GOT TO STUDY Flashcards
Can you tell me how you believe Covid / Brexit has effected procurement / tendering?
Unknown impact of covid may lead to contractors being more inclined to seek the more management routes and avoid fixed price routes due to:
- unknown impact on inflation & construction costs generally so difficult to price in their costs
- similar for tendering strategies above
How would your two stage tendering option work?
Outputs in 1st and 2nd Stages?
1st stage under PCSA Prelims OHP Programme Designed packages PCSA Fee Target Cost Plan to assess against
2nd Stage to develop S2 to S3/4 to arrive at a Contract Sum
Finalise design
Agree outstanding packages
Rules placed into 2nd stage (min 3 tenderers, open book, evaluation)
Contractor in charge of tender
How did you back up the elements that could produce savings?
Through benchmarking analysis:
I would expect to see:
External Walls @ £260/m2 not £300/m2
Glazing @ £110/m2 not £170/m2
In your documents you have highlighted the advantages/ disadvantages of Steel v Concrete. Could you talk me through some of these?
Advantages:- Quicker to construct- Recyclable- Strong tensile strength Lighter than concrete
Disadvantages- More volatile pricing - Low compression strength - Low sound/fire resistance - Requires soundproofing
- High compression strength
- Good noise resistance
- Good fire protection
- Low maintenance
- Slower to construct
- Need for reinforcement
- High embodied carbon
- Not as square and flat as steel
Are you aware of any renewable technology techniques?
London 0% Carbon Local labour Photo voltaic panels Blue / Green Roof Presence detectors ASHP GSHP
Talk me through the savings you were able to make on the SFS vs Blockwork on the facade? And what other considerations aside from cost?
SFS £750/m2 = £5.6m
Blockwork £550/m2 = £4.4m + 3 months of prelims = £1m = £5.4m
3 month quicker construction led to the client accepting this option.
Impacts on structural were positive with SFS
Concurrent process of fit out / facade
Talk me through the savings you were able to make on the blockwork vs SFS w/steel mesh to the internal walls? And what other considerations aside from cost?
3000m2 of area
£100/m2 +
£40/m2 for steel mesh = £420k
+ 3wk prelims = £240k (£80k / wk)
Overall £30k difference but client opted for 3 wk quicker construction
Shortage of bricklayers left unknown on costs
How is a steel frame constructed?
Steel columns will be cast into the slab
Installation of universal beams
Beams run across the upper floor area for floor finishes
Purlins to run across the roof
Accessories to fix and tie the frame together
What are the pros and cons of SFS?
Pros Lighter frame Programme benefits Concurrent fit out / facade Prelims savings
More expensive
Limited suppliers
Fire resistant barrier installed to façade
How did you advise on design efficiencies?
£13m but circa 20% across 8 buildings increase on Net Areas on the projects which would have lead to greater returns on investment for my client
Name some assumptions and exclusions in your cost plan?
ASSUMPTIONS 1Q 2020 Base Date Assumed fit out specification Assumes external works specification Assumed for removal of contaminated material
EXCLUSIONS Professional Fees Inflation Land Costs VAT Impacts of Covid-19 & Brexit
Can you tell me about Modular Construction Pros and Cons?
Quicker construction
Better quality
More sustainable
CONS Lead in times Lack of cost data Design freeze (no flexibility) Comes at a premium Valuations
How do you assess L&E claims?
Within 28 days of receipt Assess an entitlement to RM Assess the heads of claims Negotiate and Agree with Contractor Instruct
How do you assess EOT Claims?
Notice of extension by contractor citing R.E
12 weeks to assess
Assess overview of the facts
Agree and grant EOT
What considerations should be made when taking out a PCG?
If the Contractors Parent Company was to go insolvent, there would be no action for recourse for the client
How do you assess materials off site?
Listed in Contract
Quantify Insured In the Clients name (to avoid retention of title cls) Vesting certificate Ensure Contractor has paid the supplier Safely stored
What is IPMS 1 2 & 3?
Excludes: Temp Mezzanine
Excl: Temp Mezzanine
Measures to the IDF
Included balconies, internal walls, columns
What planning conditions were relevant to your project?
Section 106 S278 Works (improvement of roads) New build Cafe Employ local labour Section 73a (in event of redesign)
What were the costs above the clients budget?
Windows £300/m2 cheaper than expected
Ext Walls £200/m2 cheaper
Mansard roof not priced which is around £200/m2 more expensive
It seems a tight programme for the 2 stage tendering, given that you finished your S2 Cost Plan was finished at the end of January, could you let out the first stage in 6 weeks?
Utilising my clients framework, I sought to understand if the market believed this would be achievable. The general feedback is that it would have been achievable, however, I informed my clients on the risk that it would be a tight deadline and we’d seek to agree a Target Cost Plan that meets their £55m budget.
What is clients requirements under CDM Regs?
Issue F10
Appoint PD
Ensure safety considerations are made at all phases of the project
Provide an example of where you have assessed an EOT?
Ecology surveys were delayed by the client as a planning condition, lead to an EOT being granted to EW Contractor of 3 weeks
How are warranties affected using an enabling works contractor that is different to the main works contractor?
Write a novation agreement into the Main Works so Contractor takes responsibility
Ultimately, claim would end up back with the E.W Contractor
How could NIA:GIA be improved?
MEP build into suspended ceilings UF Heating Reduce commercial areas to make the most of NIA Efficient cores Bolt on balconies as opposed to inset Thinner partition walls
How can Wall:Floor be improved?
Less structural items, leads to thinner slabs, and a smaller wall area
MEP build into suspended ceilings or raised floors
No inset balconies
Lightweight materials
Reduce storey heights
What do you understand by the term VM?
Provide an example?
Establish early what value is for the client and managing that throughout the design stages
Porcelin tile specified for bathrooms on S/O scheme which didn’t represent value for money… advised that standard bathroom tiles be used
What is a defined provisional sum?
Means a sum of money set aside to carry out work that cannot be described and given in quantified items in accordance with the tabulated rules of measurement.
What is an undefined provisional sum?
Means a sum provided for work that is not completely designed, but for which the information required for a defined provisional sum cannot be provided
What are the risks using an LoI?
No incentive to enter into contract
Contractor loss of profit
Client retendering
What is not subject to retention?
- Loss and expense
- Fluctuation provisions.
- Insurance options.
Provide me a time you’ve dealt with a claim?
On the APF scheme, the client was responsible for completing ecology works as a planning condition, and works could not commence until these were carried out.
This result to a loss and expense claim and an EOT of 3 weeks due to the demo works not being able to commence.
Costs equated to time related prelims x 3 weeks.
How did you price the risk of covid and brexit into your risk contingency?
Steel prices increased by 50%, included all steel included in design x 50% E/O
Labour prices included by 10%
Increased prelims costs due to social distancing
Contractors pricing risk
Import tarrifs / Exchange Rate
Can you tell me about a variation you assessed on Blackwall Reach and how you put together the instruction?
Instruction -
Project, Date, Parties, Scope
Skim coat in lieu of tape and joint
Tiling from 50% to 100%
Bathroom mirrors introduced
Entrance gate & Transfer beam
What savings were made from VE with the CONTRACTOR?
Alternative acoustic layer on floors - £150k
PCG - £220k
Shelf angles (every other floor) - £150k
What were the savings were made from VE with the S3 COST PLAN?
50% Tiling to bathrooms - £200k
Porcelin tiles replaced - £200k
What were the extra costs in S3? £700k
Acoustic resilient layer £300k
Fridge Freezer £150k
Shelf angles £250k
What is included in a Performance Bond?
Contract Parties Bond value Conditional vs On Demand Timescales Liability
How did you price the risk of covid and brexit into your risk contingency?
Steel prices increased by 50%, included all steel included in design x 50% E/O
Labour prices included by 10%
Increased prelims costs due to social distancing
Contractors pricing risk
Import tarrifs / Exchange Rate
Different tendering strategy
What is included in the PCI?
The project. The site location Planning and management of the project. Health and safety hazards Fire plans Closest A&E Access routes
What changes did you price in your DD Tracker from the S2 > S3 design on QL?
Windows from 31dB to 34dB
Additional insulation to external terraces
Transfer beam
What were the risks included in your Tender Report?
Covid / Brexit Inflation Contamination upto 2m deep S278 Works Prov Sum Japanese Knotweed Compliance with Lift manufacturer
What assumptions and exclusions in your Cost Plan?
Assumed finishes
Base Date
Loose furniture to be placed by tenants
EXCLUSIONS Professional Fees VAT Stats FFE White goods
Name some PTQs you had on Tolworth?
Comments on amendments
Lovell didn’t include costs for PD
Saving for PCG in lieu of Performance Bond
Defined provisional sum for S278 works
What risks were specifically included on your RR?
Potential contamination - £500k JK - £100k S278 works - £200k Compliance w/windows - £300k Stats quotations (relocate substation & upgrade) - £250k Covid-19 Materials fluctuations Obstructions Asbestos
How did you recommend the procurement route on QL?
Looking at 4 key factors
Client requirements
Market appetite
Also, I used Maces internal Procurement Radar document, which, based weighting and scoring against criteria, it will provide the route best suited to those criteria
Can you give me an example on where you’ve managed value?
Porcelin tile specified for bathrooms on S/O scheme which didn’t represent value for money… advised that standard bathroom tiles be used
What needs to be in place to achieve PC?
H&S File
O&M Manual (As built, testing and commissioning)
BC Sign off
Making good defects
Name some Relevant Events?
Exceptionally adverse weather.
Civil commotion or terrorism.
Failure to provide information.
Delay on the part of a nominated sub-contractor.
Statutory undertaker’s work.
Delay in giving the contractor possession of the site.
Force majeure (such as a war or an epidemic).
Loss from a specified peril such as flood.
The supply of materials and goods by the client.
National strikes.
Changes in statutory requirements.
Delays in receiving permissions that the contractor has taken reasonable steps to avoid.
Name some Relevent Matters
Failure to give the contractor possession of the site
Failure to give the contractor access to the site
Delays in receiving instructions.
Opening up works or testing works
Failure by the client to supply goods or materials.
Instructions relating to variations and expenditure of provisional sums.
What are the risks of novation?
Contractor declines
Lose buildability input from Contractors design team