Exam Material Ist Semester Flashcards
What is an atheist?
Someone who does not believe that God exists
What does monotheistic mean?
Believing in one God
What does polytheistic mean?
Believing in multiple gods
What does deism mean?
Belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe.
What is a secular humanist?
Someone who believes religion should stay out of peoples every day life.
What is an agnostic?
A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God.
What is a doctor of the Church?
Someone very important in teaching the ways of Jesus.
What is a revelation?
Gods truth
What is salvation history?
The truths of the Church handed down.
What is a covenant?
An agreement between God and his people
What is the Bible?
It is Gods sacred word
What is the dogma?
A principle or set of principles laid down by an authority
What does omnipresent mean?
Being always present
What does omnipotence mean?
Always listening
What did the early followers call God?
What is sacred tradition?
The practices of the Church
Who is the Blessed Trinity?
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
What does abba mean?
What is Devine Providence mean?
Traditional theism holds that God is the creator of heaven and earth, and that all that occurs in the universe takes place.
What is original sin?
The sin we are born with from The Fall of Adam and Eve
What is original Holiness?
The Holiness that Adam and Eve were made with
What does concupinsense mean?
What is the Gospel?
The good news given by God
What was the incarnation?
God becoming man
Who is Jesus?
The savior
Who is Christ?
What is salvation?
The forgiveness that God gives us?
Who is the Lord?
Who were the Apostles?
They were the special twelve deciples that Jesus choose to preach the word of God?
What is Blasphemy?
An offense against God
What is a parable?
A story Jesus told
Who are evangelist?
They are people who intensely preach the word of God
What is Catechesis?
Religion instruction given to a person in preparation for Christian baptism or confirmation
What is a mystery?
A thing that is unknown
What is the epiphany?
The revelation of God
What is Virgin Birth?
The belief that Jesus was conceived in the womb of his mother Mary through the Holy Spirit without the agency of a human father and born while Mary was still a virgin.
What is the Pascal Mystery?
One of the central concepts of Catholic faith relating to the history of salvation. Its main subject is the passion, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
What is the Kingdom of God?
What is ransom?
A reward for capturing someone
What is Parousia?
another term for Second Coming.
What is Pentacost?
The coming of the Holy Spirit
What is a heresy?
A belief
What is religion?
A form of communication between God and his people
What does Devine mean?
God like
What is the Old Testament?
The history of the first chosen people
What is secularism?
The belief that religion should stay out of peoples lives
What is Natural Revelation
God naturally revealing himself naturally
What is the Bible?
God word as a book
What is a doctor of the Church?
Someone who deeply studies the scripture
What is Devine Revelation?
God showing himself through Jesus
What is Idolatry?
The worshiping of false gods
What is the Resurrection
The rising of Jesus from the dead
What si the incarnation
God becoming man
What is theology
The studying of God
What is an apostle?
Someone who teaches the word of God
What is the Deposit of faith
Us putting all of our faith in God
What is Scared Scripture
The word of God
What is the New Testament?
The story of Jesus
Who is a Bishop
Someone who looks out for a specific city
What is the magisterium
The council of bishops
What is faith
Our trust in God
How is the Bible relevant in today’s world?
The Bible is full of insight into the human condition that is just as true today as when it was written. See Proverbs. The accuracy of the Bible. The Bible isn’t a dictatorship
Does God speak directly through the Bible?
What is meant by Biblical Insparation?
God inspired the authors of the Bible
How is the Bible relevant today?
The Bible is full of insight into the human condition that is just as true today as when it was written.
Dose God speak to us directly through the Bible?
What is meant by Biblical Inspiration?
It means that God inspired the writers of the books in the Bible to write down what he said.
How is the Bible different from a science, history, or math book?
The Bible is not meant to take literally.
Is the Bible dictation from God?
Does the Catholic Church teach us that God dictated the Bible?
Did God inspire the authors of the Bible as the wrote, collected, and edited the Biblical Books?
Did God respect the freedom of authors of the Bible?
What does it mean to say the Bible is Inerrant?
It is without error
Who is the ultimate author of the Bible?
Which person of the trinity inspired the authors of the Bible?
God the Father
Are all Bibles the same?
Why are there so many bibles?
There are different languages and types of bibles (Catholic, Protestant etc).
What is the vulgate?
It is a late-4th-century Latin translation of the Bible that became the Catholic Church’s officially promulgated Latin version of the Bible during the 16th century.
Who created the vulgate?
St. Jerome
What does the word canon mean?
A general law
Through what did the Church discern which books did and did not belong in the Bible?
The Bishop
What are the seven Greek books that are not present in the Protestant Bible?
Tobith, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Burach, and Maccabees 1 and 2
What does the word dueuteromical mean?
What does Apochryapha mean?
Why do Catholic Bibles have more books tha Protestant?
There are seven extra in Catholic
What were the Dead Sea scrolls?
Old copies of books from the Bible
Where were they found?
In a cave by the Dead Sea
When where they found?
In 1942
What type of audience, a translation of the Bible have to do with a translation?
How many books are in the catholic Old Testament?
How many books are in the New Testament?
What is the Septuigent?
It is a Greek translation of a Hebraic textual tradition that included certain texts which were later included in the canonical Hebrew Bible and other related texts which were not.
What was the Second Vatican Council?
A conference of Bishops from around the world that formed in 1962 and ended in 1965
When did it take place?
What does Dei Verbum mean in English?
Dei verbum, the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation.
What is Exegesis?
Crotical explanation or interpretation of a text.
What are the questions Exegesis asks?
If person arrives at a reasonable and coherent sense of the meaning and message of a biblical passage. A good exegete has learned what questions to ask of a text in order to arrive at this sense and how to find the answers?
What does literary Genera mean?
It is a category of literary composition.
What does the term literal sense mean as it concerns the study of sacred scripture?
It means that everything that happened in the Bible did happen but over time it was exaggerated.
What does it mean to interpret the Bible literalistically?
To not interpret as every little detail happened as it is explained
What is Bibilical Fundamentalism?
It is people that believe that if YOU don’t believe everything in the Bible that you will go to hell
What was the ark of the covenant?
It was a gold box that the early Christians kept the Ten Commandments in
When was it built?
Back in the early days of the chosen people
What do scholars think happened to the Ark?
People melted it for its Gold
What is a scribe?
A person who wrote down laws and important things
How many sources do scholars think Luke used when writing the gospel of Luke?
From what other gospel did Luke get some of his stories about Jesus?
What is the oldest gospel?
What is redaction criticism?
It is a critical method for the study of biblical texts.
What is the focus of redaction criticism?
To study biblical texts.
How far back does the gospel of Luke go back when it traces the lineage of Jesus?
All the way back to Jesse
What is an evangelist?
Someone who writes about Jesus
Who were the four evangelist?
What is a gentile?
A non Jewish person
How far back does the gospel of Mathew trace the lineage of Jesus?
What is religious truths?
Historically accurate parts of the Bible
What does the Bible record?
Gods word
Why does it record it?
So we can understand God more
What is the main responsibility for the magisterium concerning the interpretation of sacred scripture?
To decide which books go in the Bible
Why does the Church welcome scientific research?
The church does not scold scientific evidence about the Bible
When we interpret sacred scripture, whose guidance?
How is literal sense achieved?
By reading the Bible
Who did Jesus I trust the sacraments to?
What is liturgy of the hours?
The reading of scripture
Does God speak directly to you in sacred scripture?
What does Genesis 1:27 say?
God created man in his image, in the Devine image lord you created him, male and female you created them
At the outset of what, Pope John Paul II set out on a monumental task?
Over the course of 5 years Pope John Paul II did what?
Presented Theology of the body
With this starting point the Holy Father offers what abound a persons sexuality?
When Jesus is asked about divorce what story does he refer to?
The fall
Who does not exist in a state of solitude?
What is the Bible?
A story of marriage
Why is it not good for us to be alone?
We were created in the image of God
What is God’s plan for sexuality?
To mirror his love for the World
As long as Adam and Eve loved as God loves what will happen?
They will be free
Sin caused man to do what?
Instead of giving of himself, to pleasuring himself
What is Christian Purity?
The ability to see the naked body in the way God designed it
What is a foretaste of union with God?
Sexual union