Grammar: KC101 Level 3 Flashcards
- (으)려고 하다
오늘 친구를 좀 만나려고 하는데…
내년에 한국으로 여행 가려고 해요.
intend to, going to, plan to
I was thinking of meeting a friend today…
I’m planning to go to Korea for traveling next year.
- ㄹ/을 것 같다
나 다음 달에 출장 갈 것 같아.
내일 비 올 것 같아요.
I think I will / I think it will
I think I’m going on a business trip next month.
It looks like (I think) it’s going to rain tomorrow.
그렇지 않아도
아, 그렇지 않아도, 그 얘기 좀 하려고 했어요.
그렇지 않아도 나는 갈 시간이 없었어.
Even before you mentioned it.
Oh, even before you mentioned it, I was going to talk to you about that.
Even before that happened, I didn’t have time to go anyway.
- 기는 + -ㄴ는다 (present)
- 기는 + 아/어/여 + ㅆ다 (past)
- 기는 + -ㄹ/을 것이다 (future)
읽기는 읽은 것 같은데 기억이 안 나.
가기는 갔는데 재미없었어.
오긴 올 건데, 금방 가야 돼.
I do + verb + but/although
I did + verb + but/although
I will + verb + but/although
I think I did read it, but I don’t remember.
I did go there, but it wasn’t interesting.
I will come here, but I have to go soon.
- 자마자
난 집에 가자마자 샤워부터 해야겠다!
오늘은 집에 가자마자 영화 보러 갈 거야.
As soon as
I going to take a shower as soon as I go home.
Today, as soon as I get home, I’ll go watch a movie.
- ㄹ을까요?
- ㄹ/을 거야
엄마가 잘 도착했을까?
엄마는 놀랐을 거야
Will it be? Question form
It should be… Answer form
I wonder if mom has arrived safely?
I think mom was surprised
- 는 중이다
지금 통화하는 중이에요.
뭐 하는 중이세요?
In the middle of doing something
I am on the phone right now.
What are you (in the middle of) doing?
- 는 길이다
지금 어디 가는 길이세요?
여동생이랑 편의점에 가는 기이에요.
On my way
Where are you headed now?
I am on my way to go to the convenience store with my younger sister.
- 는 김에
우리 집에 온 김에 나 영어 좀 가르쳐 줘.
while you are at it, while it happens to be in that state, since its is being done already.
While you’re at my house, please teach me some English.
- 았/었/였더니
일요일에 갔더니, 사람이 너무 많았어요.
아이스크림 너무 먹었더니, 배가 아파요.
and then (affected by the previous action or state, the second one happened), and then (what I saw happening was)
I went there on sunday and there were too many people.
I ate too much ice cream and my stomach is hurting.
- [Noun]는/은커녕
- [Verb Stem]기는커녕
그는 소주는커녕 맥주도 못 마셔요.
쉬기는커녕, 일만 했어.
let alone, not even that
-often used with -도 뭇… or 도 안…
I can’t even drink beer, let alone soju.
I only worked, let alone resting.
- ㄹ/을 리가 있다/없다.
제가 잘못 봤을 리가 없어요.
내 여자친구가 날 찰 리가 없다.
expresses a doubt in the possibility or the likeliness of an action or a state. there is no way that…, it’s impossible that…
There’s no way I could have been wrong. There’s no way I could not have seen you.
My girlfriend can’t dump me.
- ㄴ/은/는 척 하다
너 나 보고 못 본 척 했잖아.
곰이 달려와서, 나는 죽은 척을 했어.
to pretend
You saw me but pretended you didn’t.
A bear ran to me, so I pretended to be dead.
사실은 뭐?
(사)실은, 유럽에 갔다 왔다는 말은 거짓말이었어.
In fact
In fact what?
In fact, I said that I went to Europe but it was a lie.
- ㄹ/을까 말까(하다)
말을 할까 말까 했지만, 깜짝 선물을 해 주고 싶어서…
선샌님한테 물러볼까 말까 생각하고 있어요.
hesitation, should I…, will it…, self debating
I was debating whether or not to tell you, but I wanted to give your present as a surprise…
I’m debating whether to ask my teacher or not.
- 아/어/여(서) 죽겠다
배고파 죽겠어요.
옆집 때문에 시끄러워서 죽겠다.
I will die from…
I’m really starving.
The people nextdoor is so noisy that I can’t stand them.
- ㄴ/은/는 감이 있다
응. 비싼 감이 있지만 서비스가 좋잖아.
영화가 좀 너무 단순한 감이 있어.
I feel that it is …, I think it’s kind of …
Yeah, it seems to be, but the service is good.
This movie is somewhat too simple.
- ㄹ/을 뻔하다
진짜 배 고파서 죽을 뻔 했어.
교통 사고를 당할 뻔 했어.
to almost do something, to closely escape doing something
I really nearly starved to death.
I almost got in a car accident.