Goljan 25 - Skin Disorders Flashcards
white Koplick spots on buccal mucosa
Rubeola (measles)
red Forcheimer spots on soft and hard palate
“slapped face” appearance
Erythema infectiosum
Maculopapular rash that blanches with pressure
Roseola infantum (HHV6)
Honey-colored crusts over an erythematous base
Impetigo Mostly staph aureus some strep pyogenes
Scalded child syndrome is caused by:
staph aureus exfoliatin toxin
Hypopigmented macules are an early finding of:
Tuberculoid leprosy mycobacterium leprae granulomas present positive lepromin test
Nodular lesions on the face giving a patient leonine facies characterizes:
Lepromatous leprosy mycobacterium leprae no granulomas present negative lepromin test
Annular lesions with erythematous margins
tinea corporis
Linear array of suppurating subcutaneous nodules
lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis
Facial hyperpigmentation in a pregnant woman
Oval, uniformly pigmented macular lesion
Junctional nevus
Pigmented skin with slightly papillomatous appearing surface
Compound nevus
Raised and pigmented lesion with papillomatous appearing surface.
Intradermal nevus
Numerous pigmented lesions
Dysplastic nervus syndrome
Irregular border and dark red nodular mass at the center of the lesion
Nodular melanoma
Numerous raised, pigmented lesions with a verrucoid surface.
Seborrheic keratosis
Crateriform tumor with a central keratin plug
Pearly gray-white hyperkeratoic lesion
Actinic (solar) keratosis
Does basal cell carcinoma metastasize?
No common location is the nose
Erythematous scaling rash thickening of skin possible (lichenification)
Atopic dermatitis
Tense bullae
Bullous pemphigoid
Flat-topped violaceous papules
Lichen planus
Salmon-colored plaques covered by white to silver colored scales; Nail pitting
Target lesions with three zones of color
erythema mutiformae
Raised, erythematous nodular lesions; often on anterior shins; commonly associated with coccidiomycosis
Erythema nodosum
Erythematous, annular plaque
Granuloma annulare
Red, papular lesions
Cherry angioma
Pustules and papules over erythematous base
Acne rosacea
Yellow-white papules and pustules surrounding an erythematous flare newborns
Erythema toxicum
White papules - superficial epidermal inclusion cysts newborns
Erythematous maculopapular rash pinpoint clear vesicles on the skin newborns
Area of black discoloration newborns
Mongolian spot