GOM Flashcards
When is a high speed rejected TO recommended? Not recommended?
Above 80 kts - Configuration warning, fire, engine failure, TR deployment, unstable or unsafe to fly
Not recommended for master caution, blown tire or nose gear vibration. Write up required if not for wildlife or ATC
What types of passengers are not allowed on flights?
Infants requiring incubators or less than one day old
UMs under 5 for online travel or 8 for interline travel
Pregnant and expecting within 7 days unless doctor’s note dated within 72 hours
Pax requiring life support
Pax who appear to be under the influence
Barefoot pax
Armed unless a LEO
Pax who cannot use seat - one extender allowed
Barefoot pax
Required aircraft documents
GOM, CFM, 2 normal checklists, two EPCs, QRH, MEL/CDL, de-ice cards, loading table, Ops Specs, jumpseat briefing cards, pax briefing card, FMS manual, EGPWS manual, TOLD cards, airworthiness cert and registration
Crew briefing - CLEARED AS
Crew present and introduced Loads, special pax Emergency/abnormal procedures Advisory - weather, delays, diversions Repairs, MEL Entry - flight deck/cabin entry Departure and arrival times, aircraft swaps Air conditioning card disconnected before closing door Security
Low time SIC limitations
Low time SIC has less than 100 hours in type.
PIC must make all the take offs and landings when:WXSVRBP
W indshear
X wind > 15kts
Slush snow or water on runway
Visibility is 3/4 or less on landing and 1sm for T/O
RVR 4000 or less on landing or Less than 5000 for takeoff.
Braking action less than good
PIC determination
Exemption 5560
Lost airman certificate: Contact the FAA! If you don’t have enough time to get an FAA facsimile, contact crew tracking. Supervisor and and another crew member or gate agent who can verify your identity. Crew tracking supervisor will fax or email a facsimile “Mesa Airlines Temporary Airman Certificate Letter” valid for 7 days. You gotta request a new cert from FAA. Gov within 72 hours! When you get your facsimile, you gotta give Mesa a copy within 24 hours.
Currency requirements
- AQP (Advanced qualifications program) one online ground school every six months.
- Sim proficiency check and LOFT event and ground school within a year (Captain and FO)
- Captain line check every 12 months.
- Current medical
- 3 take offs and landings type aircraft past 90 days
High mins captain limitations
High mins captain has less than 100 hours in type.
Must add 100’ and 1/2 sm visibility to approach. (Or lowest 4500 RVR).
They CAN takeoff with lower than standard minimums, 555…
Limitation not applicable to alternate but can be no lower than 300/1
Flight kit requirements
Airman Certificate Medical Certificate FCC Restricted Radio Operating Permit Mesa Airlines, Inc. ID Card Jeppesen Inflight publications Passport Pen Log book
What time is an MEL write up based on?
PHX time
How is a write up properly deferred or cleared?
Gotta write it up and make a sticky placard (Form M011). The corrective action block on the AML will have a statement similar to “continued operations per (MEL/CDL/NEF #) transcribed to the MEL/CDL Placard.”
mechanics will clear the discrepancy by fixing the problem then filling out and signing the MEL corrective action using their signature and employee number. Contract or on-call mechanics will use their signature and A&P certificate number or Repair Station Certificate number.
Refueling with passengers on board?
- Main exit must remain open.
- FA must be at station
- Fire Extinguisher must be available
- Engines off
- APU may not be turned on or off. No electrical changes
: If fuel spill, must Evacuate…
When is a release void?
- Originating airport = two hours from Time Of Departure
- Return to gate
- Intermediate airport = one hour from Time Of Departure
- If there is something that might significantly change performance data. (MEL a PACK, Increase in Winds…)
What items are required on a dispatch release?
- Aircraft #
- Flight #
- Dept, intermediate, destination and alternate
- Type of ops IFR/VFR
- Planned fuel, Min fuel
- MEL, CDL or NEF items
- Weather and copy of NOTAMS must be attached
How much fuel is required on a Part 121 flight?
(1) Fly to the airport to which it is dispatched.
(2) Thereafter, fly to and land at the most distant alternate airport (where required) for the airport to which dispatched.
(3) Thereafter, fly for 45 minutes at normal cruise fuel consumption.
When must a takeoff alternate be filed?
If Visibility at time of departure is below the lowest CAT 1 landing minimums for runway in use. Basically if you can’t come back and land…
How far can a takeoff alternate be from the origin?
Must be within one hour from departure airport, at normal cruise speed with one engine inoperative.
How are alternate minimums derived? (one nav, two nav)
For An airport with at least one navigational facility providing a straight in non- precision or straight-in precision approach procedure,
ADD 400’ to the lowest ceiling and 1 SM to the minimum visibility.
ADD 200’ to ceiling and 1/2 SM to the higher of the two lowest approaches, if the airport has two navigation facilities, each straight in, precision to two different runways.
What is exemption 3585?
Allows a 121 flight to be dispatched to an airport when conditional phrases in the TAF are below Approach Minimums. Conditional phrases are: Becoming, Prob, Tempo.
Must list one additional alternate on release when destination and alternate indicate below minimums (lowest vis 1/2 below)
When must PIC declare min fuel?
Any time flight will land with 45 minutes of fuel or less with further delays possible
When must PIC declare a fuel emergency?
When necessary to proceed directly to intended airport or any time fuel is below 30 minutes
Can a Mesa flight depart from an unlisted airport with pax?
Yes, if facilities are adequate, plane is released under same rules and TO mins are met
How long can MEL items be deferred?
Cat A: Specified on MEL
Cat B: 3 days
Cat C: 10 days
Cat D: 120 days
Cat M: Non-airworthiness (specific to item)
Cat B and C can be extended 3 and 10 days
What do you need to land?
Required flight vis
Continually in a position to land using normal maneuvers with touchdown in zone
One of: threshold, threshold markings, threshold lights, runaway, runway markings, runwaylights, REIL, VASI (ALS to descend to 100 HAT)
Which manuals should be available on the iPad?
GOM CFM Ops Specs Carry-on baggage program FMS guide EGPWS guide
Standard holding speeds
MHA - 6,000: 200, 1 min legs
6,001 - 14,000: 230, 1 min legs
14,001 and above: 265, 1.5 min legs
Reduce airspeed within 3 minutes of holding fix
How much dry ice can be carried aboard an aircraft?
Ventilated package containing no more than 5.5 lbs
No more than 220 lbs per aircraft and must be marked as cooled
What hazardous materials may be carried?
Fuel in approved tank installation
Oil in manufacturers sealed container
Ammo: 11lbs per person and 110 total per aircraft
Non-radioactive medicinal and toiletries
Wheelchairs with spillable batteries may be carried with batt installed if upright and disconnected with terminals insulated
If removed battery stored with terminals insulated