GI Embryology Flashcards
What does folding create?
Lateral folding of the embryo creates the ventral body wall and the primitive gut becomes tubular.
Craniocaudal folding creates cranial and caudal pockets from yolk sac endoderm (beginning primitive gut development)
Describe the beginning of the development of the GI Tract
- Development of the GI tract begins when during the fourth week folding of the embryo creates a primitive gut tube, lined with endoderm and divisible into 3 regions: foregut, mid-gut and hindgut. All parts of the adult GI tract arise from one of these regions. Each region has its particular pattern of neurovascular and lymphatic supply, which is retained into the adult.
- Development of the primitive gut tube begins in the 3rd week when it “pinches off” from the yolk sac cavity. It runs from the stomatodenum (future mouth) rostrally to proctodeum (future anus) caudally with an opening at the umbilicus. This opening into the yolk sac is known as the vitelline duct.
- Its internal lining is derived from endoderm (future epithelial linings).
- Its external lining is derived from splanchnic mesoderm (future musculature, visceral peritoneum)
- It is suspended in intraembryonic coelom by a double layer of splanchnic mesoderm.
What are the embryonic divisions of the gut?
- Foregut and hindgut begin as blind diverticula
- Midgut has an opening at first and is continuous with the yolk sac
- The mesoderm surrounding the gut splits into layers: somatic which develops into the muscles and fasciae of the abdominal wall and splanchnic, which becomes the smooth muscles of the gut wall.
- The space created by the split is the coelomic cavity which eventually develops into the pleural cavity and peritoneal cavity. The primitive gut is therefore surrounded by the coelomic cavity.
What are the adult derivatives, blood supply and innervation of the foregut?
Pancreas, liver & gall bladder
Duodenum (proximal to entrance of bile duct)
Celiac Trunk (left gastric, splenic and common hepatic)
Parasympathetic: Vagus Nerve (Cranial 10)
Sympathetic: Splanchnic branches of sympathetic chain ganglia ( T5-T10) - coeliac ganglion
What are the adult derivatives, blood supply and innervation of the midgut?
Duodenum (distal to entrance of bile duct) - 3rd and 4th parts
Ascending colon
Proximal 2/3 transverse colon
Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA)
Superior Mesenteric Vein (SMV)
Parasympathetic: Vagus Nerve
Sympathetic: Superior Mesenteric Ganglion & Plexus
Lymphatic drainage follows arterial supply
What are the adult derivatives, blood supply and innervation of the hindgut?
Distal 1/3 transverse colon
Descending colon
Sigmoid colon
Upper anal canal
Internal lining of bladder & urethra
Inferior Mesenteric Artery (IMA)
Inferior Mesenteric Vein (IMV)
Parasympathetic: Pelvic Splanchnic N. (S2/3/4)
Sympathetic: Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion & Plexus
Lymphatic drainage follows arterial supply
But what structures develop to have a mixed blood supply?
structures that develop close to the junction between foregut and midgut will have mixed blood supply:
- Duodenum: proximal to entry of bile duct (gastroduodenal artery and superior pancraticoduodenal artery (Celiac Trunk)) and distal to entry of bile dict (inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery (SMA))
- Pancreas: head (superior pancreaticoduodenal artery and inferior pancreatico duodenal artery)
Describe the development of the muscular and fascial layers of the abdominal wall, including the inguinal canal
As lateral folding of the embryo progresses the two sides of the developing anterolateral abdominal wall meet in the midline, forming the linea alba.
- One opening is left, at the umbilicus
- Each side of the anterolateral abdominal wall is formed by 3 layers of muscle: the external oblique, internal oblique and transversus abdominis
- Anteriorly there is a fourth muscle, the rectus abdominis
- Deep to all the muscles’ layers is the transversalis fascia
- Externally lie the superficial fascia and skin
- The muscles of the abdominal wall are all from somatic mesoderm
The inguinal canal is an oblique passage through the layers of the abdominal wall, in males allowing the passage of the developing testis into the scrotum.
- The testis does not pierce the abdominal wall; it pushes them out ahead of its passage, forming the fascial coverings of the spermatic cord.
Explain the developmental basis of umbilical and inguinal hernia
- Umbilical hernia: a congenital malformation, where the intestines protrude through the abdominal wall. It is common in babies, as the gut forms outside of the abdomen and later returns through an opening that becomes the umbilicus. If this opening is a potential site of weakness, abdominal contents can push against it and herniate outwards.
- The inguinal canal remains a potential site of weakness and hernia formation throughout life as abdominal contents can push against it and herniate through.
Describe how the coelomic cavity develops
Coelomic Cavity: the mesoderm surrounding the gut splits into Somatic and Splanchnic and the space between them forms the Coelomic Cavity via lateral folding.
- The intraembryonic coelom begins as one large cavity, which is later subdivided by the future diaphragm into the abdominal and thoracic cavities.
Describe how the peritoneum and peritoneal cavity develop
the peritoneal membrane lines the abdominal cavity and invests the viscera. During it’s development it grows, changes shape and specalises
- The peritoneal cavity is a potential space only, as under normal conditions it should contain nothing apart from a tiny amount of serious fluid (lubricated surface)
What are mesenteries? And describe the fate of the embryonic dorsal and ventral mesenteries.
- The developing gut is attached to the roof of the abdominal cavity by a fold of condensed mesoderm known as the dorsal mesentery.
- A mesentery is a double layer of peritoneum suspending the gut tube from the abdominal wall
Allow a conduit for blood and nerve supply
Allow motility where needed
- A similar fold, the ventral mesentery attaches the foregut only to the floor.
- The mesenteries become the various peritoneal folds and reflections that suspend the gut and give passage to vessels and nerves in the adult.
- Their shape often becomes complex due to the complexity of the changes in shape and position undergone by the developing gut.
How do the Greater and Lesser Peritoneal Sacs develop?
: the dorsal and ventral mesenteries in the region of the foregut divide the cavity into left and right sacs.
The left sac contributes to the Greater Peritoneal Sac and the right sac contributes to the Lesser Peritoneal Sac which comes to lie behind the stomach.
Explain how the Greater and Lesser Omenta develop
- The greater and lesser omenta are specialized regions of the peritoneum.
- As the stomach expands and rotates, its dorsal mesentery is drawn into a sac, the omental bursa, which becomes the greater omentum. The Greater Omentum is the first structure seen when the abdominal cavity is opened anteriorly, connecting the greater curve of the stomach to the transverse colon.
- The ventral mesentery becomes the less omentum. The lesser Omentum connects the lesser curve of the stomach to the liver. Its free edge conducts the portal triad (key anatomical structure)
Describe the development and rotation of the stomach
- The stomach is the widest part of the foregut. Initially it is symmetrical, then as it enlarges it expands unevenly, mainly towards the left. It also rotates so that its original left side becomes anterior and the original right side comes to lie posteriorly.
- the faster growth of the dorsal border creates the greater curvature.
- The primitive stomach also rotates in two directions, around the longitudinal axis and the anteroposterior axis.
- Greater and lesser curvature come to lie first on right and left side.
- Stomach rotation shifts cardia and pylorus from the midline, pushing greater curve inferiorly. The stomach lies obliquely
- The recess of the peritoneal cavity behind the lesser omentum and stomach becomes the lesser sac – stomach roation contributes to moving the lesser sac behind the stomach
- Creates the greater omentum
- Stomach rotation puts the vagus nerves anterior and posterior to the stomach instead of left and right
Describe the development of the foregut and midgut and hindgut
- Initially the foregut ends blindly at the oropharyngeal membrane and the hindgut at the cloacal membrane. When the membranes break down, the gut becomes open to the exterior at the future mouth and anus.
- At first the midgut is connected to the yolk sac; this connection eventually closes.
- The foregut forms part of the mouth, the pharynx, oesophagus, stomach and the first and second parts of the duodenum. The lungs, liver and pancreas form as foregut outgrowths
- Abnormal narrowing of the oesophagus may occur. The primordia of the trachea and lungs form at the junction with the pharynx.
- This is a potential site for developmental anomalies such as the trachea-oesophageal fistulae and oesophageal atresia
- The most distal part of the foregut becomes the first and second parts of the duodenum. Abnormal narrowing at the gastroduodenal junction may occur (pyloric stenosis).
What’s a Peritoneal reflection?
Peritoneal Reflection: a change in direction e.g. from parietal peritoneum to mesentery or from mesentery to visceral peritoneum or from visceral peritoneum etc
Understand why some abdominal organs possess mesenteries and some are retroperitoneal
Some parts of the GI tract, e.g. the jejunum and ileum remain suspended from the posterior abdominal wall by a mesentery and remain mobile. In other parts e.g. the ascending and descending colon and the duodenum, the mesentery adheres and fuses with the peritoneum on the posterior abdominal wall, leaving the organ covered by peritoneum and immobile (retroperitoneal).
Retroperitoneal: were never in the peritoneal cavity and never had a mesentery e.g. aorta, vena cava, kidneys