Chapter 6 Flashcards
The word gospel means “__________” and the life of Jesus Christ is the best news the ________ has ever heard. The four Gospels are the primary ___________ of information about Jesus and because ________ of the four Gospels are so closely related scholars call them the _________ Gospels: Matthew, _________ and Luke.
Good News World Sources Three Synoptic Mark
What does source criticism reveal about the authors of the synoptic Gospels?
They used each other’s sources to share information
True or False: Mark’s Gospel is considerably longer than either Matthew or Luke.
True or False: Matthew and Mark follow the general outline of Luke’s Gospel in reporting the events of Jesus’ life.
What does the Gospel of Matthew emphasis?
The fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies
Which Gospel did biblical scholars consider the oldest of the four? When was it likely written?
67 AD to 70 AD
What three sources were used by Matthew and Luke?
- Mark
- Q
- Their own work
True or False: The Q source was likely a collection of Jesus’ sayings that came to Matthew and Luke in either a written or oral form.
Mark’s Gospel begins with _________ announcing the Advent of the _______. Only Matthew and Luke focus on the events surrounding Jesus’ ________. There are similarities between their ________ accounts such as the virginity of Mary, the birth in ________, and Jesus’s discordance from King ______.
John the Baptist Messiah Birth Intimacy Bethlehem Herod
True or False: From the beginning one can see that Jesus come to minister to humble people and this is foreshadowed in the infancy narratives of Matthew and Luke.
Why were shepherds looked down upon by pious Jews?
They were not considered part of the faith
Jesus’ ________ marked him as a member of the ________ of the Chosen People and Mary and Joseph raised him according to the _______. They also followed tradition when they _________ the firstborn son to God in the ________. Here, Simeon and Anna recognized him as the __________.
Circumcision Covenant Jewish law Present Temple Son of God
What does the feast of the Epiphany commemorate?
God becoming man
What does King Herod’s slaughter of the children indicate about the life of Jesus?
The forces of evil were gathering against Jegus
True or False: The “hidden years” refers to the fact that the Gospels share no stories about Jesus between his return to Nazareth as a toddler and his adulthood.
What connection does the author draw between Jesus and Adam?
Notice how Jesus submission to his mother and foster father contrast sharply with Adams disobedience to God in the garden
All synoptic Gospels agree that Jesus’ ________ ministry began with his baptism by ________, Jesus’ cousin. He was the prophet foretold by ______ who would be sent to announce the coming of the ______. John called the people to ________ for the repentance of their sins and told them someone _______ than he would come after him.
Public John the Baptist Isaiah Messiah Baptism Greater
True or False: Although Jesus did not need Baptism, his willingness to receive it emphasized both his humility and his acceptance of the Father’s mission to save people from their sins.
Explain the connection between Jesus’ time in the desert and the Chosen People.
Jesus was forty days and faithful the Israelites were forty years and unfaithful
True or False: The Church recalled the forty day of Jesus’ trial in the desert during the season of Advent.
How did Jesus’ response to temptation differ from Adam and Eve? Explain.
Jesus did not break
Jesus began to call and attract ________ following his temptations in the desert, some of who would become his _________. He had many disciples, including ________ whose presence would have been _______. Some of these women helped him financially, ________ with him, supplied meals and lodging, witnessed his Crucifixion, and visited his _________ on Easter Sunday.
Deciples Apostles women Unusual Travel Tomb
Explain the significance of Jesus’ selection of Twelve Apostles.
The lost tribes
What are two ways that Jesus’ relationship to his Apostles differed from a typical relationship between students and their rabbis?
- Jesus taught
2. Jesus chose
True or False: Jesus gave Peter and his successors the authority to govern the Church with the assistance of their successors, the priests.
According to the Gospel of Mark, how does Jesus summarize his message?
This is the time of fallfilment. The kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel
“The ________ is at hand” means, among other things, that God’s __________ had come to his people and humans will _______ God’s word. “_________” means to turn away from _______ and toward God. “Believe in the Gospel” means that _________ is the Good News, the Gospel, and the __________ of God the Father.
Kingdom Rule Obey Repent Sin Jesus Revelation
At his ________, Jesus gave his Apostles a quick vision of the Kingdom of God when Jesus is revealed in his _________ before Peter, James, and John. Jesus appears with _______ and Elijah - whose presence recalled the ______ given through Moses, and the ________ through ______ who announced the coming of the ________.
Transfiguration Devine glory Moses Law Prophets Elijah Messiah
What is the Pascal Mystery?
This mystery of Gods infinite love revealed that Jesus Christ is the way to salvation through all ages. Jesus passion, death, and resurrection and glorious ascension
Explain the truth that is taught in each of the four Gospels.
All four Gospels teach you this truth. Jesus the Christ the son of God, has risen from the dead. Reality is different than it was before. Believe this good news, accept the lord and the Holy Spirit into your lives.
The early _________ believed that the author of the Gospel of Mark was ______, a disciple of Peter whose writing included themes of Peter’s _________. The Gospel presents a vivid, human, and down-to-earth _______ of Jesus and highlights Jesus’ _____ more than his words. He wrote for a ________ audience that was undergoing ____________.
Church John Mark Preaching Portrait Deeds Gentile Purcicution
What is the central theme in the Gospel of Mark? What did Mark emphasize theologically?
Following Jesus often means suffering as Jesus did. Theologically Mark emphasized Jesus’ role as suffering messiah for Christians to imitate
True or False: Mark stressed Jesus’ divinity throughout his Gospel, even though the view of Jesus is more blunt when compared to the other Evangelists.
What three titles for Jesus are used in the passage from Mark 8:27-34? Summarize the meaning for each.
- Christos meaning anointed one.
- Son of Man, he would suffer and die for his people.
- Suffering servant
Peter had difficulty with the understanding of the Messiah as the “_________” and it was not until the Resurrection and __________ of Jesus that the early Church would begin to understand that Jesus’ way was that of the ________. Mark wants us to see that ________ our suffering for and with the Lord leads to ________ and participation in the Resurrection.
Suffering servant Ascension Cross Offering Salvation
Matthew emphasizes the link between _______ and Christianity and he portrays Jesus as the _______. Moses made the ______ on behalf of the Chosen People and Jesus made a New Covenant with ______ people; Moses presented the Ten Commandments from a _______ and Jesus’ primary moral teaching is the __________; Jesus’ five sermons parallel the five books of the ________.
Judaism Son of God Sinai covenant Everyone Mountain Sermon on the mount Pentateuch
True or False: The Gospel of Matthew emphasizes to both Jewish-Christian readers as well as new Gentile converts, that Jesus Christ is the Messiah foretold in the Old Testament.
What other connections foes Matthew draw between Judaism and Jesus?
The gospel quotes many Old Testament prophecies to proclaim Jesus’ identity as the promised messiah. Mathew uses the title son of man or David a Jewish title more than any evangelist. His gospel attempts to show that Jesus fulfilled all of Gods promises to the chosen people
The author of the Gospel of Luke was a _______ Christian who also wrote the __________ and Irenaeus believed him to be a _______ and traveling companion of St. ____________. Acts tells of the Apostles’ journey which began in _________on Pentecost and their mission to take the _______ of Jesus Christ to the end of the ______.
Gentile Acts of the Apostles Doctor Paul Jerusalem Message World
Explain how Jerusalem serves as a symbol in Luke’s narrative.
He featured the city of Jerusalem as an important symbol in both of his works. The gospel emphasized that the messahsanic age began in Jerusalem and that the second part of Jesus ministry centers on his journey.
What two major themes are highlighted throughout Luke’s writings?
- Jesus is a universal savior.
2. The gospel is truly good news
Mathew mark Luke
Synoptic Gospels
All powerful
The story of Jesus birth in Jerusalem
The savior
Ancient priest
The feast that celebrates the mystery of Christ manifestation
God is with us
The mystery of when Jesus Moses and Elijah appeared
Christ work of redemption
Pascal mystery