group Flashcards
effects of the pressense of others
- social facilitation or social inhibition
- social loafing vs. social compensation
- deindividuation
Zajonc: Drive theory
the presence of others results in increased arousal, which enhances dominant responses
Cottrell: Evaluation Apprehension
audiences produce arousal because they are a source of evaluation
Distraction-conflict theory
presence of others is distracting, which increases cognitive load
Ringelmann effect
tendency for individual members of a group to become increasingly less productive as the size of their group increases
counter: lack of coordination
Ringelmann effect - nature of task
- additive tasks
- conjunctive tasks
- disjunctive tasks
conjunctive tasks
completed only with the effort and contribution of all group members
theories: social facilitation or social inhibition
- Zajonc: Drive theory
- Cottrell: Evaluation Apprehension
- Distraction-conflict theory
definition: groupthink
occurs when a group makes faulty decisions because group pressures leads to deterioration of: - mental effficiency - moral judgment
principles of brainstorming
- quantity breeds quality
2. deferment of judgmemnt
Evaluation apprehension model
we quickly learn that the social rewards and punishments that we receive from other people are based on their evaluations of us
why is brainstorming not helping group creativity?
- evaluation apprehension
- free-riding
- production blocking
why do people join groups?
- self-knowledge
- emotional support
- self-enhancement
- accomplishing goals
why do people leave groups?
- restricted personal freedom
- demands on time, energy, resources
- ideological splintering
how groups function smoothly and efficiency?
- role differentiation
- status
- norms
- cohesiveness
social facilitation
improvement in individual performance when working with other people rather than alone
experiment: social facilitation
cockroaches running the maze in the presence of other cockroaches (audience) ran faster than those without an audience
Negative Interdependence
individuals can only achieve their goal via the failure of a competiton
tactics to resolve conflict
- bargaining
2. superordinate goals
definition of group
- 3 or more people
2. interdependent
social facilitation theory and behaviour
increases vigilance and arousal
arousal facilities good performance on easy/well learned tasks
impedes performance on difficult tasks
social facilitation vs. social loafing
social facilitation - individual performance will be evaluated
whether performance is increased or diminished - depends on task difficulty
social facilitation - performance on simple tasks is enhanced, complex task diminished
social loafing - opposite
Why does everyone not just cooporate
Negative interdependence
Some outcomes that people seek simply can’t be shared
experiment: coorporation
Prisoner’s dilemma
2 suspects can choose to cooperate can get one-year seperate, or compete and one gets 2 years and one get none
group polarization
tendency to shift towards views more extreme than the ones they initially begin with
downsides of group decision
- group polarization
- group think
- brainstorming
Social inhibition
conscious or subconscious avoidance of a situation or social interaction
situations are avoided because of the possibility of others disapproving of their feelings or expressions
Production blocking
tendency for one individual during a group discussion to block or inhibit other people from offering ideas
people must “take turns” to share ideas, may cause them to forget their ideas