GP Flashcards
Whats ages do health workers work with?
Give 3 roles of the health visitor
- ) Ante-natal and post-natal support
- ) Support parents
- ) Advice on feeding
- ) Support special needs
- ) Advise on behavioural management techniques
- ) Advice on reducing risks and accidents
- ) Information on local services
- ) Safeguarding
What is the red book/PCHR?
Personal child health record
Give 3 purposes of a 6-8 week baby check
- ) Detect congenital heart disease
- ) Developmental dysplasia of hip
- ) Congenital cataract
- ) Undescended testes
- ) Hernias
Give 3 things children are vaccinated against at 8 weeks
- ) Diphtheria
- ) Tetanus
- ) Pertussis (DTP)
- ) Polio
- ) H. influenzae
- ) Hep B
- ) Pneumococcal
- ) Meningococcal group B
- ) Rotavirus gastroenteritis
Give 3 things children are vaccinated against at 12 weeks
- ) DTP
- ) Polio
- ) Hib
- ) Hep B
- ) Pneumococcal
- ) Men B
Give 3 things children are vaccinated against at 16 weeks
- ) DTP
- ) Polio
- ) Hib
- ) Hep B
- ) Pneumoccocal
- ) Men B
Give 3 things children are vaccinated against at 12 months
- ) Hib
- ) Men C
- ) Pneumococcal
- ) MMR
- ) Men B
What are girls aged 12-13 given a vaccination of?
Human papillomavirus (HPV)
What is the aim of vaccination?
To produce a rapid protective immune response upon re-exposure to that pathogen
Give the steps of the pathogenesis of vaccination with T cells (6)
1) Macrophages ingest attacker/fragments
2) Travel to lymph nodes
3) Use class II MHC molecules to present antigens
4) Helper T cell receptors recognise antigens
5) Helper T cell receptors bind and trigger helper T cells to proliferate
6) Eventually some of helper T cells become memory cells
Give the steps of the pathogenesis of vaccination with B cells (4)
1) B cell receptors recognise attacker/fragment of attacker from APC
2) B cell triggered
3) Proliferates and makes plasma cells to make lots of the same antibody
4) Some B cells become memory cells
Give the 3 types of vaccine
- ) Inactivated
- ) Attenuated
- ) Live vaccines
Give 3 differential diagnoses for a cough
- ) Asthma
- ) Acute respiratory infection
- ) GORD
- ) Seasonal allergic rhinitis
- ) Post infectious cough
- ) Pertussis
- ) Pneumonia
- ) Head cold
- ) TB
- ) Inhaled foreign body
- ) Bronchiolitis
Give 3 differential diagnoses for SOB
- ) Asthma
- ) Severe anaemia
- ) Pneumothorax
- ) Pulmonary oedema
- ) COPD
- ) Arrhythmia
- ) Lower respiratory tract infection
- ) Panic attacks
- ) Metabolic acidosis
- ) PE
Give 2 measurements a spirometry shows
- ) Amount of air you breathe out in 1 second
- ) Total amount of air in lungs
What is a peak flow test?
How fast you can blow air out of your lungs in one breath
Give 2 tests for breast cancer
- ) Mammogram
- ) US
- ) Core biopsy
- ) Fine needle aspiration
Give 3 presenting symptoms of breast cancer
- ) Breast lump
- ) Nipple change
- ) Nipple discharge
- ) Bloodstained discharge from nipple
- ) Skin contour changes
- ) Axillary lumps
- ) Breast pain/mastalgia
- ) Symptoms of metastatic disease
What are we looking for in a breast inspection?
- ) Variations in breast size and contour
- ) Inverted nipple? Uni/bilateral?
- ) Any oedema?
- ) Redness/retraction of skin
- ) Dimpling of skin (orange peel)
How do we palpate a breast in examination?
- ) Flat hand of 2,3,4th fingers
- ) Circle outwards from nipple
- ) Increase axillary tail and axilla
- ) Light, medium then deep pressure
- ) Assess mobility of lump (attached to skin/tissue?)
- ) Both breasts
When should we urgently refer to a breast clinic and see within 2 weeks?
- ) Suspicious breast lump
- ) Persistent/unexplained lump in axilla
- ) Unilateral nipple discharge, retraction, ulceration, distortion, eczema resistant to topical steroids, changes of concern
- ) Skin changes including nodules, ulceration, peau d’orange, dimpling
- ) Unilateral non cyclical breast pain persisting beyond one menstrual cycle
- ) Men >50 with subareolar lump
Give 3 systemic symptoms of breast cancer
- ) Weight loss
- ) Fever
- ) Lethargy
- ) Pain elsewhere
- ) Gland swelling
Give 2 medications we need to ask about in breast cancer investigations
- ) HRT
- ) Oral contraceptive pill