Grammar: TTMIK Level 3 Flashcards
- 고
이 책은 재미있고 싸요.
and or and then
This book is interesting and cheap.
- (으)ㄹ까요?
내일 바가 올까요?
Do you want to do this with me? / I wonder…
It is a means to express a questions or sense of own curiosity/wonder
Do you think it will rain tomorrow?
I wonder if it will rain tomorrow.
쯤, 약, 정도
약 삼십 년쯤 미국에 왔어요.
Approximately, about
- 약 is used along with the other two, but in front
I came to America approximately 20 years ago.
- (으)ㄹ 거예요. vs (으)ㄹ게요
공부할 거예요 vs 공부할게요
I am going to… vs I will…
- (으)ㄹ 거예요. Is usually more of a plan that you sharing.
- (으)ㄹ게요. Is usually in response to what another person has said. It is more of a statement of fact that its what you are going to do.
I will/I am going to study. (it’s my plan to)
I will study. (If you say so, If you do not mind, usually in response to to speaker)
- 아/어/여/+서
비가 와서 못 가요/갔어요.
공원에 가서 책을 읽을 거예요.
돈을 모으서 뭐 할 거예요.
- Reason + -아/어/여서 + result. (fact, “so” result)
- An action + -아/어/여서 + another action that takes place after the first action (consecutive actions)
- An action + -아/어/여서 + the purpose of or the plan after the action. (action/plan + purpose)
Its raining/It rained so I cannot/couldn’t go.
I am going to go the part and read a book.
- 같아요 vs 랑/하고 같아요
- 비슷해요
커피랑 같아요.
커피 같아요.
도쿄는 서울하고 비슷해요?
It is like… vs It is same as…
to be similar
Its same as coffee.
Its like coffee.
Is Tokyo similar to Seoul?
- 는 것 같아요
이야기한(할/하는) 것 같아요.
It looks like… / It seems to be… / To me it looks like… / I think
I think they told them / It looks like they talked.
할 - I think they will talk / It seems like they will talk.
하는 - I think they are talking / They seem to talk to each other.
- 전에
집에 가기 전에 술 마실 거예요
I am going to drink before I go home
한국어눈 어려워요. 그래도, 재미있어요.
but still, however, nonetheless, or nevertheless
Korean is hard. However its interesting/fun.
지금 바빠요? 그러면 언제 안 바빠요?
그럼 이거는 어때요?
in that case; if so; then
Are you busy now? If so when will not be busy.
Then how about this one?
- 아/어/여요; 시작해요
- (으)시죠; 시작하시죠.
- 자; 시작하자.
- (으)ㄹ래요?; 시작할래요?
- (으)실래요?; 시작하실래요?
polite/plain let’s 시작해요. - Let’s start.
honorific let’s 시작하시죠. - Let’s start
informal let’s 시작하자. - Let’s start
polite/casual shall we 시작할래요? - Shall we start?
polite/formal shall we 시작하실래요? - Shall we start?
- 위해/위해서
부모님을 위해서 돈을 모았어요.
in order to/for, for the sake of
I saved up money for my parents.
- 밖에
우리 고양이는 참치밖에 안 먹어요.
nothing else but, do not do anything other than
My cat only eats tuna.
- (으)ㄴ + 다음에, (으)ㄴ + 후에, (으)ㄴ + 뒤에
편지를 받은 다음에, … 받은 후에, … 받은 뒤에
after (action)-ing
After receiving a letter…
- 아/어/여도
집에 가도, 밥이 없어요.
even if, even though
Even if I go home, there is no food.
- 는데, 은데, ㄴ데
- 내일 일요일인데, 뭐 할 거예요?
- 어제 자고 있었는데, 한국에서 전화가 왔어요.
- 아직 9시인데 벌써 졸려요.
- 멋있는데!
- 지금 어디에 있는데(요)?
- 지금(요)? 지금 바쁜데(요)…
- Explaining the background or the situation before making a suggestion, a request, or a questions.
- It is Sunday tomorrow, what are you going to do? - Explaining the situation first before explaining what happened.
- I was sleeping yesterday when I got a phone call from Korea. - Showing a result or situation which is contrasting to the previous action or situation.
- It is still 9 o’clock but I am already sleepy. - Showing surprise or exclamation.
- Oh, that is cool! - Asking a question.
- So where are you now? - Expecting an answer or response.
- Now? I am busy now, so…
- (으)ㄹ 수도 있다/있어요; 없다/없어요
저 내일 올 수도 있어요.
can, to be able to; can’t, unable to
I might/can (there is away to) come here tomorrow.
- 네요
이 드라마 재미있네요.
Expression that you are impressed, surprised, or your own person thought.
I think this drama is fun to watch.