Group Processes Flashcards
What is a group? How is it different from a collective?
.Set of individuals w/ atleast 1 of interactions with each other over a period of time.joint membership in a social category based on sex, race, or other attributes.a shared, common fate, identity, or set of goals.collective: assembly of people engaging in a common activity, but little direct interaction
Explain how the presence of others affects task performance, and how Zajonc’s social facilitation model accounts for these effects.
.social facilitation, strengthens dominant response for any task.increases arousal, if an easy task, well learned or well practiced, enhances performance.hard task (or not learned well), impairs performance
What did Zajonc’s study with cockroaches reveal about social facilitation effects?
.social facilitation universal for other animals!.complex task, presence of audience cockroaches made task performance worse.simple task, presence made task performance better
Describe the three alternative accounts for social facilitation effects. Which theory is correct?
.Zajonc’s mere presence theory, ppl automatically increase arousal, arousal increases dominant response.Evaluation apprehension theory, person present must be in a position to evaluate performance.playing violin, someone who knows music, can judge good or bad.someone who doesnt know music, won’t be facilitated.Stereotype threat? ASK OK for third one
How does stereotype threat relate to social facilitation?
I believe threat increased arousal, which made easy tasks easier and hard tasks harder (spelling last name either normally, or backwards under a time limit)
Describe how working with others on a task affects productivity. Explain the concept of social loafing, and identify when it occurs
.social loafing: group-produced reduction in individual output on easy tasks in which contributions are pooled.occurs when task is easy, individual efforts could not be identified
What factors that can reduce the likelihood of loafing, and distinguish between situations likely to lead to social facilitation versus social loafing.
.people believe own performance can be identified.task is important.people believe efforts necessary for punished for poor is small and/or cohesive.more interdependent in self-concept person
How does culture influence social loafing effects?
.prevalent world-wide, some cultural differences found.less prevelant among woman than men, collectivist cultures than individualist cultures.sometimes more social loafing in collectivist cultures, because don’t want to stand out, more concern with matching group norm, want ot be seen as fitting in
How can we unify the social facilitation and social loafing effects? What factors determine which outcome will result from the presence of others?
Individual evaluation: Easy task Social facilitation Enhanced Difficult task Social facilitation Impaired Group evaluation: Easy task Easy task Social loafing Social loafing Impaired Difficult task Social security EnhancedUNDERSTAND GRAPH IN NOTES
What is deindividuation and why does it occur?
.loss of person’s sense of individuality and the reduction of normal constraints against deviant behavior.caused by: arousal, anonymity, lack of individual responsibility
Describe how environmental cues and a sense of identity can affect this process.
.accountability cues: low, les likely to be caught and punished.deliberately engage in behaviours that usually would inhibit but are gratifying.attentional cues: less sensitive to internal standards, react more to immediate situation, act more impulsively
What does a classic study by Diener, et al. (1976) illustrate about how deindividuation can lead to such antisocial behavior?
.1300 trick or treating children.halloween, prime environment for individuation, in groups and wearing masks that obscure identity.some children came alone, some in groups.came to door, one condition, asked for name and where lived, another condition, didn’t.experimenter said only take one piece of candy and left, watched through and anonymous, much more candy, alone and not anonymous only one, right
Does a loss of personal identity always lead to antisocial behavior?
.no.sometimes being less accountable or self-aware allows us to be more responsive to the needs of adopt whatever norm of group is most salient to you, if it’s positive, you’ll engage in positive online comments, sometimes outrageously negative, sometimes crazily supportive and positive
What does the SIDE model predict about deindividuation effects?
That people do not always act in a negative fashion. They don’t just lose themselves in a mob, but instead take on the norm that is most salient to them at the time. If it is a mob of people cheering, they’ll cheer. If it is a mob of people rioting, they’ll riot.
What is the difference between the risky shift phenomenon and group polarization?
.risky shift: tendency for groups to be riskier than individual’s decisions (but subsequent studies found mixed support, so….).group polarization: exaggeration through group discussion of group members’ initial tendencies