GORD Flashcards
What does GORD stand for?
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
What are some things that can cause GORD?
Hiatus hernia, smoking, alcohol, obesity, pregnancy
What oesophageal signs/symptoms might a patient experience?
Heartburn, belching, odynophagia
What is odynophagia?
Painful swallowing
What extra-oesophageal signs/symptoms might a patient experience?
Nocturnal asthma, chronic cough, laryngitis, sinusitis
What investigations can you do?
Endoscopy if red flags
What are some alarm symptoms?
Dysphagia, >55, weight loss, epigastric pain, treatment resistant dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting, anaemia, raised platelets
What could GORD be confused with?
What lifestyle changes would you advise?
Wt loss, smoking cessation, avoid alcohol, raise head when sleeping
What foods/drinks should people with GORD avoid?
Hot drinks, alcohol, citrus fruits, tomatoes, onions, fizzy, spice, caffeine, chocolate
What drugs can you prescribe?
PPI, H2 receptor antagonist
What is the aim of surgical treatment?
Increase resting lower oesophageal sphincter
What is the surgical operation to treat GORD?
Nissen fundoplication, fundus is wrapped around lower oesophagus
What are complications of GORD?
Barrett’s oesophagus, oesophagitis, oesophageal ulcers or strictures
What metaplasia occurs in Barrett’s oesophagus?
Stratified squamous epithelial cells change into simple columnar