Governmental Financial Reporting Flashcards
Who is responsible for establishing GAAP for state and local governments?
GASB – a private, nonprofit organization
What is the hierarchy of GAAP for state and local governments?
GASB Statements and Interpretations
GASB Technical Bulletins (also AICPA Industry Audit and Accounting Guides, and AICPA Statements of Position)
AICPA Practice Bulletins (and consensus positions of accountants organized by GASB)
Implementation guides (Q&As) published by GASB
Widely recognized gov’t-accounting practices
What is interperiod equity?
Refers to whether current-year revenues were sufficient to support current-year benefits, or whether there will be a burden on future taxpayers
Crucial to governmental responsibility
What are different factors that make public accountability crucial for governments?
Taxation eliminates consumer-driven demand
Relationship between taxes and services is usually only one of timing, not direct (as business-type activities are)
Governments have monopolies
No single overall performance measure
Are a budget and fund ever used in recording business-type activities?
Only rarely
How does the purpose for financial reports differ for business-type activities than for other activities?
Focused on financial condition and operations’ effectiveness – rather than comparing actual results to budgeted amounts
How do capital assets differ for business-type activities than for other activities?
For business-type activities, capital assets are meaningfully related to raising revenue
Besides the obvious cases, what entities qualify as governments?
Any entity having at least one of these traits:
(1) popular election of officers, or approval/appointment of a controlling majority of board members by gov’t officials
(2) possibility for gov’t to unilaterally dissolve the entity and move its net assets to a gov’t
(3) ability to tax
What types of bond issuers are classified as governments?
Entities that can directly issue debt whose interest is federally tax-exempt
If this is the only trait an entity has to make it a government, it can avoid being classified as gov’t if it provides compelling evidence
What is usually identified as the governmental reporting entity?
Usually coincides with the legal unit/entity as defined in law
But: gov’ts may control other governmental units, quasi-governmental units, or nonprofit corporations – whatever would, in substance, be one of its departments – and must report them in their financials
What is the purpose of GASB 34?
To establish a superior reporting model for state and local governments
What is operational accountability?
Whether the gov’t is being accountable with its periodic economic cost for the services it provides (whether it is in the black or not)
Are governmental colleges covered by GASB 34?
They were not, but GASB 35 requires them to use the same reporting model
What is the basis of accounting for government-wide statements?
Accrual basis (even for amounts from governmental funds)
“Fund statements” are more specified, and they use the same basis as the funds themselves
What are included in basic financial statements (BFS)?
Both government-wide statements and fund statements (and notes)
What are the four required columns in government-wide statements?
- Governmental activities
- Business-type activities
- Primary government (sum of previous two)
- Component units
Note: funds do not explicitly appear in GWS
What must be included in governmental fund financial statements?
Reconciliation to GWS
Can be on face of statements, in separate schedule, or in notes
In fund statements, where would a statement of cash flows appear?
Only in statements for proprietary funds
What are special and extraordinary items?
Special = events within management control, both (1) abnormally large and (2) either unusual or infrequent
Extraordinary – both unusual and infrequent
On what does GASB 34 provide guidance for interfund activities?
Adjustments, eliminations, and reclassifications
E.g. interfund payables and receivables are eliminated, internal events that are essentially allocations of overhead are eliminated too
Where is management’s discussion & analysis located?
Before financial statements, even though it is required supplementary information (RSI)
What are the first four categories for the MD&A?
- Discussion
- Comparison
- Analysis of Overall Financial Position & Results of Operations
- Analysis of Balances & Transactions of Individual Funds
What are the second four categories for the MD&A?
- Analysis of Significant Budget Changes
- Capital Asset & Long-Term Liability Activity Description
- Infrastructure Discussion
- Currently Known Facts, Decisions, or Conditions
What are the two required government-wide statements?
Statement of Net Assets
Statement of Activities
Are fiduciary activities included in the GWS?
No, because those assets and liabilities are not allowed to be used to support the government’s own programs
How are amounts from internal service funds classified in the GWS?
Usually under governmental activities
Under business-type activities if the ISF provides services primarily to enterprise funds
What amounts are included in the governmental activities and business-type activities columns?
Governmental = amounts from governmental funds and most ISFs
Business-type = amounts from enterprise funds and few ISFs
When are governments permitted not to report depreciation on infrastructure assets?
If they meet the requisite three criteria
The criteria basically involve tracking the value of the IAs each year, knowing how much it costs to maintain them
If a government has a collection of works of art, or historical treasures, etc., then should they capitalize it?
They are encouraged to capitalize if the collection is:
- held for public benefit, not financial gain
- protected and preserved
- part of a policy where proceeds from the collection are used to acquire other similar items
Should collection items be depreciated?
Yes, unless they are inexhaustible (and thus can’t be depreciated)
When should a capital asset be considered impaired?
If (a) the decline in benefits is large and (b) the event causing the decline is outside its normal life cycle
Should not be written down if impairment is temporary
How is it reported if there is an insurance recovery related to an asset impairment?
Should be netted against the impairment loss
Restoration/replacement of asset with the recovery should be reported as a separate transaction (applies to non-impairment cases too)
How is a government-wide statement of activities formatted?
8 columns rather than 4
- the right 4 are governmental activities, business-type activities, total (i.e. total primary government), and component units – just like the statement of net assets
- the left 4 determine the right 4
How do the left four columns on a GW statement of activities affect the right four columns?
The left four are:
- Expenses
- Charges for Services
- Operating Grants and Contributions
- Capital Grants and Contributions
The latter three are revenue, and are netted against the expenses to determine the amount to report in one of the right 4 columns
In a GW statement of activities, once you have the net revenue or expense from the left four columns, where does it go in the right four columns?
There are different functions/programs listed on the far left which correspond to one of the four rows (e.g. different governmental activities that correspond to the “governmental activities” column)
Besides a section for program revenues and expenses, what else is present in the GW statement of activities?
A schedule for general revenues
This only uses the right 4 columns, simply showing what revenues are obtained for governmental activities, business-type activities, and component units
What is at the very bottom of the GW statement of activities?
The change in net assets
Current-period change comes from total revenues minus total expenses (for each of the four columns)
-this is added to beg. NA to calculate ending NA
What are the columns for a fund financial statement?
- column for General Fund
- separate columns for major funds
- column to aggregate nonmajor funds
Are governmental and proprietary funds combined in the same statement?
No, they are on separate statements since their accounting is different
What are the criteria for determining a fund as major?
Total assets, liabilities, revenues, or expenditures/expenses are both:
(1) at least 10% of total for the whole fund category (i.e. governmental or proprietary)
(2) at least 5% of total for all funds combined (both governmental and proprietary)
If a fund does not meet the two ordinary criteria to be a major fund, can it still be classified as a major fund?
Yes, if the government’s officials believe it is particularly important to users
Which two financial statements are required for governmental fund financial statements?
Fund Balance Sheet
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances
How should fund balance be reported for governmental fund financial statements?
With classifications according to how much the gov’t is restricted to spend the money
What comprises the Nonspendable Fund Balance category?
- Items legally required to remain intact
- Items “not in spendable form”: not expected to be converted to cash (e.g. inventories, long-term amount of loans receivable)
Exception: If the proceeds for items not expecting to be converted are restricted/committed, then those items should be classified the same way