GRE_3000_List1 Flashcards
to hate or loathe intensely, abhor
[E] We abominate jokes that make fun of people who have physical disabilities.
[S] despise; detest; execrate; loathe;’
[A] esteem; adore;
to refrain from something by one’s own choice
[E] abstain from smoking
[S] forgo; refrain from
[A] bow to; submit to; succumb to;
to approach and speak to often in a challenging or aggressive way.
[E] accosted by three gang members.
1 an expression of approval
[E] The director won virtually every accolade that the film world offered.
[S] applause; credit; distinction;
[A] disapprobation;
2 to praise or honor;
[A] excoriate; criticise; reprobate; denigrate; denunciate;
to suspend a session indefinitely or to another time or place
[E] The meeting adjourned for a week.
[S] prorogate;prorogue; recess; suspend;
[A] convoke;
something joined or added to another to another thing but not necessarily a part of it
[E] Massage therapy can be used as an adjunct along with the medication.
[S] appendage; appliance; attachment;
[A] essential element;
1 to give advice to [E] admonish the patient to eat more healthy food [S] counsel 2 to reprove gently [E] admonish her for littering [S] chide; reproach; [P] admonishment;
to praise too much
[E] incompetent assistants who spend all their time adulating her.
[S] overpraise; belaud;
[A] vituperate;
1 to disclose partially or guardedly
[E] adumbrate a plan
[S] revelation
2 to give a slight indication of beforehand
[E] The strife in Bloody Kansas adumbrated the civil war that wold follow.
[S] forerun; harbinger;
coming from another source and not inherent or innate
[E] Moral considerations are adventitious to the study of art.
[S] alien; supervenient;
[A] constitutional; essential; intrinsic; innate;
to call attention
[E] He adverted to the problem in the opening paragraph.
[S] advertent;
[A] inattentive; remiss; heedless; negligent;
showing urgent desire or interest
[E] Children were agog over new toys.
[S] avid; ardent; voracious;
[A] apathetic; indifferent; uneager;
devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause
[E] They swore their allegiance to the USA.
[S] commitment; dedication;
[A] inconstancy; perfidiousness; treachery;
in the air especially ; in flight
[E] The balloon stayed aloft for days.
[S] overhead;
[A] grounded;
1 something that conduces to comfort
[E] the amenity of the new surroundings
[S] comfort; convenience;
2 the quality of being pleasant or agreeable
[E] a discussion conducted in perfect amenity
[S] agreeability; harmony; consonance;
1 cast down in spirit; [E] a man made abject by suffering; [S] spiritless; [A] exultant; 2 sunk to or existing in a low state or condition; [E] abject poverty; 3 expressing or offered in a humble and often ingratiating spirit [E] abject flattery; an abject apology [S] base; menial;