Government test 4 Flashcards
an extraordinary session of congress called to deal with an emergency situation
special session
the review by legislative committees of the politics and programs of the executive branch
oversight function
proposed bill presented by the legislators for consideration
the process by which proposed laws considered and acted upon by the full membership of the House or Senate
floor consideration
the people and interests that an elected official represents
election of an office-holder by the voters of the country (state or country) rather than by voters in districts or subdivisions
the drawing of electoral district lines to the advantage to the party in power
a congressional election that occurs between presidential elections
off-year elections
exclusive power of congress to regulate interstate and foreign trade
commerce power
a charge levied by government on persons property to raise money to meet public needs
the power of a government to take private property for public use
eminent domain
a license issued to an inventor granting the exclusive right to manufacture, use, or sell invention for a limited period of time
the legal proceedings by which a person’s assets are distributed among those to whom the person owes debts
general agreement among members of a group
a court order for a person to appear and produce documents or other requested materials to the court
the act of lying under oath
an unwritten rule in the both houses reserving top posts (especially committee chairs) to the longest serving members
seniority rule
a closed meeting of the party in each house, aka the party conference
party caucus
a measure relating to the business in either house, does not have the force of law and does not require a presidental signature
an unpopular prevision added to an important bill hoping it will ride through legislative process
this is used by members of Congress to force a bill out of committee if its been in committee for 30 days
discharge petition
what are the 5 duties of a congressmen?
legislature, representative, committee members, servants, politicians