Gram (+) Cocci Flashcards
Which of the following substances is the major virulence factor
for Streptococcus pyogenes?
a. M protein
b. Polysaccharide capsule
c. Lipoteichoic Acid
What substance is essential for culturing Streptococci on solid media or broth?
a. Blood
b. Lactic Acid
c. Optochin
d. Ox bile
Match the Staphylococcal virulence factor on the left column with the pathogenic potential in the right column
a. Catalase
b. Clumping factor
c. Staphylokinase
d. Hyaluronidase
e. Enterotoxin
- Adherence to fibrin
- Dissolution of the connective
tissues - Stimulation of neural emetic
centers - Fibrinolysis
- Conversion of hydrogen
peroxide into water and oxygen - WBC lysis
- Desquamation
A-5 B-1 C-4 D-2 E-3
Pneumococcal vaccines can induce production of antibodies to capsular polysaccharides
Rheumatic Fever and Glomerulonephritis are post streptococcal diseases attributed to the direct effect of disseminated bacteria and do not represent a hypersensitivity response.
These post streptococcal diseases
are immunologic in nature and do
not reflect an active infectious
process caused by the bacteria
Which of the following are toxins or enzymes produced by Streptococci? Check all the apply.
a. Streptokinase
b. Deoxyribonuclease
c. Hyaluronidase
d. Streptococcal Pyrogenic Exotoxin
e. Hemolysin
f. Catalase
g. M protein
h. Lipoteichoic Acid
i. F protein
A, B, C, D, E
What mechanism is responsible for the antibiotic resistance exemplified by Staphylococci? Check all that apply.
a. Production of beta-lactamase
b. Formation of penicillin-binding protein 2a
c. Presence of mecA and vanA genes
A, B, C
Which Staphylococcus is the only coagulase positive species?
a. S. aureus
b. S. epidermidis
c. S. saprophyticus
d. S. lugdunensis
Which of the following characteristics describe Streptococcus
pneumoniae? Check all that apply.
a. Gram (+) diplococci
b. Lancet-shaped
c. Readily lysed by surface-active agents
d. Normal inhabitants of the upper respiratory tract of
5-40% of humans
e. Growth is inhibited around a disk of optochin
f. Shows a negative (-) Quellung reaction
g. Beta-hemolytic
h. Capsular polysaccharide is immunologically distinct for each of the 91 types
A, B, C, D, E, H
A newborn female in the NICU developed large blisters all over the body, with no associated symptoms. Some blisters have started to peel, exposing the underlying skin layers. Based on your impression, what treatment options would you recommend for this patient.
a. Fluid replacement therapy
b. Antibiotic treatment
c. Strict antisepsis
d. All options should be recommended
Diagnosis: SSSS
Treatment options: all
Fluid replacement therapy - Risk of fluid loss bc exposed underlying
Antibiotics - treat staph infection
Antisepsis - prevention of infection
A 5-year-old male is brought to the outpatient clinic for a 1-week history of fever and sore throat. Examination of his throat swab reveals the presence of Gram-positive cocci in pairs or chains
with colonies that produce complete hemolysis on blood agar plates. Which of the following statements is TRUE about his condition?
a. It is the most common infection caused by a
beta-hemolytic Staphylococcus species
b. Older children with this condition are usually
c. This condition often leads to the formation of
antigen-antibody complexes on the glomerular
basement membrane
d. After 1-5 weeks, the patient may develop migratory joint
pains and endocarditis
Diagnosis: Strep infection
A. Etiologic agent: Beta hemolytic strep -> S. pyogenes
B. Younger children: mas
C. Pharyngitis - mas common RF Skin infection more common
A 15-year-old female with severe pharyngitis develops a rash on the trunk and extremities the next day. If the causative agent is a
beta-hemolytic Gram-positive coccus arranged in chains, which of the following antimicrobials is best suited for her condition?
a. IV Ampicillin
b. Penicillin
c. Methicillin
d. Vancomycin
Strep infection -> penicillin best suited
Which of the following Streptococci are the most prevalent members of the normal respiratory microbiota and are important for the healthy state of the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract?
a. Viridans Streptococcus
b. Group E Streptococcus
c. Group D Streptococcus
d. Group A Streptococcus
Answer: Viridian’s strep normal part of the respiratory track
Group E - animal strains
Group D - GIT (enterics)
Group A - pyogenes (not normal?) -carriers
Which of the following mechanisms is expressed by the major virulence factor of the pneumococcus?
a. Prevention or delay of phagocytosis by PMNs
b. Dissolution of the extracellular matrix of tissues
c. Stimulation of many T cells
d. Lysis of erythrocytes
Major virulence factor of
pneumococcus is the capsule
Capsule - prevent/ delay
phagocytosis by PMNs
Staphylococcal food poisoning must be treated aggressively with intravenous beta-lactamase-resistant penicillins or
Normal course of food poisoning -resolves on its own
No need to treat it bc nothing to treat
• Cause of food poison - enterotoxin
S. epidermidis is a non-invasive organism, but it can gain access to the human body through prosthetic devices.
S. epidermidis is part of the normal microbiota of the skin. It is an opportunistic pathogen in immunocompromised patients or when it is introduced into the body
through intravenous catheters/prosthetic devices
Which of these pneumococcal vaccines will you recommend for a 70-year-old smoker, with diabetes mellitus and hypertension?
a. PCV7
b. PCV10
c. PPSV23
PCV13 or PPSV23 is the correct answer (jawetz)
Which of the following describes the most common cause of bacterial pneumonia?
a. Gram-negative diplococci, often lancet-shaped
b. Normal inhabitant of the gastrointestinal tract of 5-40% of humans
c. Grows as small round colonies that produce beta
hemolysis on blood agar
d. Has a polysaccharide capsule that swells when it reacts with specific antibodies
D. Polysaccharide capsule that swells when it reacts with specific antibiotics S. Pneumoniae Quelling reaction (+) A. not Gram neg B. GIT wrong -> respi C. B hemolytic -> alpha
A 63-year-old male ICU patient with known history of mitral valve disease and chronic renal disease was being worked-up for fever. Blood cultures were taken from two sites, both samples
revealing the presence of Gram-positive, catalase positive and coagulase negative cocci. Which of these organisms is the most
likely pathogen seen in the blood?
a. Staphylococcus aureus
b. Staphylococcus epidermidis
c. Streptococcus pyogenes
d. Viridans streptococcus
Staph is catalase (+) coagulase (-) while Strep is catalase (-)
S. aureus is more commonly found in the skin and mucosal membranes
S. epidermidis is an opportunistic pathogen and can cause disease in immunocompromised patients.
What is the main toxin responsible for staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome?
a. Endotoxin
b. Enterotoxin
c. Exfoliatin
d. Toxic shock syndrome toxin
SSSS toxin / Exfoliative toxin /
Exfoliatin - destroys the intracellular connections of the epidermis causing the top layer to separate
from the inner layers
Which of the following virulence factors of staphylococci is
synonymous with invasive pathogenic potential?
a. Catalase
b. Coagulase
c. Clumping Factor
d. Hyaluronidase