Contemplated immortality & death.
Ex: Gray’s “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”, Freneua’s “House of Night”, & William Cullen Bryant’s “Thanatopsis”.
Graveyard School
A group writing in & about New York during the 1st 1/2 of the 19th century. The group was based on geography, not organization. It includes Irving, Fenimore Cooper, Culla Bryant, Halleck, & Payne. Also, Irving wrote A - History of New York.
Knickerbocker Group
A group of humanist scholars whose association began @ Oxford in the early Renaissance, particularly John Colet, Sir Thomas More, & the Dutch scholar Erasmus, interested in bringing about reforms in church & state through education & the improvement if individual character. More recorded lies dream of a perfect human society in Utopia (1516). Though they wanted to purge the Catholic Church of evils, they were NOT in favor of either Luther nor Henry VIII.
Oxford Reformers
A contemporary nickname for young poets & dramatists of the 17th century, who acknowledged “Rare - Johnson” as their master. They liked classical polish & symmetry. They included Robert Henrick & Cavalier lyricists. Wrote “Live Merrily & Write Good Verse”.
Tribe of Ben
A group in the Renaissance who favored the introduction of heavy Latin & Greek words into the standard English vocabulary.
A utopian experiment in commercial living, sponsored by the Trancendental Club of Boston in the 1840’s (mid 19th). The scheme was supposed to give the residents opportunity for cultural pursuits & leisure @ little cost & through rotation of labor. Hawthorne was there for a short period. Dissection among members, poor soil, & the burning of the main dwelling were some reasons that brought about the end of the project in 1846.
Brook Farm
A movement that began in the late 19th century to preserve the - language & foster a new native Irish literature. It was overshadowed by the Irish Literary Movement which encouraged use of English in creating a new Irish literature exploiting Irish material.
Gaelic Movement
People who lived in the - District @ the beginning of the 19th century. A pejorative term. The Edinburg review didn’t like them. Included Samuel Coleridge, William Wordsworth, & Southey.
Lake School