Gram negative rods in GI tract Flashcards
What species of salmonella infects humans?
Salmonella enterica
If a bacteria is a Gram negative rod, a facultative anaerobe that is motile, is mainly aquired by humans by eating contaminated food or water esp poultry or eggs, causes Gastroenteritis or Typhoid and Enteric fevers or Bacteremia what is it?
Who does bacteremia associated with Salmonella mainly target? What happens to them?
Mainly patients with preexisting chronic diseases or children with gastroenteritis, it leads to infection of many organs, osteomyelitis, pneumonia and miningitis are the most common
What is the most common form of Slamonella disease in the US, how long does it incubate?
12-48 hour incubation, GASTROENTERITIS starts with nausea vomiting and goes to abdominal pain, it is usually self limiting within a few days
What species of salmonella causes Bacteremia generally?
S. cholerasuis
Does salmonella form lactose fermenting colonies on MacConkey agar?
the colonies are colorless
Are there vaccines available for Salmonella?
not all strains but there are vaccines for typhoid fever
If a bacteria is a gram negative rod that is a non motile facultative anaerobe that has only a human reservoir, transmitted by fecal oral route has a very low LD50 about 100 organisms are SUFFICIENT to cause disease, usually foodborne outbreaks common in children and day cares what is it likely to be?
Do all species of shigella produce toxin?
No but those that do usually cause more severe disease
Where does shigella colonize in disease? how does it get there?
Limited to GI tract
Shigella invades mucosal cells of the distal ileum an dcolon, and causes inflammation and ulceration.
Describe the Enterocolitis caused by shigella?
its called shigellosis and has incubation period of 1-4 days, causes FEVER and ABDOMINAL cramps first, then watery diarreha THEN bloody diarrhea that also has mucous in it. Severity depends on species and age of patient
Is there a vaccine for shigella?
If a bacteria is a gram negative rod that is encapsulated found in RESPIRATORY TRACT of some healthy people, usually causes problems for at risk people, has an anti-phagocytic capsule causes THICK BLOODY SPUTUM, can cause complicated UTIs is UREASE POSITIVE AND LACTOSE FERMENTING POSITIVE and does NOT have a vaccine what is it?
Klebsiella pneumoniae
If a gram negative rod “swarms” on agar plates, is found in soil and water and is part of normal flora of colon, a common cause of UTIs, can also cause pneumonia and wound infections does NOT FERMENT LACTOSE and is UREASE POSITIVE and does NOT HAVE A VACCINE what is it?
examples are P. vulgaris and P.mirabellis
If a gram negative rod is comma shaped, a facultative anaerobe, comes from food/water contaminated with FECES, can be excreted asymptomatically, happens in overcrowded poorly sanitized places, requires TONS of organisms to cause an infection, secretes a mucinase that lets them adhere to cells in brush border of small intestine, secretes ENTEROTOXIN causing fluid loss, is LYSOGENIC, causes LARGE VOLUMES OF WATERY DIARRHEA (rice stool) and main risk is dehydration what is it?
Vibrio cholerae
are there vaccines for cholera?
yes there are 2 but they are not used in the US
If a gram negative rod is comma or S shaped, Microaerophilic, grows well at 42C, comes from food/water contaminated by animal feces is the MAJOR cause of diarrhea in the US, causes gastroenteritis can invade, causes smelly diarrhea then bloody stools with white blood cells usually self limited OXIDASE POSITIVE and UREASE NEGATIVE what is it??
Campylobacter jejuni
Is there a vaccine for Campylobacter jejuni?
If a rod is curved gram negative, exists in the stomach of many people probably has person to person transmission, it attaches to mucous secreting cells of gastric mucosa, PRODUCES UREASE WHICH PRODUCES AMMONIA. Can cause peptic ulcers or gastritis and is associated with gastric cancers.
Helicobacter pylori
If a bacteria is a gram negative Pleomorphic rod that has v little endotoxin, sometimes a capsule, is ANAEROBIC, stimulated by BILE, part of normal flora in GI respiratory and genital tract, opportunistic in parts of body its not supposed to be in. Can cuase skin infections bacteremia, gastroenteritis, what is it?.
Bacteroides an example is B. Fragilis