Government Agencies in Education Flashcards
Module 2 - Current Trends in Education and Education Reform
Department of Education
Goal is to strengthen federal commitments to equal education, supplement and complement education, encourage involvement in federal education programs, promote improvement, improve coordination of the federal programs and management of federal education activities, increase accountability to the president, Congress and the public.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Government Agency (defense)
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
Government agency that manages money of reservation schools
Department of Defense (DOD)
Military academies
Department of the Interior
Government agency that oversees BIA and education of national park employees and the trust territory of the Pacific.
Regional Education Laboratories
Government funds 10 educational labs that provide curriculum development, technical assistance, and evaluation services.
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)
Credits teachers certificate programs at colleges and universities in the United States
Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC)
Credits teachers certificate programs at colleges and universities in the United States
Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC)
Non-government agency
National Education Association (NEA)
Negotiate salaries, benefits, working conditions/class-size, and how teachers get/move jobs.
American Federation of Teacher (AFT)
Negotiate salaries, benefits, working conditions/class-size, and how teachers get/move jobs.