GRFC - O, I, N A Flashcards
Tibialis anterior
O: Tibial shaft (lateral aspect), interosseous membrane
I: Medial cuneiform, base of 1st metatarsal
N: Deep peroneal nerve (anterior compartment)
A: Dorsiflexion, inversion, supports medial longitudinal arch
Extensor digitorum longus
O: Shaft of fibula (anterior surface)
[shaft of tibia, interosseous membrane]
I: Extensor expansion of lateral four toes
N: Deep peroneal nerve (anterior compartment)
A: Dorsiflexion, toe extension
Peroneus tertius
O: Shaft of fibula (anterior surface)
I: Base of 5th metatarsal
N: Deep peroneal nerve (anterior compartment)
A: Dorsiflexion, eversion
Extensor digitorum brevis
O: Calcaneum
I: By four tendons into the proximal phalanx of big toe and long extensor tendons to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th toes
N: Deep peroneal nerve (anterior compartment)
A: Extends toes
Extensor hallucis longus
O: Shaft of fibula (anterior surface)
I: Base of distal phalanx of great toe
N: Deep peroneal nerve (anterior compartment)
A: Dorsiflexion, inversion
Peroneus brevis
O: Shaft of fibula (lateral surface)
I: Base of 5th metatarsal
N: Superficial peroneal nerve (lateral compartment)
A: Plantarflexion, eversion, supports lateral longitudinal arch
Peroneus longus
O: Shaft of fibula (lateral aspect)
I: Medial cuneiform, base of 1st metatarsal
N: Superficial peroneal nerve (lateral compartment)
A: Plantarflexion, eversion, supports lateral longitudinal arch and transverse arch
Gastrocnemius (lateral head)
O: Lateral condyle
I: Via tendo calcaneus into calcaneum (posterior surface)
N: Tibial nerve (posterior compartment)
A: Plantarflexion, knee flexion
Gastrocnemius (medial head)
O: Above medial condyle
I: Via tendo calcaneus into calcaneum (posterior surface)
N: Tibial nerve (posterior compartment)
A: Plantarflexion, knee flexion
O: Lateral condyle of femur (lateral surface)
I: Shaft of tibia (posterior) above soleal line
N: Tibial nerve (posterior compartment)
A: Knee flexion, unlocks knee joint (ER of femur on tibia), slackens ligaments of joint
O: Lateral supracondylar ridge of femur
I: Calcaneum (posterior surface)
N: Tibial nerve (posterior compartment)
A: Plantarflexion, knee flexion
Flexor digitorum longus
O: Shaft of tibia (posterior)
I: Bases of distal phalanges of lateral 4 toes
N: Tibial nerve (posterior compartment)
A: Toes flexion, plantarflexion, supports MLA and LLA
Flexor hallucis longus
O: Shaft of fibula (posterior)
I: Base of distal phalanx of big toe
N: Tibial nerve (posterior compartment)
A: Toe flexion, plantarflexion, supports MLA
O: Shaft of tibia, shaft of fibula
I: Via tendo calcaneus into calcaneum (posterior surface)
N: Tibial nerve (posterior compartment)
A: Plantarflexion (powerful), provides main propulsive force in walking and running
Tibialis posterior
O: Shaft of tibia (posterior), shaft of fibula (posterior), inteosseous membrane
I: Navicular tuberosity and other neighboring bones
N: Tibial nerve
A: Plantarflexion, inversion, supports medial longitudinal arch
Abductor hallucis
Layer 1
O: Medial tuberosity of calcaneum, flexor retinaculum
I: Base of proximal phalanx of big toe
N: Medial plantar nerve
A: Flexion and abduction of big toe, braces MLA
Flexor digitorum brevis
Layer 1
O: Medial tuberosity of calcaneum
I: 4 tendons to 4 lateral toes inserted into borders of middle phalanges
N: Medial plantar nerve
A: Toe flexion, braces MLA and LLA
Quadratus plantae
Layer 2
O: Medial and lateral sides of calcaneum
I: Tendons of FDL
N: Lateral plantar nerve
A: Flexes 4 lateral toes (assists FDL)
Abductor digiti minimi
Layer 1
O: Medial and lateral tuberosities of calcaneum
I: Base of proximal phalanx of 5th toe
N: Lateral plantar nerve
A: Toe flexion and abduction, braces LLA
Lumbricals of the foot
Layer 2
O: Tendons of FDL (flexor digitorum longus)
I: Bases of lateral 4 proximal phalanges, dorsal extensor expansion
N: 1st - medial plantar nerve
Remainder - lateral plantar nerve
A: Extends toes at IP joints
Flexor hallucis brevis
Layer 3
O: Cuboid, lateral cuneiform, tibialis posterior insertion
I: Medial tendon to medial side of proximal phalanx of big toe; lateral tendon to lateral side of proximal phalanx of big toe
N: Medial plantar nerve
A: Big toe MTP flexion, supports MLA
Adductor hallucis (transverse head)
Layer 3
O: Plantar ligaments
I: Base of proximal phalanx of big toe (lateral side)
N: Lateral plantar nerve (deep branch)
A: Big toe MTP flexion, holds metatarsal bones
Adductor hallucis (oblique head)
Layer 3
O: Bases of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th metatarsals
I: Base of proximal phalanx of big toe (lateral side)
N: Lateral plantar nerve (deep branch)
A: Big toe MTP flexion, holds metatarsal bones
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Layer 3
O: Base of 5th metatarsal
I: Base of proximal phalanx of big toe (lateral aspect)
N: Lateral plantar nerve
A: Little toe MTP joint flexion
Dorsal interossei of foot
O: Adjacent sides of metatarsal bones
I: Bases of proximal phalanges
1st - medial side of 2nd toe
Remainder - lateral sides of 2nd, 3rd, 4th toes
Dorsal extensor expansion
N: Lateral plantar nerve
A: Toe abduction, MCP flexion, IP extension
Plantar interossei
Layer 4
O: Inferior surfaces of 3rd, 4th, 5th metatarsals
I: Medial side of bases of phalanges of lateral 3 toes
N: Lateral plantar nerve
A: Toe adduction, MTP flexion, IP extension
Biceps femoris (short head)
O: Linea aspera
Biceps femoris (long head)
O: Ischial tuberosity
Tensor fascia lata
O: Iliac crest
O: Ischial tuberosity
Levator scapula
O: C1 - C4 transverse processes
O: Lateral one-third of clavicle (anterior), acromion process (middle), spine of scapula (posterior)
I: Shaft of humerus (middle of lateral surface)
N: Axillary nerve
A: Shoulder abduction, shoulder flexion and internal rotation (anterior), shoulder extension and external rotation (posterior)
O: Supraspinous fossa of scapula
I: Greater tuberosity of humerus, shoulder joint capsule
N: Suprascapular nerve
A: Shoulder abduction, stabilization of shoulder joint