Grade 5&6 Theory Flashcards
What is rate?
Rate is the overall speed at which we speak.
What is pace?
Pace is the variation within the rate.
What is pitch?
Pitch is the height or depth of the voice, it is the note on which we speak.
What is rhythm?
Rhythm is the beat in Poetry or Prose.
It is created by the arrangement of stressed and unstressed sylables in a line, not
necessarily in a regular order. Some Poets choose a particular rhythm for their
poems and follow a definite pattern, this is called Metre.
What is a pause?
A temporary pause in speech
What are the 4 types or pauses in speech?
Breath Pause
Punctuation pause
Dramatic/ emotional pause
Emphatic pause
What are the 3 pauses in verse?
End of line pause
Caesural Pause(taken at the end of a lineto make the sense clear & avoid monotony)
Suspensive pause