Gram (-) Cocci Flashcards
Neisseria meningitidis can produce acids from
glucose and maltose.
Which of the following is the best preventive measure against gonococcal ophthalmia neonatorum?
a. Single dose of IV Cefixime
b. Copious irrigation with balanced salt solution
immediately during birth
c. Extensive lid scrubbing of the ocular discharges with
sterile swabs
d. Application of erythromycin eye ointment to the eyes
Which of the following virulence factors of Neisseria is responsible for varying the surface antigenic structure to evade host immune responses?
a. Protein I
b. Protein II
c. IgA Protease
d. Reduction Modifiable protein
A seaman came for consultation because of a yellow milky discharge staining his underwear. He had sex with a commercial
sex worker a week before. What is the next step to be taken to obtain a diagnosis of his condition?
a. Gram stain of his urethral discharge
b. Serologic test
c. Culture of his discharge on a blood agar plate
d. Blood culture
What is the hallmark manifestation of meningococcal disease?
a. Arthritis
b. Meningitis
c. Hemorrhagic rash/ecchymosis
Which of the following culture media is ideal for the isolation of the genus Neisseria?
a. Thayer Martin Agar
b. Blood Agar Plate
c. Mannitol Salt Agar
d. Saboraud’s Agar
Which of the following sexually transmitted illnesses is characterized by a urethral discharge?
a. Syphilis
b. Gonorrhea
c. Lymphogranuloma venereum
Which of the following organisms is associated with
Waterhouse Friedrichsen Syndrome?
a. Streptococcus pyogenes
b. Corynebacterium diphtheriae
c. Neisseria meningitidis
d. Staphylococcus aureus
A 20-year-old female complains of dysuria, a yellowish vaginal discharge and fever. Her last sexual contact was 1 week prior with an old flame. You want to rule out gonorrhea in this patient. What is the most appropriate specimen to culture to confirm
your diagnosis?
a. Urine
b. Endocervical exudate
c. Urethral exudate
d. Blood
Diagnosis: Endocervicitis
Appropriate - endocervical exudate
What is the main and most common mode of transmission of
Neisseria meningitidis infection?
a. Respiratory droplet
b. Blood borne
c. Airborne
d. Feco-oral
Which of the following is TRUE regarding testing for gonorrhea?
a. Gram stained smears positive for intracellular diplococci
serves as presumptive diagnosis
b. Nucleic acid amplification testing may be repeated after
treatment to determine cure
c. Chocolate agar serves as the selective medium for
growth of this organism
d. ELISA may be used for diagnosing acute infections
A. gram stain smears correct
• Presumptive - u can proceed to treatment esp if symptomatic
B. PCR - not a diagnostic test (+ for months)
C. ELISA - high percentage is +
D. Chocolate agar - nonselective medium for growth
A 70-year-old man, smoker, was diagnosed to have pneumonia. A sputum sample was sent to the laboratory, which revealed extracellular gram negative diplococci. The organism grows well on 5% sheep blood agar and chocolate agar, does not ferment carbohydrates. What is the most likely organism causing this man’s illness?
a. Neisseria gonorrheae
b. Moraxella catarrhalis
c. Haemophilus influenzae
d. Neisseria meningitidis
Extracellular diplococci
Neisseria - intracellular
Mortadella - only extracellular gram (-) cocci
Which of the following representative diseases is caused by endotoxin?
a. Rheumatic fever
b. Toxic Shock Syndrome
c. Furunculosis
d. Meningococcemia
A, B, C - caused by Staph infection (does not produce endotoxin)
Which of the following cell components produced by Neisseria gonorrhea is responsible for attachment to host cells?
a. Pili
b. IgA protease
c. Lipooligosaccharide
d. Outer membrane protein
LOS- resistance to human antibody complement system
IgA protease - permits adherence to mucosal surfaces
Outer membrane protein - prevents phagosome-lysosome reaction
A 20-year-old male was brought to the emergency room due to fever, headache, and several episodes of vomiting. He was noted to be hypotensive, with nuchal rigidity and a purpuric rash.
Which of the following describes the most likely causative agent?
a. Gram negative coccus, ferments maltose
b. Gram negative coccus, ferments glucose only
c. Gram + coccus, alpha hemolytic, optochin sensitive
d. Gram + rods in palisades
Purpuric rash - meaning N.
C & D - not bc gram neg
A maltose + glucose dapat - answer
B not just glucose alone