Diarrhea slide Flashcards
what is the comma or S shaped organisms that grow at 42 degrees celsius and cause BLOODY Diarrhea?
What is the organism that causes pseudomembranous colitis from antibiotics and normally makes WATERY diarrhea but sometimes causes bloody diarrhea?
C. difficile
What organism is a PROTOZOAN that causes amebic dysentery and liver abscess?
E. histolytica
What bacteria causes watery diarrhea as well as gas gangrene?
C. perfringens
What bacteria has a O157:H7 strain and can cause HUS and makes a Shiga-like toxin and causes BLOODY diarrhea?
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli
What bacteria causes BLOODY diarrhea and invades the colonic mucosa?
Enteroinvasive E. coli
What bacteria causes watery “travelers” diarrhea and produces heat labile and heat stable toxins?
Enterotoxigenic E coli
What protozoans cause watery diarrhea?
Ciardia, crypiosporidium
What comma shaped organism causes “rice water” watery diarrhea and often comes from seafood?
V cholerae
Which viruses cause watery diarrhea?
rotavirus,norovirus, adenovirus
Which bacteria is Lactose NEGATIVE motile by a flagella, has a reservior of animals especially poultry and eggs and causes BLOODY diarrhea?
What bacteria causes BLOODY diarrhea is lactose negative, has a very low ID50, produces shiga toxin, only has a human reservior, and causes bacillary dysentery?
Which bacteria causes BLOODY diarrhea, day care outbraks and pseudoappendicitis?
Y enterocolitica