Good2Know Flashcards
Excessive thirst and urination
Polydipsia and Polyuria
Low sodium in blood
Balances acid. It’s a byproduct of metabolism. Low levels in the blood are a sign of metabolic acidosis.
Bicarbonate / Alkali / Base / HCo3
Common germ (bacterium) that causes diarrhea and colitis. Symptoms: diarrhea, often with blood or pus, fever, fatigue, anemia, loss of appetite and weight loss
C. diff ( or C. difficile)
A condition that mimics stroke
Dystonic reaction
Late sign of dehydration
turgor (“ter ger”)
Produced in cases of long term stress. Epi and neroepi are more immediate while [blank] is longer term. consistently high of it over a long period of time, you can start to have health consequences: Anxiety, depression, or irritability. Bruises and purple stretch marks on your skin.
Patient lie supine and placing your hand just above the knee. Ask the patient to lift the right leg against resistance of your hand. This motion causes friction of the [blank] muscle over the inflamed [blank], causing pain.
Psoas (so es) test for appendicitis
Hardened stool that’s stuck in the rectum or lower colon due to chronic constipation. Sometimes just fluids can pass
The death of most or all of the cells in an organ or tissue due to disease, injury, or failure of the blood supply.
Necrosis (ne kro sis)
seatbelt marks on body
Ligature marks
Efficient production of energy
Aerobic metabolism
To the side. Away from the midline
Excessive hunger
Polyphagia (PALI fe jiya)
Lying on the side
Lateral recumbent position / recovery position
Muscle injury from overstretching or overexertion
Back of body/hand/foot
Persistent erection suggesting spinal injury
Priapism (pRAYA pism)
Bulging of the neck veins
Jugular vein distention (JVD)
High risk refusal by Dr. Stone
Chest pain, dyspnea, syncope/collapse, altered mental status, seizures, neurologic deficit, severe trauma, abdominal pain or severe pain elsewhere.
Inefficient energy production w/waste products
Anaerobic metabolism
Difficulty in communication
Aphasia (expressive or receptive)
Condition that mimics stroke, commonly affects half of face
Bells Paulsy
Fainting due to sudden distress or fear
Vasovagal syncope (vayso VAY gel)
Prolonged seizure or two or more convulsive seizures w/o regaining consciousness
Status epilepticus (epa LEP ti kes)
Posturing for low GCS
Decorticate (de KOR ti cate) - hands to CORE
Decerebrate (de SE re brate) - WORST - many e’s for hands and feet extended out
High BP w Low HR due to intra-cranial pressure
Cushing’s reflex (KOO shing)
Grating of fructured bones
Injury caused when blood vessels and nerves are constricted in tight space
Compartment syndrome
Fracture where the bone is broken in multiple places
Comminuted fracture (COM min uted)
Blood thinner meds
Anticoagulants (enti ko A gu lents)
A condition present at birth
Congenital disease
Membrane of inner eyelid. Light color is indicative of anemic patients
Conjunctiva (kun jing TAI va)
Injury causing blood to flow into pericardial sac
Cardiac tamponade (tem puh NAAD)
Forcing blood from right atrium to jugular veins, blood vessels near skin raputure
Traumatic asphyxia
Difference between systolic and diastolic pressure (normal is 40-60 mmHg)
Pulse pressure
Getting hit in middle of chest when heart is volnurable
Commotio Cordis (ko MOdio KOR dis)
Seizure affecting one part/side of brain vs one that affects both
Partial seizure
Generalized seizure
Pushing the brain through the foramen magnum due to increased ICP
Patient clutching (fist on) chest
Levine sign
Patients on Coumadin / warfarin regularly take a test that helps evaluate their ability to appropriately form blood clots. The International Normalized Ratio (INR) is the result
Prothrombin time (PT)
(prow thraam ben)