Grief Test 2 Flashcards
it is important to understand why people fail to ______
factors that may complicate grief
- relational factors
- circumstantial factors
- historical factors
- personality factors
- social factors
The highly ambivalent one with unexpressed hostility. (unresolved stuff).
The death may reopen old wounds.
In highly dependent relationships the death may lead to a desperate sense of helplessness.
relational factors
The loss is uncertain (MIA’s, no remains found)
Multiple losses from plane crashes, natural disasters, fire may lead to bereavement overload.
circumstantial factors
People who have had complicated grief reactions in the past will have a higher probability of a complicated reaction in the present.
There is interest in the influence of early parental loss on the development of subsequent complicated grief reactions in other losses.
Having a complicated reaction in the present.
historical factors
Some people are unable to tolerate extremes of emotional distress.
One’s self-concept such as being the “strong one” in the family may hinder grief.
personality factors
The death is socially unspeakable (suicide, homicide, AIDS)
The loss is socially negated (abortion)
The absence of a social support network may cause complications.
social factors
types of abnormal grief responses
- Complicated grief
- Delayed grief reaction
- Exaggerated grief
- Masked grief
complicated grief is also known as…
Chronic or Unresolved
grief extending over a long period o time without resolution…
complicated grief
inhibited, suppressed or postponed response to a loss
delayed grief reaction
occurs when persons experience symptoms and behaviors which cause them difficulty but they do not see or recognize the fact that these are related to the loss.
masked grief
persons are usually conscious of the relationship of the reaction of the death, but the reaction to the current experience is excessive and disabling
exaggerated grief
special types of losses
suicide euthanasia hospice SIDS sudden death miscarriage stillbirth abortion anticipated death Aids
deliberate act of self destruction
an unsuccessful suicide attempt
suicidal gesture
thoughts about committing suicide
suicidal ideation
Emile Durkheim’s 4 types of suicide
- anomic
- fatalistic
- altruistic
- egoistic
studied thousands of cases of suicide to demonstrate his theory that a person commits suicide, because of the influence of society.
Emile Durkheim
Emile Durkheim is known as the…
Father of Sociology
when a person commits suicide during times of adverse conditions, such as war or financial hardship, when the rules of society don’t seem to apply.
anomic suicide
when a person commits suicide because one feels over-regulated or over-controlled. They feel there is not other way out.
fatalistic suicide
when a person commits suicide due to a high sense of group involvement or out of a sense of duty for a cause (Kamikaze pilots in WWII, suicide bombers)
altruistic suicide
when a person commits suicide due to feelins of being a loner or feeling that one does not fit into society
derived from the Greek words for “well/good” and “death”
the withholding of life-sustaining drugs or treatment, such as kidney dialysis, from a patient who is terminally ill.
passive euthanasia
taking active measures, such as Dr. Kevorkian did, to end the life of a terminally ill patient.
active euthanasia
Historically an inn for travelers, especially one kept by a religious order; also used to indicate a concept designed to treat patients with a life-limiting condition.
keeping the patient comfortable, versus curative care.
palliative care
a child’s understanding of death from BIRTH TO 3 YEARS..
no comprehension
a child’s understanding of death from 3 to 5 years…
- unable to understand the finality
2. death is like sleep or taking a journey
a child’s understanding of death from 5 to 9 years…
- may understand that death is final, but may not accept it as something that happens to everyone
- age where children tend to personify death…see it as a figure of some sort
a child’s understanding of death from 9 years and above…
understand that death is final, universal and will include themselves
what NOT to say to children when explaining death…
Make believe stories or fairy tales Something you don’t believe yourself Mother has gone on a long journey “God” took daddy away because he wants and loves the good in heaven Daddy is now in heaven Grandma died because she was sick To die is to sleep
what TO say to children when explaining death…
Share your own religious convictions
Speak in concrete terms rather than philosophical ones
Grant permission to cry and express feelings
Acknowledge when you do not know the answer
The funeral is an important occasion in the life of the family. A child should have the _______________ as other members of the family to attend the funeral, offer his or her last respects and express love and devotion.
same right
Not only is it correct to permit a child to attend a funeral, but by approximately the age of _______, a child should be encourage to attend.
- The functional position or role the deceased played in the family.
- The emotional integration of the family.
- How families facilitate or hinder emotional expression.
William Worden’s Grief & Family Systems
considered to be the father of the suicide prevention movement in the United States says: “I believe that the person who commits suicide puts his psychological skeleton in the survivors’ emotional closet.”
Edwin Shneidman
Stated that suicide is the most difficult bereavement crisis for any family to face and resolve in an effective manner”.
Richard McGee
most feeling experienced by both family and friends.
another common feeling – Families take responsibility of the action of the deceased and have a gnawing feeling that there was something they should or could have done to prevent the death.
some people hand their own sense of being culpability by projecting their guilt onto others
is a common response after suicide. A primary thing among survivors of suicide is of their own self-destructive impulses. Many seem to carry with them a sense of fate or doom. Especially, true of sons of suicide victims
feeling of depressed and hopeless after the loss of a significant other is a common and usually transient phenomenon for many bereaved.
clinical depression
another common response following loss. Serious alcoholism or other substance abuse that develops or is exacerbated by a death would be included here under exaggerated grief reactions. There are some who suffer loss, usually of a catastrophic nature, who develop signs and symptoms of Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
The treatment of disease or disorders, as by some remedial, rehabilitating, or curative process
Professional guidance in resolving personal conflicts and emotional problems.