Gognitive social emotional dev. - Glaros Flashcards
is prenatal learning something that exists?
yes, playing a story in the womb, they show signs of familiarity to the same stroy after birth
when does object permanence occur?
1-4 months of age
who came up with the idea of object permanence?
Piaget ,, KNOW THIS
when does the idea of more/less, a numerical ideation come about?
from age 4-8 months
when does a child have the ability to search for a hidden object ( A-B search), or solve a simple problem by analogy?
age 8-12 months
when dpes modeling occur?
8-12 months
when does a child knwo the intentions of what they are trying to imitate?
18 months to 2 years
are IQ tests of infants and toddlers using perceptual and motor responses an accurate predictor of later intellignece?
wat is a better indicator of later intelligence in toddlers and infants?
speed of habituation and recovery to visual stimuli
what are the ideal conditions that lead to the better early mental test scores?
ORGANIZED, stimulating home environment and parental encouragement, involvement, and affection
what is the bigest factor in mental development?
family living conditions
what aer the different noises that a baby makes,and the associated ages?
2 months- cooing
6 months- babbling
7-12 months- understand word meanings
12 months- first words
what are some ways that you can improve early language development?
respond to the infants coos and babbles, play turn taking games, acknowledge infants preverbal gestures, use child directed speech
who shows faster language progress?
girls, and in both, comprehension is always ahead of production
when does social smile appear?
6-10 weeks, laughter is at 3-4 months
when is separation anxiety occur/
6-12 months, this is a sign of emotional attachment
a child sees their father accept a huge dog sprinting at them, and thus learns that it is ok, and the dog is not going to hurt them, this is known as social referencing, how old is the child?
8-10 months
when do reciprocal relationships start to occur?
18-24 months