Gods Revelation 7 Flashcards
List the three qualities of a good teacher that Jesus possessed.
Passion for his mission
Love for his listeners
Creative means of sharing his mission
True or false? Jesus visit to the synagogue in Nazareth is a good example of how some people reacted negatively to Jesus.
What comment did Jesus make that incited the crowd?
Today the passage is fulfilled
What type of messiah was Jesus?
He was a humble one
Summarize the three ways that Jesus connected with his listeners.
Jesus was genuine
Jesus was available
Jesus used every day language
Summarize five successful teaching techniques that Jesus employed.
Challenged his listeners Used metaphors Appealed to the senses He used his body He used amen
__________________ was a region north of Judea and Samaria with a mostly _____________ population. Both the Apostles and Jesus were natives of this area and grew up in ___________________ about an hours walk from Galilee’s largest and important city, _____________________. The land was ____________ and supported ______________ and Shepards.
Galilee Jewish Nazareth Sephoris Fertile Farmers
True or false? Cana, Capernaum, and Jerusalem were all in the region of Galilee
The ___________________ were decedents of the northern kingdom of ___________________ and the lived in the region of ______________. Tensions were high between the ________ and Samaritans because the Judeans had destroyed the samariatin ____________ on Mount Gerizum. Consequently, Galelians would avoid Samaria when going on _______________ to Judea.
Samaritans Israel Galilee Jews Temple Pilgrimages
True or false? Jesus did not allow his Apostles to preach to Samariatians?
_______________ was the southern most region and most of its inhabitants were descended from Jews who returned the _________________________. ______________________ was the regions main city serving as Judea’s ___________, political, and economic center. Most importantly, the _________________ was located there.
Judea Babylonian exile Jerusalem Religious Temple
True or false? Bethlehem, Nazareth, and Jericho were all located in Judea.
What is the kingdom of God?
It’s the active presence of God’s love and salvation
True or false? Jesus often explained the kingdom of God with the parables.
Why was the use of the parables a brilliant way to teach about God’s kingdom?
They told about the truths in an exaggerated way.
What is the message of the parable of Lazarus and the rich man?
Do not oppress the poor.
What is the urgent message of the pearl of great price?
Be wise with your decisions
List the six themes of the parables in the gospels?
Forgiveness Love Charity Wisdom Kindness Patience
What do the three parables found in Luke collectively teach about sinners?
They will repent
True or false? Those who criticized Jesus for associating with outcast believed that doing so indicates that one is also evil.
What is the clear teaching of the parable of the lost sheep?
To be patient with God.
What does the parable of the lost coin reveal about God?
He will always be there
True or false? In the parable of the prodigal son, the fathers generous extended to both the younger son and the older son.
In the parable of the workers in the ______________, Jesus taught that God does not __________________ people the way humans do. These show the _________________ ways that God saves: he does not only reward those who __________________ and listen early on, he also rewards those who take longer to come to him. God _______________all people in his time, not ours.
Vineyard Love Amazing Repent Understood
What does the parable of the Two Foundations teach about repentance?
It will always be useful.
In the parable of the Two Sons, explain who each son repents.
The first one repents to his hurt friends. The second one to his father
According to the parable of the Last Judgement, what criteria will Christ use to judge the saved from the lost?
The acts of kindness
True or false? In the sermon on the mount, the gospel of Mathew shows Jesus as the new lawgiver and the new Adam.
Briefly explain what it means for Christians to be salt and light of the world.
To make new the earth
What are the beatitudes?
They are a list of teachings.
True or false? Jesus emphasized that external observance of the law is enough.
Why did Jesus say that his deciples should not need to take oaths?
They are faithful
Why did the eye for an eye command exist in the ancient world?
It was a common saying
True or false? Jesus said that we should trust God and not worry because God will lead us and provide us with everything we need.
Jesus did not ____________________ of those who thought they were morally ____________________ to others and told us not to judge others. Just as God will __________ you as you forgive others, so he will judge you as you _____________ others. He taught the _____________: “Do to others what you want them to do to _________.”
Shame Just Forgive Judge Golden rule Do to you
Why was it hypocritical for the deciples to produce a Roman coin?
They did not like the romans
True or false? The parables were simple clear stories drawn from ordinary life that compare unfamiliar things to familiar truths, usually about some aspect of Gods kingdom.
True or false? The parable of the mustard seed teaches that to receive the word of God successfully you must have a receptive heart while the parable of the sower teaches that God’s Kingdom may have modest beginnings, but will grow.
the parables of the __________________ among the wheat, the hidden _________________, and the Rich ___________ teach people to rejoice that the kingdom of God will ________________ in the end. Jesus assured his listeners that ___________ would triumph even through ____________ would be encountered along the way, that you should stake everything you own and your very ______________ on Jesus, and not to delay because _________________ may be too late
The sermon on the mount is _______________ teaching on how to fulfill your desire for ____________ and achieve your life goal: The ______________________. The beatitudes teach how to love God and others in __________________ of Christ, and complete the __________________ that God made to ____________________.
Moral Happiness Kingdom of God Imitation Promises Abraham
True or false? Jesus said that he did not come to fulfill the law and the prophets but to abolish them.
True or false? Regarding the fifth Commandment, Jesus extended killing to include anger instead that if you have any enemies reconcile with them before entering God in worship.
True or false? In regards to the third commandment, Jesus extended the probation of adultery to include lust and taught people to be faithful in marriage and that he forbade lawful married couples to divorce.
What are two of the most difficult saying in the sermon on the mount.
Love your enemies, love your betrayers
Having good ______________ is essential for moral living and he instructed his followers to examine their ________________ when they performed ____________ works. He _______________ doing good deeds in order that others might ______________ you. He emphasized this by contrasting the way that ___________ perform good works with the way his _______________ should preform them.
Morals Conscience Righteous Loved Follow You Apostles