Grammar- Pronouns And Adjectives Flashcards
Type of pronoun:
If you make yourself understood, you’re always speaking well
Type of pronoun:
They’d banish us, you know
Objective pronouns
Type of pronoun:
Words are but symbols for the relations of things to one another and to us; no where do they touch upon absolute truth.
Reciprocal pronoun - other type is each other
Type of pronoun:
There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, those who do not see
Demonstrative pronouns
Type of pronoun:
What’s in a name?
Interrogative pronouns
Type of pronoun:
Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind
Relative pronouns
…. Adjectives are …… adjectives which are placed in front of a noun that they modify.
E.g. A large nose is the mark of a witty, courteous, affable, generous and liberal man
…… adjectives follow such linking verbs as be, seem, become, or appear and give information about the subject
E.g the roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet
….. adjectives can be used both attributively and predicatively.
An example of a ….. adjective is:
The fool doth think himself wise, but the wise mans knows himself to be a fool
What are the three degrees of comparisons?
If fair is positive (three degrees of comparisons), what are the remaining two words and its type?
Fairer (comparative)
Fairest (superlative)
Demonstrative determiners are the same as demonstrative ….
Adjectives can be:
- Round, jolly, outrageous etc - Type?
Adjectives can be:
- Demonstrative adjectives -E.g.?
This, that, these and those
Adjectives can be:
- each, every, either, neither - Type?
An adjective that refers to members of a group individually
E.g. ….. Adjective: Each player scored a goal.
Pronoun: Each of the players scored a goal.
Adjectives can be:
a, some, any, no, none, little, few, many, much, 1, 2, 3 - Type?
Adjectives can be:
- Interrogative adjectives -E.g.?
Which, what, whose
Adjectives can be:
- Possessive adjectives -E.g.?
My, your, his, her, its, our, their
Adjectives can be:
- Annual, French, chief, principal, unique, pregnant - Type?
…. adjectives) are verbs that function as adjectives by describing more about a noun. You can use both past participles and present participles as predicate adjectives.
Examples: My cousin is annoying. That cake looks tempting. Skyler felt disappointed. The restaurant seems closed. Our cat is missing.
Nouns can also follow linking verbs, but they function a little differently from predicate adjectives. When you use a linking verb between a subject and a noun, you’ve created a …… ….., or predicate noun. These nouns rename the subject rather than describe more about it.
My sister is a florist. Mr. Patel was a millionaire. I have been a barista for many years. Your talent is a gift. This investment could be a risk.
Notice that the subject complements here are nouns, not adjectives. While they tell us more about the subject, they are effectively ….. those nouns, not describing them.
predicate nominative
One way to see if a sentence includes a predicate nominative is to substitute the verb with the word ….. If the basic meaning of the sentence stays the same, then it contains a predicate nominative. For example, “Ben is a fireman” can read “Ben …. a fireman” without changing the point.
equals x2
Adjectives describe as well as limit.
Words that describe are known as … adjectives. E.g. wooden box,
Words that limit are known …. adjectives. E.g. this or that box.
An adjective is said to belong to the ….. which it describes or limit. Other parts of speech that belong to it include …. and …..
Noun and pronoun
An appositive adjective is added to its noun to explain it, like a noun in apposition
“The castle, a ruin, stood on the edge of the cliff”. The appositive adjective is ….
“The castle, ancient and ruinous, stood on the edge of the cliff”. The appositive adjective is ….
a ruin
ancient and ruinous