Group 8 Flashcards


Describe the gross anatomy of the intestines briefly


[*] The intestines are concerned with digestion and absorption. The gross and microscopic structure of the duodenum, jejunum, ileum and large bowel relates to these functions.

[*] The small intestine is subdivided into 3 regions: the duodenum, jejunum and ileum which are defined by the distinctive features of the mucosa that enhance digestion and absorption.

[*] The large intestine is that part of the alimentary canal between the ileocaecal junction (orifice) and anus: it consists of the caecum, appendix, the ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid colon.

[*] The terminal segments of the large intestine are the rectum, anal canal and anus.

[*] The blood supply to the small and large intestine is from two direct branches of the abdominal aorta; the blood supply to each segment (fore-, mid- and hindgut) of the intestine is discrete, although arterial anastomoses occur with its neighbours.

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Describe the conditioning chyme and absorption in the small intestines


[*] Chyme delivered to the duodenum is hypertonic, acid and only partly digested.

[*] It is conditioned by osmotic movement of water, hepatic and biliary secretion of HCO3- and a cocktail of enzymes into a neutral isotonic solution which progresses slowly through the small intestine (where most absorption takes place).

[*] Absorption requires a very large surface area, to which the luminal contents need to be exposed through gentle agitation for hours.

[*] The small intestine is very long and the surface area for absorption is increased by millions of villi (folds of mucosa) projecting into the lumen.

[*] Epithelial cells (enterocytes) arise by rapid division (multiply) in the crypts between the villi, and then migrate towards the tips, from which they are shed. They mature as they migrate, acquiring the capacity to absorb and their luminal surface is covered with millions of microvilli, increasing surface area further still and forming the brush border. The mucosa is therefore constantly renewed.

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What is meant by the unstirred layer?


[*] The brush border forms an ‘unstirred layer’ where almost digested nutrients diffuse into.

  • The cells on villi (the enterocytes) are very active and secret enzymes into brush border ‘unstirred layer’
  • The almost digested nutrients diffuse into the unstirred layer where trapped enzymes complete digestion, steadily releasing small molecules for absorption.
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Outline the functions of different parts of the bowel


[*] Small Intestine – All Sections:

  • Secrete protease / cabohydrase enzymes to complete digestion
  • Secrete hormones: secretin, gastrin, cholecystokinin

[*] Duodenum

  • Bile and pancreatic secretions added (at the Ampulla of Vater)
  • Secretes HCO3- to neutralise Chyme
  • Osmotic movement of water into the Duodenum, making chyme more hypotonic

[*] Jejunum

  • Absorption: carbohydrates, amino acids
  • Small enough to soak through the villi: fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, water

[*] Ileum

  • Absorption: Vitamin B12, Bile, Anything not absorbed by the jejunum

[*] Large Intestine: takes about 16 hours to finish the digestion of food.

  • Absorption: water, any remaining absorbable nutrients and vitamins created by colonic bacteria – Vitamin K, B12, Thiamine, riboflavin
  • Sends indigestible matter to the rectum

[*] Rectum: stores and compacts faecal matter

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Which enzymes help break down sugar?


[*] Most ingested carbohydrates are in the form of amyloses (straight chains with alpha1,4 bonds), amylopectins (branched with alpha1,6 bonds at branches) or disaccharides such as sucrose.

[*] Alpha amylases from saliva and the pancreas cleave the alpha-1,4 bonds of straight chain amyloses => glucose and maltose, and breack the alpha1-1,4 bonds of the branched amylopectins into alpha limit dextrins.

[*] Brush border enzymes complete breakdown to glucose.

  • Branch points (alpha-1,6 bonds) are broken down by isomaltases
  • Maltose is broken down to glucose by maltases.
  • Sucrose is cleaved into glucose and fructose by sucrase.
  • Lactase.
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Describe the absorption of glucose


[*] Glucose is absorbed actively using energy from sodium gradient. Glucose enters mucosal cells via Na+/glucose transporter (SGLT1)

  • This transporter also transports galactose
  • Fructose and lactose enter by facilitated diffusion not linked to Na+
  • Glucose leaves cell to ECF by facilitated diffusion (GLUT 2 transporter)
  • Energy from movement of Na+ down concentration gradient drives glucose up concentration gradient into cell.
  • Sodium pump on basolateral membrane pumps out Na+.
  • The more Na+ enters the mucosal side, the harder the sodium pump works.
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Describe the absorption of amino acids


[*] Proteins are broken down into oligopeptides (short peptides, 10-20 AA’s long) by the action of pepsin (from chief cells) in the stomach, which cleaves peptide bonds near to aromatic amino acids.

[*] Proteins are also broken down in the duodenum by a cocktail of enzymes from pancreas including trypsin, which cleaves peptide bonds near to basic amino acids, chymotrypsin near aromatic amino acids and carboxypeptidase which cleaves C-terminal amino acids with basic side chains.

[*] Brush border enzymes break down oligopeptides further.

[*] Amino acids and small peptides (2/3 AA’s) are absorbed via a number of active and passive processes, each specific to different classes of amino acids and mostly by active transport linked, like glucose to the inward movement of Na+ ions.

  • Further to this, in neonates our guts are ‘open’ so they are able to pick up whole proteins. This allows breast milk to confer passive immunity on babies via IgA absorption.
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Describe the active uptake of amino acids


[*] Active uptake of amino acids: at least 5 Na+/amino acid co transporters. Like the uptake of glucose.

  • Small neural amino acids
  • Neutral amino acids, basic amino acids and cysteine
  • Acidic amino acids
  • Imuno-amino acids
  • Beta-amino acids (mainly taurine)

[*] Some uptake of amino acids by facilitated passive diffusion.

[*] Dipeptides and tripeptides can also be absorbed by mechanisms linked to the active expulsion of H+ ions into lumen.

Return of H+ by co-transport with peptide

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Describe the absorption of fats


[*] Fats are relatively insoluble in water, making them tend to aggregate into large globules, preventing the effective action of digestive enzymes. Acid in the stomach exacerbates this.

[*] In the duodenum, bile acids enable fats to be incorporated into small (4-6nm) micelles, with fats in the middle and the polar components of bile acids on the outside. These micelles generate a high surface area for the action of lipases, which cleave the fatty acids from glycerol.

[*] These micelles also carry these products into the ‘unstirred layer’ immediately next to the mucosa, where fatty acids can be released to slow diffuse into the epithelial cells.

[*] Once inside the epithelial cells they are reconstituted into triacylglycerols and re-expelled as chylomicrons, structured small particles made up of lipids covered in phospholipids, which facilitate the transport of fat in the lymphatic system from the gut to systemic veins.

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Describe the absorption of salts and water


[*] Sodium, chloride, other electrolytes and water are taken up by mechanisms related to the sodium pump. Water follows osmotic gradients produced from all absorption => uptake of water.

  • Sodium taken up via diffusion into cell and active transport across basolateral membrane.
  • Chloride follows the movement of Na+.

[*] The absorption of calcium is key. Only about 10% of ingested Ca2+ (~700mg absorbed out of 6g consumed) is normally absorbed. Ca2+ enters cells by facilitated diffusion (low intracellular concentration) and is then expelled actively across the basolateral membrane by Ca2+-ATPase. Both processes are dependent upon Vitamin D and stimulated by parathyroid hormone.

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Describe the absorption of iron


[*] Iron is absorbed, mostly as Fe2+.

  • About 20mg a day of Fe consumed.
  • Mostly in haem or related pigments (Fe2+)
  • Iron can only be absorbed in it’s ferrous form (Fe2+)
  • Gastric acid important for Fe absorption – solubises iron complexes (makes it ferrous)
  • Stomach also secretes gastroferrin (solubises Fe by binding iron and keeping it ferrous)

Uptake of iron:

  • Mucosal cells (enterocytes) secrete transferrin which binds Fe2+ in lumen
  • Complex taken into cells by endocytosis
  • Fe2+ liberated and exported to blood, where it once again binds to transferrin.
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Describe the absorption of vitamins


[*] The absorption of many vitamins occurs by diffusion or facilitated diffusion.

  • Water soluble vitamins absorbed largely via passive diffusion (Vitamin C and B vitamins)
  • One key vitamin B12 requires attachment to a carrier molecule, a co-factor – Intrinsic Factor for absorption. Intrinsic Factor binds to B12 in the stomach to keep it soluble.
  • Intrinsic factor is secreted by stomach mucosa and absorption of B12 intrinsic factor complex happens almost exclusively in the terminal ileum.
  • Damage to the stomach, preventing it from secreting intrinsic factor or the terminal ileum has been damaged (e.g. Crohn’s) or removed may lead to pernicious anaemia, as B12 is essential for erythropoiesis.
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Describe the basis of oral rehydration therapy


[*] Glucose is absorbed actively using energy from the movement of sodium down a concentration gradient across the mucosal membrane of the enterocyte.

  • Low intracellular [Na+] is maintained by the active pumping of sodium across the basolateral membrane.
  • Glucose then leaves the cell via facilitated diffusion across the basolateral membrane.
  • The more glucose and sodium which enter the cell, the more sodium is pumped out.
  • Uptake of Na+ generates osmotic gradient.
  • Water follows.
  • Glucose uptake stimulates Na+ uptake and generates an osmotic gradient of its own.
  • So a mixture of glucose and salt (NaCl) will stimulate maximum water uptake.
  • This is the basis of oral rehydration fluid.
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What is meant by segmenting?


[*] The luminal contents of the small intestine must move very slowly in a caudal direction (transit time in hours), whilst being gently agitated to expose them to the large surface area for absorption. This is achieved by a pattern of motility known as segmenting, which is very different to the peristalsis, which occurs in the oesophagus and stomach.

[*] The small intestine is divided into sections, each with a pacemaker. The frequency of the pacemaker gets less from the duodenum to the terminal ileum, a phenomenon known as the intestinal gradient (about 12 times a minute in the duodenum, falling to about 8 times a minute in the terminal ileum)

[*] Within each section of the intestine, the firing of the pacemaker sends activity through the nerve plexuses which causes intermittent contraction of the smooth muscle at intervals along its length.

[*] These contractions separate the intestine into segments where the muscle is not contracted, whose contents are effectively mixed by movement from the portions which do contract. After a few seconds the contractions relax, and at the next pacemaker firing different areas contract.

[*] Segmenting itself does not propel contents along the intestine. It merely mixes and agitates them. The intestinal gradient however, means that differential segmenting rates in adjoining sections of the intestine cause a net movement of material in a caudal direction, albeit at a slow rate.

More rapidly segmenting cephalic segment squirts more frequently into adjacent caudal segment than that segments does into it.

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Describe the functions of the large intestine and what is meant by Haustral Shuttling?


[*] Most absorption occurs in the small intestine but the process continues in the large intestine so that the remaining material becomes semi-solid – the large intestines absorb water from the indigestible residues of chyme, converting it into semi-solid stool or faeces that is stored temporarily and allowed to accumulate until defecation occurs.

[*] The large intestine is divided naturally into segments known as ‘Haustra’, as the circular muscles are more complete than the longitudinal, which have been reduced to the taenia coli (thickened bands of smooth muscle).

  • The taenia coli run the length of the large intestine because their tonic contraction shortens the part of the wall with which they are associated, the colon becomes sacculated or ‘baggy’ between the taenia, forming Haustra.

[*] Haustral Shuttling agitates the contents and propels them very slowly towards the sigmoid colon.

  • Contraction of smooth muscle in walls of haustra shuffles contents back and forth.
  • Slow absorption of most remaining water and salts – forming faces.
  • With gentle progression towards sigmoid colon
  • Control like segmenting
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What is meant by mass movement?


[*] Once or twice a day there is a coordinated peristalsis-like, propulsive movement from the transverse colon through descending colon towards the rectum which is known as a mass movement.

[*] This forces faeces rapidly into the rectum, which is normally empty. The resulting distension produces the urge to defaecate.

[*] Mass movements are often trigged by eating – the ‘gastro-colic reflex’ but also often occur at fixed times of the day.

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Describe the mechanisms of defaecation.


[*] Once the rectum has been filled, pressure receptors detect this and defaecation reflexes are activated voluntarily.

[*] This leads to enhanced waves of contraction contraction of the rectal smooth muscle, relaxation of the smooth muscle internal anal sphincter and skeletal muscle external sphincter, combined with expiration against a closed glottis and abdominal muscle contraction to increase intra-abdominal pressure, so expelling the faeces by forcing the faeces to towards anus.

  • Internal smooth sphincter: parasympathetic control – relaxes
  • External – voluntary striated muscle: voluntary (normally) control - relaxes

[*] Once both sphincters are relaxed, intra-abdominal pressure is increased (forces expulsion and there is an expulsion of faces_

[*] If defecation is not initiated voluntarily sacral reflexes will eventually trigger it involuntarily as rectal pressure rises.

  • Control via sacral reflexes modified by higher centres
  • High centres overridden if rectal pressure too high.
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What is Inflammatory Bowel Disease?


[*] Inflammatory bowel disease affects around 0.3% of the population, with an incidence of around 20 per 10000. It refers to a group of related conditions characterized by idiopathic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Diversion colitis
  • Diverticular colitis
  • Radiation, drug, infectious, ischaemic colitis

[*] The 2 most common types are Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Both usually follow a prolonged, often remitting relapsing time course and can be very debilitating. They both cause macroscopic inflammation.

[*] Microscopic colitis is less common and does not cause significant macroscopic abnormalities.

[*] The pathophysiology is not well understood, but most likely involves immune dysfunction, genetically mediated that causes inappropriate immune activation in response to luminal microorganisms.

[*] Although several features may differentiate Crohn’s disease from ulcerative colitis, there is significant overlap.

[*] Even after diagnostic evaluation, 10% have disorders that cannot be classified (indeterminate colitis)

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Describe Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease briefly and what are some other colitudes?


[*] In ulcerative colitis, there is chronic inflammation and ulceration of the mucosa principally of the rectum and extends proximally in continuity to affect a variable extent of the colon (especially sigmoid colon). The inflammatory process is limited to the mucosa.

[*] In Crohn’s disease, there is chronic inflammation which extends through the bowel wall (transmural inflammation – can be Ileitis, Colitis or Illeocolitis) and may occur anywhere in the GI tract. It mostly commonly affects the terminal ileum and the more proximal colon, but may occur anywhere.

[*] Other colitudes

  • Microscopic colitis
  • Diversion colitis
  • Diverticular colitis
  • Pouchitis
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What are triggers of IBD (onset and reactivation)?

  • Altered microflora
  • Antibiotics
  • Diet
  • Stress (increases risk of CD)
  • Smoking
  • NSAIDs (altered intestinal barrier)
  • Acute infections
  • Early appendectomy – increased UC incidence
  • Smoking – protects against UC, increases risk of CD
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Describe the epidemiology, genetics and pathogenesis of Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis


[*] Epidemilogy

  • CD: 1st peak 15-30 years of age, 2nd peak around 60 years
  • UC: high incidence areas: US, UK, northern Europe.
  • Young adults, commoner in females

[*] Genetics

  • 1st degree relatives have a *4-20 risk higher than that of general population
  • The best replicated linkage region, IBD1, on chromosome 16q contains the CD susceptibility gene NOD2/CARD15
  • Having one copy of the risk alleles confers a 2-4-fold risk for developing CD, whereas double-dose carriage increases the risk 20-40 fold

[*] Pathogenesis: IBD is associated with genetic predisposition, immunological abnormalities and environmental factors

  • The mucosa of CD patients is dominated by TH1, which produce interferon-gamma and IL-2
  • In contrast, UC is dominated by TH2 phenotype which produce transforming growth factor (TGF-) and IL-5
  • Activation of TH1 cells produce the down-regulatory cytokines IL-10 and TGF-
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Describe the clinical presentation of ulcerative colitis


[*] Ulcerative colitis is characterised by urgent diarrhoea with mucus and often bloody stools.

After the first, often most serious event, it tends to follow a relentless remitting relapsing course which has a major effect on quality of life.

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Describe the clinical presentation of Crohn’s Disease


[*] Crohn’s disease is slightly less prevalent but may be increasing in incidence in western countries. It is uncommon in developing countries. The presentation of Crohn’s depends on what part of the bowel is affected:

  • If the ileum is affected, then the condition often presents with pain, often associated with diarrhoea. There is commonly malabsorption which may lead to weight loss.
  • If the terminal ileum is affected, there may be anaemia due to poor absorption of vitamin B12.
  • Effects of inflammation can be severe and may present with intestinal obstruction, requiring urgent intervention.
  • If only the colon is affected the presentation is similar to ulcerative colitis with bloody diarrhoea, passage of mucus and constitutional symptoms such as malaise, anorexia and weight loss.
  • Upper GI involvement can present as nausea and vomiting, dyspepsia, small bowel obstruction, anorexia, weight loss, loose stools
  • Many patients have involvement of both the ileum and colon and so present with symptoms of both.
  • Various imaging techniques may reveal the principal sites affected.
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Describe the common methods used for investigating inflammatory bowel disease.


[*] Colonoscopy

  • Biopsies of involved mucosa
  • Ulceration

[*] Stool analysis

  • Parasites
  • Clostridium difficile toxins
  • Culture

[*] Barium radiographs

  • CT scan
  • Capsule endoscopy
  • Plain X-ray if bowel obstruction or perforation suspected
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What are the macroscopic and microscopic changes seen in Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis


[*] Macroscopic Changes:

  • Crohn’s: the involved bowel is usually thickened and is often narrowed. Deep ulcers and fissures in the mucosa may produce a cobblestone appearance. Fistulae and abscesses may be seen, which reflect penetrating disease
  • UC: the mucosa looks reddened, inflamed and bleeds easily. In severe disease there is extensive ulceration with the adjacent mucosa appearing as inflammatory (pseudo) polyps.

[*] Microscopic Changes – Crohn’s

  • Inflammation through all layers of the bowel (transmural)
  • Increase in chronic inflammatory cells
  • Lymphoid hyperplasia
  • Granulomas (TH1 response)

[*] Microscopic Changes – UC

  • Superficial inflammation
  • Chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate in the lamina propria
  • Crypt abscesses
  • Goblet cell depletion
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Describe the early and late pathological findings seen in Crohn’s Disease


[*] CD: Pathology

Early findings:

  • Aphthous ulcer (benign and non-contagious mouth ulcer)
  • The presence of granulomas (central giant cell surrounded by epitheloid cells and rimmed by lymphocytes)

Late findings

  • Linear ulcers
  • Classic cobble-stoned appearance may arise
  • Transmural inflammation
  • Sinus tracts and strictures
  • Fibrosis
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Describe the specific and non-specific pathological findings seen in Ulcerative Colitis


[*] UC: Pathology (predominantly confined to the mucosa)

Non-specific (can be seen with any acute inflammation)

  • The lamina propria becomes oedematous
  • Inflammatory infiltrate of neutrophils
  • Neutrophils invade crypts, causing cryptitis and ultimately crypt abscesses.

Specific (suggest chronicity):

  • Distorted crypt architecture
  • Crypt atrophy
  • Chronic inflammatory infiltrate
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Explain some of the diagnostic difficulties in separating the above conditions.


[*] The differentiation between these 2 diseases can usually be made not only on the basis of clinical and radiological data but also on the histological differences seen in the rectal and colonic mucosa obtained by biopsy.

[*] It is occasionally not possible to distinguish between the two disorders, particularly if biopsies are obtained in the acute phase. Such patients are considered to have Colitis of Undetermined Type and aEtiology (CUTE)

[*] Serological testing for anti-neutrophil cystoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) in UC and anti-Saccharomyces cervisiae antibodies (ASCA) in CD may be of value in differentiating the two conditions.

[*] Sometimes, an exact diagnosis can only be made after examining a surgical colectomy specimen.


Describe the endoscopic abnormalities of Crohn’s Disease


[*] Endoscopic Features of CD: performed if colonic involvement is suspected

  • Discontinuous mucosal involvement – mild, patchy
  • Common aphthous ulcers
  • Surrounding mucosa relatively normal
  • Common longitudinal ulcers
  • Cobble-stoning in severe cases
  • Uncommon to see mucosal friability (healing ability of mucosa??)
  • Normal vascular pattern.
  • Ulcers are the dominant endoscopic feature – tend to be linear and discontinuous or “skip lesions”
  • Early changes may be only patchy erythema or aphthous ulcers.
  • Linear ulcers are seen with more advanced disease, culminating in very deep and long serpiginous (wavy margin) ulcers

Describe the endoscopic abnormalities of Ulcerative Colitis

  • Continuous mucosal involvement
  • Rare to see aphthous ulcers
  • Abnormal surrounding mucosa
  • Rare to see longitudinal ulcers
  • No cobblestoning
  • Mucosal friability is common
  • Distorted vascular pattern
  • Extensive ulceration of the mucosa is the most common finding – the surface is irregular, riable, and erythematous with loss of the normal vascular markings.
  • Pseduopolyps may form as a reaction to inflammation.

Describe the radiological features of Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis


[*] Radiological features of CD:

  • Nodularity
  • Granularity
  • Cobble-stoning (diffuse thickening od the small bowel mucosa)
  • String sign of Kantor – marked narrowing, irregularity and ulceration in the distal ileum
  • Ileocaecal fistula from the terminal ileum to the adjacent caecum

[*] Radiological features of UC:

  • Collar button ulcers

What kind of investigations are performed if Crohn’s Disease is suspected?

  • Colonoscopy is performed if colonic involvement is suspected – mild, patchy surface ulceration => cobblestoning
  • Upper GI endoscopy: required to exclude oesophageal and Gastroduodenal disease in patients with relevant symptoms.
  • Small bowel imaging: mandatory in patients with suspected Crohn’s

Barium follow through
CT scan with oral contrast

  • Small bowel ultrasound
  • MRI

Asymmetrical alteration in the mucosal pattern with deep ulceration and areas of narrowing or structuring
String sign of Kantor

  • Perianal MRI or Endoanal Ultrasound

Used to evaluate perianal disease

  • Capsule endoscopy – used in Crohn’s Deisease patients who have a normal radiological examination

What kind of investigations are performed if Ulcerative Colitis is suspected?

  • Colonoscopy: biopsy is the gold standard investigation for the diagnosis of UC and assess disease activity and extent
  • Imaging: plain abdominal X-ray to exclude colonic dilation
  • Other imaging techniques rarely used as endoscopy is preferred
  • Collar button Ulcers (ulcer through the bowel mucosa to the muscle, then up and down in a ‘T’ shape)

Describe the management of Ulcerative Colitis


[*] Management for ulcerative colitis concentrates on the reduction of inflammation, usually with steroids.

  • Long term, patients are maintained on amino-salicylates such as Sulphasalazine.
  • Distal Disease (Proctitis)
  • Topical or suppository corticosteroids
  • Left Sided Colitis
  • Topical corticosteroid enema
  • Extensive Colitis

Oral corticosteroids

  • Surgical Management

Patients with complications / Corticosteroids dependence
In acute disease, subtotal colectomy with end ileostomy and preservation of the rectum is the operation of choice.


Describe the management of Crohn’s Disease


[*] Crohn’s disease is managed similarly to Ulcerative colitis, though surgical intervention may be required to resect particularly affected lengths of bowel.

[*] Crohn’s Disease

Induction of Remission

  • Oral or IV glucocorticosteroids
  • Enteral nutrition
  • Anti-TNF antibodies (Infliximab) (binds to membrane-bound TNF-alpha and induce immune cell apoptosis)

Maintenance of Remission

  • Methotrexate, Azathioprine
  • Anti-TNF antibodies (Infliximab)

Perianal Disease

  • Ciprofloxacin and Metronidazole
  • Azathioprine
  • Anti-TNF antibodies (Infliximab)

Surgical Management

  • Failure of therapy with acute or chronic symptoms
  • Complications e.g. dilation, obstruction, perforation, abscesses
  • Failure to grow in children despite treatment
  • Colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis may be performed.

Compare Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease


Compare the small intestine to the large intestine (wall, lumen, lymphoid tissue etc)


[*] Mobility:

  • Small intestine: Duodenum is not mobile, proximal first segment is intraperitoneal and the rest in secondarily retroperitoneal. The jejunum and ileum are moble.
  • Large intestine: ascending and descending colon are secondarily retroperitoneal (not mobile). Caecum has no mesentery but it is commonly bound to the lateral abdominal wall by a fold of peritoneum. The transverse colon’s mesentery, the transverse mesocolon, is adhered to the posterior wall of the omental bursa (lesser sac)

[*] Lumen

  • Small intestine: smaller lumen diameter
  • Large intestine: larger lumen diameter

[*] Longitudinal muscle:

  • Small intestine: continuous layer
  • Large intestine: reduced to three bands (teniae coli which all converge on the appendix)

[*] Fatty tags

  • Small intestine: none
  • Large intestine: fatty tags attached to it’s wall (appendices epiploicae)

[*] Wall

  • Small intestine: smooth
  • Large intestine: sacculated (formation of pouches due to the large intestine contracting forming Haustra

[*] Mucous Membrane:

  • Small intestine: permanent folds, plicae circulares
  • Large intestine: incomplete folds may be present

[*] Lymphoid tissue:

  • Small intestine: Peyer’s patches
  • Large intestine: none

Describe the duodenum. What parts can it be divided into?


[*] The duodenum, the first and shortest (25cm, breadth of 12 fingers) segment is also the widest and most fixed part.

  • The duodenum pursues a C-shaped course around the head of the pancreas, beginning at the pylorus on the right side and ending at the duodenojejunal flexure (junction) on the left side.
  • This junction occurs approximately at the level of L2 vertebra, usually 2-3cm left of the midline.
  • The junction usually takes the form of an acute angle.
  • Most of the duodenum is fixed by peritoneum to structures on the posterior abdominal wall and is considered partly retroperitoneal.

[*] The Duodenum is considered to be divisible into four parts

  1. Superior part: short (5cm) and lies anterolateral to the body of the L1 vertebra.
  2. Descending part: longer (7-10cm) and descends along the right side of the L1-L3 vertebra
  3. Inferior part: 6-8 cm long and crosses the L3 vertebra
  4. Ascending part: short (5cm) and begins at the left of L3 vertebra and rises superiorly as far as the superior border of the L2 vertebra.

Describe the duodenal cap


[*] Duodenal Cap/Ampulla

  • The first 2cm of the superior part of the duodenum is known as the ampulla or duodenal cap.
  • It has a mesentery and is mobile (in contrast the rest of the duodenum is retroperitoneal and immobile).
  • This is a common site of ulceration as it is immediately distal to the pylorus.
  • If the ulcer erodes backwards through the gastroduodenal artery, blood loss can be severe. The other major complication of a duodenal ulcer is perforation of the duodenal wall leading to inflammation of peritoneum, causing damage to the surrounding viscera such as the liver, pancreas and gallbladder. Duodenal ulcers are most commonly caused by H. pylori and chronic NSAID use.

Describe the superior part of the duodenum

  • The superior part of the duodenum ascends from the pylorus and is overlapped by the liver and gallbladder.
  • Peritoneum covers its anterior aspect but it is bare of peritoneum posteriorly (except for the duodenal cap).
  • The proximal part has the hepatoduodenal ligament (part of the lesser omentum) attached superiorly, and the greater omentum attached inferiorly.

Describe the descending part of the duodenum

  • The descending part of the duodenum runs inferiorly, curving around the head of the pancreas.
  • The Bile and Main pancreatic ducts enter its posteromedial wall via the Ampulla of Vater (which is a duct). The opening is called the major duodenal papilla.
  • The descending part of the duodenum is entirely retroperitoneal.
  • The anterior surface of its proximal and distal thirds is covered with peritoneum however the peritoneum reflects in its middle third to form the double-layered mesentery of the transverse colon, the Transverse Mesocolon.

Describe the inferior part of the duodenum

  • The inferior (horizontal) part of the duodenum runs transversely right => left, passing over the IVC, aorta and L3 vertebra.
  • The superior mesenteric artery and vein and the root of the mesentery of the jejunum and ileum cross it anteriorly. Where these structures cross is the only part of its anterior surface not covered with peritoneum.
  • Posteriorly, it is separated from the vertebral column by the right psoas major, IVC, aorta and the right testicular/ovarian vessels.

Describe the ascending part of the duodenum

  • The ascending part of the duodenum runs superiorly and along the left side of the aorta to reach the inferior border of the body of the pancreas.
  • Here it curves anterior to join the jejunum at the duodenojejunal flexure, supported by the attachment of a suspensory muscle of the duodenum (Ligament of Trietz). Contraction of this muscle widens the flexure (the angle), facilitating movement of the intestinal contents into the jejunum.

Describe the jejunum and ileum


[*] The jejunum is the second part of the small intestine, beginning at the duodenojejunal flexure where the digestive tract resumes an intraperitoneal course.

[*] The third part of the small intestine, the ileum, ends at the ileocaecal junction.

[*] Together the jejunum and ileum are 6-7 metres long (the jejunum constituting approximately 2/5ths and the ileum 3/5ths) of the intraperitoneal section of the small intestine.

[*] Most of the jejunum lies in the left upper quadrant (LUQ) of the Infracolic compartment, whereas most of the Ileum lies in the right lower quadrand (RLQ)

[*] The terminal ileum usually lies in the pelvis, from which it ascends, ending in the medial aspect of the cecum.

[*] The mesentery is a fan-shaped fold of peritoneum that attaches the jejunum and ileum to the posterior abdominal wall.

[*] Between its two layers are superior mesenteric vessels, lymph nodes, a variable amount of fat and autonomic nerves.

[*] The root of the mesentery crosses the ascending and inferior aspects of the duodenum, abdominal aorta, IVC, right ureter, right psoas major and right testicular/ovarian vessels.


Describe the distinguishing characteristics of the jejunum and ileum



  • J: deeper red
  • I: paler pink


  • J: larger (2-4cm)
  • I: narrower (2-3cm)


  • J: thick and heavy
  • I: thin and light


  • J: greater vascularity
  • I: less vascularity

Vasa recta

  • J: long (French narrow windows)
  • I: short (venetian windows)

Arterial arcades

  • J: a few large loops
  • I: many short loops

Fat in mesentery

  • J: less fat in mesentery
  • I: more

Circulae folds (plicae circulares)

  • J: large, tall and closely packed
  • I: low and sparse, absent in distal part

Lymphoid nodules (Peyer’s patches)

  • J: few
  • I: many

Describe the vasculature of the intestines

  • Foregut: duodenum proximal to bile duct – celiac trunk
  • Midgut: duodenum distal to bile duct, jejunum/ileum, caecum/ascending colon, proximal 2/3 transverse colon – Superior mesenteric artery and superior mesenteric vein
  • Hindgut: distal 1/3 transverse colon, descending/sigmoid colon, rectum/upper anal canal – inferior mesenteric artery and inferior mesenteric vein

Describe the blood supply of the duodenum


[*] The duodenum is derived from both the foregut and midgut.

  • Proximal to the bile duct, the duodenum’s blood supply is from the Superior Pancreaticoduodenal artery.
  • Coeliac Trunk => Gastroduodenal => Superior Pancreaticoduodenal
  • Distal to the bile duct, the duodenum’s blood supply is from the Inferior Pancreaticoduodenal artery.
  • Abdominal arota => SMA => Inferior Pancreaticoduodenal
  • The pancreaticoduodenal arteries lie in a curve between the duodenum and the head of the pancreas and supply both structures
  • The veins of the duodenum follow the arteries and drain into the hepatic portal vein, some directly, some through the superior mesenteric and splenic veins.

Describe the blood supply of the jejunum and ileum


[*] The jejunum and ileum are both derived from the midgut.

  • Blood supply of the jejunum: Abdominal Aorta => Superior Mesenteric Artery => Jejunal arteries
  • Blood supply of the ileum: Abdominal Aorta => Superior Mesenteric Artery => Ileal arteries
  • The SMA usually arises from the abdominal aorta at the level of the L1 vertebra approximately 1cm inferior to the celiac trunk and runs through the layers of the mesentery sending 15-18 branches to the jejunum and ileum.
  • These arteries anastomose to form loops or arches called arterial arcades which gives rise to long and straight arteries called vasa recta.
  • The venous drainage is performed by superior mesenteric vein. It joins with the splenic vein at the neck of the pancreas to form the hepatic portal vein.

Describe the large intestine


[*] Consists of the Caecum, Appendix, Transverse, Descending and Sigmoid colon, Rectum and Anal Canal

[*] The large intestine can be distinguished from the small intestine by:

  • Omental appendices: small, fatty, omentum-like projections
  • Teniae Coli: 3 distinct longitudinal bands of muscle

Begin at the appendix where it’s longitudinal muscle splits into 3 bands
Run the length of the large intestine
Merge together again at the rectosigmoid junction into a continuous layer around the rectum.

  • Haustra: sacculations of the wall of the colon between teniae.
  • Diameter: much larger than that of the small intestine.

Describe the caecum

  • The first part of the large intestine and is continuous with the ascending colon.
  • Blind, intestinal pouch approximately 7.5cm in both length and breadth
  • It lies in the Iliac Fossa of the Right Lower Quadrant of the abdomen, inferior to the junction of the terminal ileum and caecum (ileocaecal junction).
  • If distended with faeces or gas, the caecum may be palpable through the anterolateral abdominal wall.
  • The caecum usually lies within 2.5cm of the inguinal ligament, is almost entirely enveloped by peritoneum and is mobile.
  • However the caecum has no mesentery.
  • Because of this relative freedom, it may be displaced from the iliac fossa, but is commonly bound to the lateral abdominal wall by one or more cecal folds of peritoneum.

Describe the appendix

  • The appendix is a blind intestinal diverticulum (6-10cm in length) that contains masses of lymphoid tissue.
  • The appendix arises from the postero-medial aspect of the caecum inferior to the ileocaecal junction. It is usually retrocaecal but its position is variable.
  • The appendix has a short, triangular mesentery (the Mesoappendix) which is derived from the posterior side of the mesentery of the terminal ileum. The mesoappendix attaches to the caecum and the proximal part of the appendix.

Appendicitis is acute inflammation of the appendix and the most common cause for acute, severe abdominal pain. The abdomen is most tender at McBurney point (1/3rd of the distance from the right ASIS to the umbilicus).

  • The aetiology depends on age. In the young it is due to an increase in lymphoid tissue size, which occludes the lumen. From 30 years old onwards, it is more likely to be blocked due to faecal matter.
  • Initially the appendix cannot drain and so increases in size, stretching the visceral peritoneum. This causes a vague pain in the periumbilical region. As the appendix swells, it irritates the patietal peritoneum and causes severe right pain in the right lower quadrant.
  • If the appendix is not removed, it can become necrotic and rupture => in peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum)

Describe the vasculature of the caecum and appendix

  • Caecum: Abdominal aorta => SMA => Ileocolic
  • Appendix: Abdominal aorta => SMA => Ileocolic => Appendicular
  • Venous drainage from the Caecum and Appendix flows through a tributary of the SMV, the Ileocolic vein

The Colon has 4 parts: the Ascending, Transverse, Descending and Sigmoid. Describe the Ascending Colon


[*] Ascending Colon: passes superiorly on the right side of the abdominal cavity from the Caecum to the right lobe of the liver, where it turns to the left at the Right Colic Flexure (hepatic flexure) (marks the start of the transverse colon). The hepatic flexure lies deep to the 9th and 10th ribs and is overlapped by the inferior part of the liver.

  • The ascending colon is narrower than the caecum and is secondarily retroperitoneal along the right side of the posterior abdominal wall, covered by peritoneum anteriorly and on its sides. It is separated from the anterolateral abdominal wall by the greater omentum.
  • The ascending colon has a short mesentery in 25% of people.
  • A deep vertical groove lined with parietal peritoneum, the Right Paracolic Gutter, lies between the lateral aspect of the ascending colon and the adjacent abdominal wall.

Describe the Transverse Colon

  • The transverse colon is the third longest and most mobile part of the large intestine. It crosses the abdomen from the Right => Left Colic Flexures, where it turns inferior to becoming the descending colon.
  • The Left Colic Flexure (splenic flexure) is usually more superior, more acute and less mobile than the right.
  • It lies anterior to the inferior part of the left kidney and attaches to the diaphragm through the Phrenicocolic Ligament.
  • The transverse colon and its mesentery, the transverse mesocolon, loops down often inferior to the level of the iliac crests. The mesentery is adherent to or fused with the posterior wall of the omental bursa. The root of the transverse mesocolon lies along the inferior border of the pancreas and is continuous with the parietal peritoneum posteriorly.
  • Being freely movable, the transverse colon is variable in position, usually handing to the level of the umbilicus (L3), but in tall thin people it may extend down into the pelvis.

Describe the Descending Colon

  • The descending colon occupies a secondarily retroperitoneal position (covered by peritoneum anteriorly and laterally, binding it to the posterior abdominal wall), between the Left Colic Flexure to the Left Iliac Fossa where it is continuous with the sigmoid colon.
  • As it descends the colon passes anterior to the lateral border of the left kidney.
  • The descending colon has a short mesentery in 33% of people.
  • As with the ascending colon, a deep vertical groove lined with parietal peritoneum, the Left Paracolic Gutter, lies between the lateral aspect of the ascending colon and the adjacent abdominal wall.

Describe the Sigmoid Colon

  • The Sigmoid Colon, characterised by its S-Shaped loop of variable length, links the Descending Colon and the Rectum, running from the iliac fossa to the S3 vertebra.
  • The termination of teniae coli, approximately 15cm from the anus, indicates the rectosigmoid junction.
  • The sigmoid colon usually has a long mesentery, the Sigmoid Mesocolon and therefore has considerable mobility, especially it’s middle part. This can lead to Volvulus of the Sigmoid Colon.
  • The root of the Sigmoid Mesocolon has an inverted V-shaped attachment, extending medially and superiorly along the external iliac vessels to the anterior aspect of the sacrum.
  • The left ureter and the division of the left common iliac artery lie retroperitoneally, posterior to the apex of the root of the sigmoid Mesocolon.

Describe the Left and Right Paracolic Gutters


[*] Lateral to the ascending and descending colons is a space between the colon and the posterior abdominal wall – called the left and right paracolic gutters. These structures drain any fluid that leaks from the colon, preventing damage to the outer surface of the colon.

  • This has the downfall of allowing potentially infectious material to circulate around the peritoneal cavity and causing further infection – this is the mechanism in which a ruptured appendicitis causes peritonitis.

Describe the vasculature of the Ascending Colon


[*] The Ascending Colon, Right Colic Flexure

  • Ascending Colon: Abdominal Aorta => SMA => Ileocolic Artery
  • Right Colic Flexure: Abdominal Aorta => SMA => Right Colic Artery
  • These arteries anastomose with each other and with the right branch of the Middle Colic Artery, forming the first of a series of anastomotic arcades that continues round the large intestine to form a continuous arterial channel, the Marginal Artery
  • Venous drainage of the ascending colon and right colic flexure is through the Ileocolic and Right Colic Veins, which drain into the SMV and subsequently the portal vein.

Describe the vasculature of the Transverse Colon


The transverse colon is both midgut- and hindgutderived and it receives its blood supply from the SMA via the Middle Colic artery, however it may also receive arteries’ blood from the Right (SMA) and Left (IMA) Colic arteries by way of the Marginal Artery

  • Abdominal Aorta => SMA => Middle Colic
  • Abdominal Aorta => SMA => Right Colic
  • Abdominal Aorta => IMA => Left Colic

Venous drainage of the transverse colon is through the Middle Colic Vein, which drains into the SMV and subsequently the portal vein.


Describe the vasculature of the Descending Colon and the Sigmoid Colon

  • Both are derived from the hindgut thus receiving their blood supply from the IMA

Descending colon: Abdominal Aorta => IMA => Left Colic
Sigmoid colon: Abdominal Aorta => IMA => Sigmoid

  • Venous drainage of the descending and sigmoid colon is through the Left Colic and Sigmoid Veins, which drain into the IMV and subsequently the splenic and portal veins.

Describe the marginal artery


[*] The marginal artery of the colon is a blood vessel that forms an important anastomosis between the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries.

  • As the terminal vessels of the superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric artery approach the colon, they split into many branches which anastamose with each other.
  • These anastomoses form a continuous arterial channel, which extends the length of the colon called the marginal artery. Long, straight arteries (called vasa recta) arise from the marginal artery to supply the colon.
  • The marginal artery is clinically important as it provides collateral supply to the colon, maintaining blood supply to the colon in the case of occlusion or stenosis of one of the major arteries.

Describe the rectum


[*] The rectum is the fixed, primarily retroperitoneal and subperitoneal, terminal part of the large intestine.

  • First Third: peritoneum covers the anterior and lateral surfaces
  • Middle Third: peritoneum only covers the anterior surface
  • Final Third: no covering as it is subperitoneal.

[*] The rectum is continuous with the sigmoid colon at the level of S3 vertebra. At this point, the rectosigmoid junction – the teniae coli of the sigmoid colon spread to form a continuous outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle.

[*] The distal portion of the rectum is expanded, and is known as the Rectal Ampulla.

[*] Macroscopically, the rectum lacks the characteristic features of the large intestine such as omental appendicies and sacculations.

[*] As the rectal ampulla narrows at the pelvic floor, I gains internal and external anal sphincters and becomes the anal canal.


Describe the arterial supply of the rectum

  • The proximal rectum is a derivative of the Hindgut therefore it receives its blood supply from the IMA via the Superior Rectal arteries (R + L branches)
  • The distal rectum receives its blood supply from branches off the internal iliac arteries, the right and left middle rectal arteries and off from the interior pudendal arteries, the right and left inferior rectal arteries.
  • Aorta => IMA => Superior Rectal => R + L branches
  • Aorta => Common Iliac => R + L Internal Iliac => R + L Middle Rectal arteries
  • Aorta => Common Iliac => R + L Internal Iliac => Inferior Pudendal => R + L Inferior Rectal arteries.

Describe the venous drainage of the rectum

  • Venous drainage of the rectum is through the Superior, Middle and Inferior Rectal Veins.
  • The Superior Rectal Vein drains into the IMV, then the Splenic and Portal Veins.
  • The Middle and Inferior Rectal veins drain into the systemic system
  • The anastomoses between the Portal and Systemic Venous Systems in the Rectum/Anal Canal are clinically important in Portal Hypertension (Varices)

Describe the anal canal


[*] The anal canal begins where the Rectal Ampulla narrows at the level of the U-shaped sling formed by the puborectalis muscle and ends at the Anus.

[*] The anal canal surrounded by internal and external anal sphincters, descends posteroinferiorly between the anococcygeal ligament and the perineal body.

[*] The canal is collapsed, except during the passage of faces. Both sphincters must relax before defecation can occur

[*] Internally the superior half of the mucous membrane of the anal canal is characterised by a series of longitudinal ridges called anal columns which contain the terminal branches of the superior rectal artery and vein.

[*] The anorectal junction, indicated by the superior end of the anal columns, is where the rectum joins the anal canal. At this point, the rectal ampulla abruptly narrows as it traverses the pelvic diaphragm. The inferior ends of the anal columns are joined by anal valves and superior to the valves are Anal Sinuses.

[*] When compressed by faeces, anal sinuses exude mucus which aids in evacuation of faeces from the anal canal. The inferior comb like shape of the anal valves forms an irregular line – the Pectinate line.


Describe the vasculature of the anal canal


[*] Due to their different embryological origins, the anal canal superior to the pectinate line (hind gut derivative) has a different arterial supply, innervation and lymphatic drainage to the anal canal inferior to the pectinate line (ectoderm derivative)

  • Above the Pectinate line, the anal canal is derived from the Hindgut (endoderm derivative) thus its blood supply is from the IMA via the superior rectal artery.
  • Below the Pectinate line, the Anal Canal is derived from Ectoderm and gains its blood supply from the two Inferior rectal arteries.

The middle rectal arteries assist with the blood supply to the anal canal by forming anastomoses with the superior and inferior rectal arteries.


Describe the innervation of the anal canal

  • Above the Pectinate line, nerve supply is visceral. Therefore superior to the Pectinate line, the anal canal is sensitive only to stretching. All visceral afferents travel with the parasympathetic fibres to spinal sensory ganglia (S2-S4) (referred pain)
  • Below the Pectinate line, nerve supply is somatic derived from the Inferior Anal Nerves, branches of the pudendal nerve. Therefore, below the pectinate line, the Anal Canal is sensitive to pain, touch and temperature and pain is well localised.

Describe the rectovesical pouch in men and women, and what is the vesicouterine pouch?


[*] Rectovesical Pouch: In the pelvis there is an extension of the peritoneal cavity, which differs in location in men and women.

  • In males, after the second third of the rectum, the peritoneum reflects onto the posterior wall of the bladder, forming the floor of the rectovesical pouch. The pouch is between the posterior wall of the bladder and the colon.
  • In females, after the second third of the rectum, the peritoneum reflects onto the posterior part of the fornix of the Vagina, forming the floor of the rectouterine pouch. The pouch is between the posterior wall of the uterus and the colon and is also known as the pouch of Douglas.

In both men and women, the pouch is the most inferior part of the peritoneum. Thus, any fluid in the peritoneal cavity will accumulate here and can be sampled as a diagnostic tool.

  • In females there is also the vesicouterine pouch – the peritoneal reflection between the uterus and urinary bladder.

What should I do next?


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