Group Work Flashcards
Types of groups: guidance, counseling, psychotherapy, psychoeducation, structured, self-help, t-group, work group
Guidance: provide information relevant to group members; school settings
Counseling: goal is growth, development and removing barriers, address same issues in group setting
Psychotherapy: goal is remediation, treatment and personality reconstruction; mental health agencies
Psychoeducation: goal is to acquire information and skill-building; can be preventative or growth-oriented; social services industry
Structured: focused on central theme; ex. Anger management, grief
Self-help: support system; ex. weight loss, loss of child; not professionally led
T (training)-Group: goal is to examine and improve interpersonal skills; ex. At a work site
Task/work group: committees formed to accomplish goal; work in team m
Group dynamics
- forces inherent between and amount members of a group
- each group session has a warm-up, action and closure section
- cohesiveness: members feel sense of belonging and inclusion
Roles of group members
- Facilitative/building: help group members feel part of group and contribute to positive functioning
- Maintenance: helps with bonding of group by encouraging social & emotional bonding of members
- Blocking: hinder group formation and accomplishments by negative behaviors
Styles of leadership
- laissez-faire: members are free to do as they chooses; yields best result
- Autocratic (authoritarian): best for quick decision making, may generate resentment / some leaders may have narcissistic traits seeing themselves as the leaders
- Democratic: liked, but not always productive
Core skills
Active listening
Leaders of groups should:
- Know theories of group counseling
- Understand principles of group dynamics
- Know ethical issues
- Linking (common issues) and connecting them
- Blocking: stopping unproductive behaviors
Universality/Mutuality: feeling that one is not alone
Intellectualization: keeping material in the group on a cognitive level
Scapegoating: several members gang up and dump one group member
Group formation (HvH, OvC, size)
Homogenous: composed of similar kinds of members / heterogeneity is more like real world. If members are too heterogeneous, members may have hard time relating to each other
Open group: can replace members; they bring new ideas and resources
Closed group: no new members; builds trust and cohesion
Adult group: optimum size is 8 / kids: 4
Time: 2 hours, IOPs 90 min, kids 30 min
Ethical guidelines
- Informed consent: tell client about rights and expectations
- Confidentiality: difficult in group
- Research: get permission
- Group counselor training: have skills
- Group members rights include: freedom from undue pressure, participation voluntary, freedom of exit
Stages of group (Yalom)
Stages of group (Tuckman) -ing
Yalom 11 curative factors in successful group work
Altruism, universality, interpersonal learning, imparting information, developing socialization techniques, imitative behavior, group cohesion, catharsis, corrective recapitulation of primary family group, instillation of hope, existential factors (one is alone and responsible)
*if these were present, participant growth and development would occur
Ponzo added: openness, participation, risk-taking, conflict-confrontation and caring support
Yalom Group Leader Functions
Es, C, Ma, Elf
- Emotional stimulation: encouraging feelings, use of confrontation, self-disclosure (moderate)
- Caring: warmth, genuineness, leader promotes growth of trust (frequent)
- Meaning attribution: leader provides cognitive understanding of group events, interprets and explains (consistent)
- Executive leadership function: leader structures, suggests norms and limits, provides direction, leader is active with blocking, stopping and pacing (moderate)
Michael Waldo
- suggested different levels of leadership function
In inpatient group,
-executive function would be stressed
- emotional stimulation might be de-emphasized or closely moderated
- meaning attribution might be geared to the level of info ppl can understand
- caring might depend if group is schizo, borderline or sociopath
Jacob Moreno
- psychodrama: enacting conflicts
- focus on here and now
Roles: director (group leader), protagonist (group member), auxiliary ego (several group members/actors), audience
3 parts: warmup/pre-action, action and integration
First to use term group psychotherapy
Goals of multicultural groups
- Understand circumstances that brought person into group from a cultural perspective
- Provide learning for the person in the group process
- Help group member understand how new behaviors and skills fit within culture context
Outcome v Process Oriented
Outcome: shows evidence of effectiveness of group work; data supports group counseling
Process: this has shown a higher level of quality of research/more laboratory studies
Research demonstrate that perceptions, expectations and beliefs of group members can be changed